av Elizabeth Rose
¿ Will love letters from a secret admirer bring joy or cause trouble? ¿The Lassie: Lady Lark is the daughter of the well-known Scottish chieftain, Storm MacKeefe. Needing time away from her clan, she goes to Blake Castle in England to be with her cousins and to clear her head. Lark is unwed but has a four-year-old daughter, Florie. A foolish act has tarnished her reputation and she is hoping to start anew.Wanting the best for her daughter, Lark requests that a tutor be sent from the monastery to teach the girl. No monk will come, but a scribe named Dustin answers her call. Lark doesn't believe she'll ever fall in love again after the father of her child has deceived her, ruined her reputation, and deserted her. However, shortly after the arrival of the scribe, she starts to receive love letters and romantic poems from a secret admirer. It makes her feel alive again.The Scribe:Dustin Styles was left as a baby, abandoned on the stairs of the church. Raised by monks, he's lived his life inside the cloistered walls, but has never taken holy vows. Instead, he's focused on his studies, mastering the art of being a scribe and tutor to the nobles.A summons from the castle arrives, asking for a tutor to teach a young girl. Only boys are allowed to be learned so the monks turn down the request. Dustin is intrigued by the circumstances and volunteers to go. Once there, he meets the single mother, Lady Lark, and immediately loses his heart to her. They start to become close while he teaches her daughter, and she confides in him since she doesn't seem to have many friends. He can't express his feelings for her since she is from above the salt. So, instead he woos her as a secret admirer, sending her love letters, only able to watch her reaction from afar. However, sometimes even good intentions turn bad, and instead of spreading joy, those same intentions can bring trouble knocking at the door.Love has no bounds but marriage has rules. A noble must never wed anyone from below the salt.(This series features the next generation from Elizabeth's Legacy of the Blade Series.)