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Böcker av Ernesto Che Guevara

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  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    'A Latin American James Dean or Jack Kerouac' Washington Post'It's true; Marxists just wanna have fun... a revolutionary bestseller' GuardianAt the age of twenty-three, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado set out from their native Argentina to explore their continent, with only a single 1939 Norton motorcycle to carry them, nicknamed La Poderosa ('the powerful one'). They travelled not to visit the usual tourist attractions, but to meet ordinary people and understand Latin American life. In amidst the tales of youthful adventures - of women, wine, thrilling escapes and the power of friendship - the young Che also learns first-hand about poverty, philosophy and philosophy and forms himself into the man who would become the world's most famous and admired revolutionary and freedom fighter. 'For every comic escapade of the carefree roustabout there is an equally eye-opening moment in the development of the future revolutionary leader. By the end of the journey, a politicized Guevara has emerged to predict his own legendary future' Time

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    The Motorcycle Diaries is Che Guevara's diary of his journey to discover the continent of Latin America while still a medical student, setting out in 1952 on a vintage Norton motorcycle together with his friend Alberto Granado, a biochemist.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    Esta nueva edición comentada del Diario de Bolivia, a cargo de su nieto Canek Sánchez Guevara, contiene nuevas reflexiones sobre la última etapa de la vida del Che y aclara al máximo las identidades de los implicados en su guerrilla y las situaciones que provocaron aquellos acontecimientos.Esta edición tiene cerca de 400 notas al pie con abundante información histórica, fragmentos de los diarios de otros guerrilleros, declaraciones de ex agentes de la CIA y de las fuerzas armadas bolivianas y un mapa que resume la ruta del Che en Bolivia.Tal vez sorprenda que la imagen más difundida del siglo XX no represente a una estrella de rock, o de Hollywood y mucho menos un hombre de negocios o un deportista de éxito. Tampoco a un poeta, un pintor, o un científico. Ernesto Che Guevara no dirigió el destino de una potencia mundial y su imagen no fue resultado de una campaña mediática en sentido estricto, aunque podría decirse que ella es en sí misma una campaña con un mensaje reconocible. El Che es el hombre rebelde por excelencia pero él mismo fue ministro y banquero y dirigió juicios sumarísimos y ejecuciones. También fue un icono del voluntarismo, expresión máxima (o mínima, según quiera verse) de la acción revolucionaria y eje de la construcción de una sociedad nueva.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara
    245 - 345,-

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    A biography of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels by Che Guevara, revealing Che’s fervent interest in studying their lives and writing.Che Guevara wrote this biographical introduction to Marx and Engels after his 1965 mission to Africa. He studied the writing of the German revolutionaries intensively, and in his travels he immersed himself in the classic works of Marxism. He sought to draw lessons and inspiration from Marx and Engels, and noted: “The Cuban Revolution takes up Marx at the point where he put aside science to pick up his revolutionary rifle.” Many of Che’s comments about Marx might also refer to Che himself, such as his observation: “Such a humane man whose capacity for affection extended to all those suffering throughout the world, offering a message of committed struggle and indomitable optimism, has been distorted by history and turned into a stone idol.” With his tremendous grasp of theory and his own practical experience, Che observes Marx’s evolution through his own view of radical change in Cuba, considering how it might apply to other countries after they achieve their definitive liberation from colonialism.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    Series title taken from publisher website.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    "Ernesto Che Guevara was a voyager-and thus a letter writer-for his entire adult life. The letters collected in I Embrace You with All My Revolutionary Fervor: Letters 1947-1967 range from letters home during his Motorcycle Diaries trip, to the long letter to Fidel after the success of the Cuban revolution in early 1959 (from which the book's title comes), from the most personal to the intensely political, revealing someone who not only thought deeply about everything he encountered, but for whom the process of social transformation was a constant companion from his youth until shortly before his death. His letters give us Che the son, the friend, the lover, the guerrilla fighter, the political leader, the philosopher, the poet. Che in these letters is often playful, funny, sometimes sarcastic, and deeply affectionate. His life was short, and these twenty years, from when he was 19 until days before his death, show it was also incredibly rich and full. As his daughter Aleida Guevara, also a doctor like her father, writes, "When you write a speech, you pay attention to the language, the punctuation and so on. But in a letter to a friend or a member of your family, you don't worry about those things. It is you speaking, in your authentic voice. That's what I like about these letters; they show who Che really was and how he thought. This is the true political testimony of my father.""--

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    En una carta a su madre en 1954, un joven Ernesto Guevara escribió: "Las Américas serán el teatro de mis aventuras de una manera mucho más significativa de lo que yo hubiera creído". En America Latina se narra la historia de esas aventuras, trazando la evolución del Che desde el joven e impresionable estudiante de medicina al "guerrillero heroico", asesinado a sangre fría en Bolivia. A lo largo de diecisiete años, esta antología se nutre de los archivos personales de su familia y ofrece lo mejor de los escritos del Che: ejemplos de su periodismo, ensayos, discursos, cartas e incluso poemas. A medida que el Che documenta sus primeros viajes por América Latina, su participación en las revoluciones guatemalteca y cubana, y su ascenso a la prominencia internacional bajo el mando de Fidel Castro, vemos cómo su ferviente compromiso con la justicia social moldeó y fue moldeado por el continente al que llamó hogar.Casi la mitad de este libro se publica por primera vez y es anterior a la llegada del Che a Cuba con la expedición guerrillera de Fidel Castro en 1956. También se incluyen sus notas para su libro inacabado, The Social Role of Doctors in Latin America.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba es una carta enviada por Ernesto Che Guevara a Carlos Quijano, director del Semanario Marcha. Se publicó el 12 de marzo de 1965, bajo el título Desde Argelia, para Marcha, La Revolución Cubana Hoy.Carlos Quijano (abogado, político y ensayista, fundador y director del mencionado semanario uruguayo, nació en Montevideo el 21 de marzo de 1900 y murió en México el 10 de junio de 1984).En la edición original Quijano añadió la siguiente nota:Che Guevara envió esta carta a Marcha desde Argelia. Este documento es de la más significativa importancia, especialmente en aras de entender el objetivo y la meta de la Revolución cubana, visto por uno de los principales actores en el proceso. Las tesis presentadas son un intento por provocar debate y, al mismo tiempo, ofrecer una nueva perspectiva sobre una de las presentes fundamentaciones del pensamiento socialista.El 5 de noviembre de 1965, volvió a publicarse El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba y se presentó con el rótulo de exclusiva: una nota especial del Che Guevara.Se explicaba que los lectores de Marcha en Argentina no pudieron leer la publicación original. La semana en que ésta apareció por primera vez, la revista se prohibió en Buenos Aires.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    "En abril de 1965, el Che Guevara se marcha de La Habana al Congo para dirigir a 200 veteranos cubanos que asisten al movimiento de liberaciâon africana contra los colonialistas belgas, cuatro aänos despuâes del asesinato del presidente socialista democrâaticamente electo, Patrice Lumumba. Porque el diario trata el admitido "fracaso" del Che, examina cada detalle doloroso de lo sucedido para poder extraer enseänanzas constructivas para futuros movimientos guerrilleros. âUnico entre sus libros, Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria: Congo es un retrato del Che brutalmente honesto que ilustra su capacidad como cuentista; en sus relatos de los fascinantes episodios de conflicto armado de la guerrilla no hay hesitaciâon, endulzamiento o jerga. Algunos lo consideran el mejor libro del Che, tambiâen es uno de los pocos que editâo para la publicaciâon luego de escribirlo"--

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    This classic anthology on Latin America shows the Argentine-born revolutionary's cultural depth, rigorous intellect, and intense emotional engagement with a continent and its people. In a letter to his mother in 1954, a young Ernesto Guevara wrote, “The Americas will be the theater of my adventures in a way that is much more significant than I would have believed.”In The Awakening of Latin America we have the story of those adventures, charting Che’s evolution from an impressionable young medical student to the “heroic guerrilla,” assassinated in cold blood in Bolivia. Spanning seventeen years, this anthology draws on from his family’s personal archives and offers the best of Che’s writing: examples of his journalism, essays, speeches, letters, and even poems. As Che documents his early travels through Latin America, his involvement in the Guatemalan and Cuban revolutions, and his rise to international prominence under Fidel Castro, we see how his fervent commitment to social justice shaped and was shaped by the continent he called home.

  • - Letters 1947-1967
    av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara
    275 - 339,-

  • - The Sequel to The Motorcycle Diaries
    av Ernesto Che Guevara

    The sequel to The Motorcycle Diaries, this book is Ernesto Che Guevera''s journal documenting the young Argentine''s second trip through Latin America, revealing the emergence of a committed revolutionary.These letters, poetry, and journalism document young Ernesto Guevara''s second Latin American journey following his graduation from medical school in 1953. Together, these writings reveal how the young Argentine is transformed into a militant revolutionary.After traveling through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Central America, Ernesto witnesses the 1954 US-inspired coup in Guatemala, which has a profound effect on his political awareness. He flees to Mexico where he encounters Fidel Castro, marking the beginning of a political partnership that profoundly changes the world and Che himself. Includes a foreword by Alberto Granado, Che''s companion on his first adventures in Latin America on a vintage Norton motorcycle, and features poems written by young Ernesto inspired by his experiences along with facsimiles of pages from his diary.

  • - Episodes Of the Revolutionary War in the Congo
    av Ernesto Che Guevara

    Ernesto Che Guevara''s diary of his revolutionary struggle in Congo alongside Cuban guerrillas.In April 1965, Che Guevara set out clandestinely from Havana to Congo to head a force of some 200 veteran Cuban soldiers to assist the African liberation movement against Belgian colonialists, four years after the assassination of the democratically elected socialist president of Congo, Patrice Lumumba. This diary deals with what Che admits was a "failure," and he examines every painful detail about what went wrong in order to draw constructive lessons for planned future guerrilla movements. Unique among his books, Congo Diary gives us Che''s brutal honesty and his story-telling ability as he recounts this fascinating episode of guerrilla warfare unblinkingly and without sugar coating or jargon. Considered by some to be Che''s best book, it is also one of the few that he had a chance to edit for publication after writing it.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    'Guevara was a figure of epic proportions. These diaries, stark and moving, will be his most enduring monument' ObserverThe final diaries of Che Guevara begin in 1966, when he travelled to Bolivia to foment a revolution, and end just two days before his death in October 1967. They form an unvarnished account of his guerrilla campaign against CIA-backed Bolivian troops, fighting in the jungle and keeping his men's spirits up - even as the struggle started to fail. Found in Guevara's backpack and smuggled to Cuba after his execution, The Bolivian Diary is an inspiring record of, and a moving memorial to, a revolutionary life.

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    'Powerful and poetic ... For anyone interested in the myth of Che Guevara ... this book is essential reading' Colm T ib n, Observer'We were an army of shadows, of ghosts, walking as if to the beat of some dark psychic mechanism...'The Cuban Revolution changed the course of the twentieth century. Following years of brutal tyranny and poverty, a band of idealistic young people fought against immense odds to overthrow a dictator and emerged victorious. This is the story of how they did it. Che Guevara's classic eyewitness account chronicles the transformation of a country, and of Che himself, from troop doctor to revolutionary icon.'Che's life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom' Nelson Mandela

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    'Guerrilla warfare is a war of the masses, a war of the people'First published in 1961, following the successful Cuban Revolution, this is Che Guevara's handbook for guerrilla war.It covers strategy, tactics, terrain, organization of an army, logistics, field medical treatment, intelligence, propaganda and training, and focuses on seven 'golden rules' of guerrilla warfare. Widely studied both by insurrectionist movements and those who have tried to suppress them, this is the key text to understand how revolutions can be fought and won by ordinary people.

  • - El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba
    av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

  • av Ernesto Che Guevara

    El Diario de Bolivia recoge los ultimos meses de vida del Che Guevara durante su incursion guerrillera en las selvas bolivianas. Esta nueva edicion comentada del Diario, a cargo de su nieto Canek Sanchez Guevara, contiene nuevas reflexiones sobre la ultima etapa de la vida del Che y aclara al maximo las identidades de los implicados en su guerrilla y las situaciones que provocaron aquellos acontecimientos. Aadimos cerca de 400 notas al pie con abundante informacin histrica, fragmentos de los diarios de otros guerrilleros, declaraciones de ex agentes de la CIA y de las fuerzas armadas bolivianas y un mapa que resume la ruta del Che en Bolivia. Tal vez sorprenda que la imagen ms difundida del siglo XX no represente a una estrella de rock, o de Hollywood y mucho menos a un hombre de negocios o a un deportista de xito. Tampoco a a un poeta, un pintor, o a un cientfico. Ernesto Che Guevara no dirigi el destino de una potencia mundial y su imagen no fue resultado de una campaa meditica en sentido estricto, aunque podra decirse que ella es en s misma una campaa con un mensaje reconocible. El Che es el hombre rebelde por excelencia pero l mismo fue ministro y banquero y dirigi juicios sumarsimos y ejecuciones. Tambin fue un icono del voluntarismo, expresin mxima (o mnima, segn quiera verse) de la accin revolucionaria y eje de la construccin de una sociedad nueva. Y, asimismo uno de los grandes iconos mediticos del siglo XX.

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