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Böcker av Ellen G. White

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  • av Ellen G White
    249 - 319,-

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

    O amor de Deus é descrito neste livro de forma surpreendente. Seu raio de ação se estende a todas as idades, etnias e classes sociais. Seu objetivo é eliminar as barreiras que limitam o crescimento humano e conduzir as pessoas a uma extraordinária experiência de vida com Cristo. A+ size (A4)Agora em letra grande (15pt)

  • av Ellen G. White

    Etant donné que le mouvement adventiste s'est étendu dans toutes les parties du monde, les membres qui parlent et lisent les différentes langues ont désiré avoir Les Témoignages pour l'Eglise qui, totalement ou partiellement, ont édifié et béni l'Eglise à travers le monde. Il est impossible de publier dans chaque langue tout le contenu des neuf volumes des Témoignages et beaucoup d'autres livres de l'Esprit de Prophétie. Cependant, on présente dans ce volume une sélection des conseils généraux tirés de ces sources qui s'avèreront d'un grand service et d'une aide pratique à l'Eglise.*Nouvelle édition en gros caractères (A4) (15pt)

  • av Ellen G. White

    This is the first book of the series called "The Conflict of the Ages", have the following books: Patriarchs And Prophets - Prophets And Kings The Desire Of Ages - The Acts Of The Apostles The Great Controversy The series starts with the pre-creation rebellion of Satan in Heaven, then moves on to the creation of the earth, the fall of Adam and Eve into sin, the Old Testament, the birth and ministry of Jesus until His ascension, then the early Christian church, the Dark Ages, the Protestant reformation, the last days of earth's history, the second coming of Christ, the millennium, and the destruction of sin and finally the recreation of earth and God's kingdom with man for eternity. Now in a BIG PRINT DELUXE EDITION (A4) (15pt) This first volume starts from the rebellion of Satan in heaven and end in the days of the King David.

  • av Ellen G. White

    Ce classique sur l'éducation énonce l'idée unique et stimulante que "le travail éducatif et celui de la rédemption ne font qu'un." Le but ultime de tout apprentissage doit être de mieux comprendre notre Créateur-Rédempteur et de refléter cette compréhension dans nos vies personnelles. Dans ses écrits sur ce sujet, Ellen White était préoccupée, non pas par les détails du programme éducatif mais par de grands principes directeurs. Le résultat est un regard pénétrant sur les facteurs qui constituent une véritable éduction dans son sens le plus large. Le lecteur trouvera dans ces pages un aperçu permettant de guider non seulement les parents, les élèves et enseignants, mais aussi tous ceux qui cherchent une véritable éducation dans la grande école de la vie.Livre en édition grand format (8.27*11.7) (14pt)

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

    Cette édition est un parfait condensé de la série : "La Grande Controverse". La présente édition est en GROS caractères d'imprimerie, parfaite pour la lecture. Original complet. Un commentaire historique et comment le conflit se développe depuis l'époque d'Adam jusqu'à la culmination du péché.

  • av Ellen G. White
    389 - 495

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

    "A Call to Stand Apart" in a new Giant Print Edition (A4) and 14pt. letter. It is the first Ellen White book prepared especially for twenty-first century young adults. It also is the first book in which a variety of inspired counsels have been drawn exclusively from previously published Ellen White books. "A Call to Stand Apart" makes available from selected Ellen White writings the core ideas that deal with important issues faced by youth and young adults today. The 17 chapters of the book have been chosen to address issues faced by contemporary young adults in a twenty-first-century context.

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White
    389 - 545,-

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White
    389 - 529,-

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

    Country Living now publish in a GIANT Print Edition (A4). With a 15pt letter, this amazing book can be readable better and help those people that have problems with vision. This counsels and warnings have challenged many Seventh-day Adventists to examine carefully the effects of urban living on their lives and to reevaluate where they choose to live. It has highlighted the dangers of involvement with labor unions and other sources of party strife in the cities. At the same time, it has helped those with a burden for city evangelism to consider how best to be in the world but not of the world. With the end of time approaching, this instruction is more relevant than ever. A new generation of believers will find these counsels opening horizons to them that they had not envisioned. The writings of Ellen G. White repeatedly urge the advantages of country living. As conditions in our world build toward the final events, Seventh-day Adventists recall the Lord's instruction about leaving the cities, with their congestion, corruption, and conflicts. The cities do not provide a wholesome environment for Christian families.

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White

  • av Ellen G. White
    375 - 485

  • av Ellen G. White
    275 - 419

  • av Ellen G. White
    195 - 335

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