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Böcker av evic

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  • - Emotions, Citizenship, Home and Belonging in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    av Aida Ibri&#269 & evic

    This open access book creates conceptual links between political emotions, citizenship, home and belonging. The book describes that, in the case of decided return and reintegration to a post-conflict society and a fragmented state, like Bosnia and Herzegovina, the returnees do not conceptualize the emotional dimension of their BiH citizenship as home and belonging as this citizenship does not make them feel safe and secure. Instead, ¿feeling at home¿ is found in family, place and time, while belonging is categorized as ethnic, religious, relational, landscape, linguistic, and economic. The emotional dimension of the home state citizenship is constituted through a wide spectrum of emotions, ranging from anger, frustration, fear, guilt, shame, disappointment, nostalgia, powerlessness, to patriotic love, pride, defiance, joy, happiness and hope. This book provides a valuable resource to students and scholars of migration and diaspora studies, as well as political scientists, human geographers and anthropologists.

  • - Decoding Masculinity
    av evic, Aleksandar &#272 & or&#273

    In the profound narrative of "Man.exe," the author embarks on an enlightening exploration of masculinity, tracing the intricate journey from birth to the realization of manhood and emphasizing the crucial distinction between being born male and embracing one's masculinity through life experiences. The concept of "Man.exe" delves into the genetic predisposition to greatness in men, highlighting the profound impact of individual choices on the development of manhood. As the narrative extends into "The Great Reset," a powerful advocacy emerges for a return to the natural source code of individuality, fostering a society that thrives on authenticity. The transformative journey urges men to be stoic, interpret reality accurately, and manipulate it to align with their interests, all while acknowledging the impulsive nature of human actions. Exploring the dynamics between Men and Women, societal expectations surrounding marriage are challenged. The chapters "Entering Marriage, a Value Test" and "Man and Fidelity" unravel misconceptions about men's behavior in relationships. The book weaves together insights on masculinity, societal expectations, and the delicate interplay between nature and nurture in shaping manhood, challenging the avoidance of emotional discomfort, and urging strategic battles for building resilience. Addressing the intricacies of Mental Health of Men, the book challenges conventional labels of depression, reflecting on encounters with anxiety and depression. It explores the significance of money, prompting introspection on perceptions and feelings toward it, challenging traditional notions, and providing profound insight into the Art of accumulation of Power, wealth, and money. The eternal question of motivation is contemplated in the age-old query "Struggle or to Struggle?" emphasizing the inherent discomfort in both choices. The book delves into the transformative process from childbirth, challenging romanticized views of success and highlighting the pivotal role of individual choices and experiences in shaping personalities. In the final passages, the author imparts invaluable wisdom to fathers, emphasizing the importance of allowing children to make mistakes and understanding the significance of their endeavors. The text advocates for a return to a natural environment, discouraging reliance on technological substitutes, and highlights the unique needs of both female and male children. Encouraging engagement in traditionally male activities, building physical health, instilling family values, and introducing practical skills are underscored as essential elements in shaping a strong and responsible man. The narrative concludes by touching on the author's commitment to living with purpose and the acknowledgment of past traumas as integral to personal growth and the shaping of one's identity. "Man.exe" stands as a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of masculinity, offering profound insights into personal development, family dynamics, and the pursuit of a purposeful life.

  • - the untold story
    av evic & Vlado Radi&#269

    The fully detailed Croatian biography of the basketball legend Drazen Petrovic with thorough insight into his celebrated international career on the both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. An in-depth career retrospective of the 'Michael Jordan of Europe' with numerous untold details, unseen photos, and stories, both on and off the court, with countless testimonies from basketball legends from all over the world set a high benchmark and solid reference point for all subsequent works about the legendary Captain.

  • av evic & Ana Bozi&269
    178 - 339

  • av evic & Milos Vuk&#269
    1 379,-

  • - Enhancing Personal Methodologies
    av evic & Ervin Kova&#269

  • av Stjepan Petri&#269 & evic

    Ova zbirka pjesama predstavlja emotivni kolä razmi¿ljanja, osje¿aja i strahova mladog ¿ovjeka, koji se, uslijed nepredvi¿enih okolnosti, näao primoran rano napustiti sigurnost svoga doma i suo¿iti se sa ¿ivotom na svoju ruku. Svaka pjesma u ovoj zbirci otkriva jedinstveno iskustvo i pru¿a duboko osobni uvid u njegovo putovanje. Udaljavanje od poznatog i suo¿avanje s neizvjesno¿¿u ¿ivota na svoju ruku postaje sredi¿nja tema ove pjesmarice.Unato¿ tome ¿to je mlad, nä protagonist mora brzo odrasti, svesti na minimum svoje nevinosti i suo¿iti se s krutim realnostima ¿ivota. Iz tih se iskustava räaju pjesme koje su istovremeno i dirljive i snäne. One otkrivaju svijet u kojem se mladi ¿ovjek osje¿a izgubljeno, ali istovremeno pronalazi snagu u vlastitom pre¿ivljavanju. Njegova je poezija zasnovana na stvarnosti, snäno ukorijenjena u svakodnevnom ¿ivotu, ali i u duboko emotivnim trenucima straha, tuge, radosti i nade.Svakodnevne borbe mladog ¿ovjeka, bilo da se radi o emocionalnim izazovima, tjeskobi zbog neizvjesnosti ili osje¿aju samo¿e, pretvorene su u stihove. Ove pjesme nude svje¿e, sirovo i autenti¿no gledi¿te na svijet, pru¿aju¿i nam priliku da do¿ivimo ¿ivot kroz njegove o¿i. Ova zbirka pjesama donosi znäajan doprinos knji¿evnosti jer pokazuje kako se mladi ¿ovjek nosi s kompleksnostima ¿ivota, ponekad na näine koji su izvan granica o¿ekivanog.Posebnost ove zbirke pjesama je i u tome ¿to nam pru¿a uvid u intenzivnu unutarnju borbu jednog mladog ¿ovjeka koji je prisiljen preuzeti odgovornosti koje ¿esto dolaze s odraslo¿¿u, daleko prije nego ¿to je to inäe uobi¿ajeno. Njegova poezija je iskren odraz njegovih strahova, tjeskobe, ali i hrabrosti i odvänosti. Upravo ta hrabrost da se suo¿i s izazovima i nastavi dalje, unato¿ svim te¿ko¿ama, ¿ini njegove stihove izuzetno snänim i dirljivim.Nadamo se da ¿e ¿itatelji ove zbirke pjesama pronäi inspiraciju u tim djelima, kako bi se i sami bolje nosili sa svojim izazovima i te¿ko¿ama. Ova zbirka nije samo prikaz te¿ko¿a s kojima se suo¿ava jedan mladi ¿ovjek, ve¿ je i podsjetnik na izdr¿ljivost ljudskog duha, sposobnost prilagodbe i snagu da se nastavi dalje, bez obzira na okolnosti.

  • av evic & Vesna Kova&#269

  • av evic & Daliborka Krsti&#269

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