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Böcker av Edgar Smith

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  • av Edgar Smith

    In a town chosen by chance, the paths of two strangers cross. Their motives are different, but, after a number of years now (through prejudice, violence, despair and loneliness) they can finally sense it: They are getting closer to looking at fate in the eyes. Pushed by the thirst of revenge, Roberto enters The Community Bank to rob it. Ricardo is already there, in line. As these events unfold, the reasons behind their actions and characters will reveal themselves. Fair or not, the journey to the United States of America can seem like the only way out when adversity strangles.As they pace on, jumping over hurdles and making irreversible choices, inevitable questions surface: Will they make it out of the bank alive? Has it been worth it to leave their land and families behind? Are they any closer to reaching the elusive American Dream? Or worse: Is it time to admit that there is no dream... only a gold-plated myth?

  • av Edgar Smith

    Few books have managed to depict, dissect and encompass, in vivid, crude detail, the numerous vicissitudes and hurdles inherent to the immigration experience (everything that goes into the pursuit of the particularly elusive American dream) -this one does. Whatever your opinion on the subject, nothing you can imagine comes close to the truth -nothing you've read or heard before can prepare you for the real-life, harrowing situations these people go through. The semi-autobiographic characters in the story broadly mirror the lives and feelings of the millions of immigrants that come to the United States of America looking to improve their lives, only to realize that what they thought a dream might as well be just a painful myth. This novel will move you -push you, rather- in the right direction toward the discovery of all the reasons behind this choice -and all the reasons why it may, ultimately, not be as good an idea as many of us think.

  • av Edgar Smith

  • av Edgar Smith

    Volver en el tiempo a la agridulcememoria es uno de los forzados destinosdel hombre. En esta entrega, regreso arecolectar recuerdos y a reforzar lasvoces que murmuran versos desde lasclaroscuras esquinas del alma. Island Boyes un libro de reconocimiento de miidentidad, y, claro, de la universalidentidad del lector como ser humano,como ente social.

  • av Edgar Smith

    Much in the gripping style of thought-provoking, philosophical, and brainy horror by genre masters, such as Poe, Borges, or King, Edgar Smith (Arrimao, Gnuj & Alt, The Wordsmith) delivers a collection of short stories conceived to shock, but, more importantly, to stir the waters in the readers' mind lake. This is contemporary literature from a mind nurtured by classic stories and fueled by a profound, far-reaching imagination, intent on delivering the sort of escapism a good old story was originally expected to provide and yet offering the sort of intellectual stimulation the serious reader always expects from exceptional narrative.

  • av Edgar Smith

    arrimao narra las historias de Roberto y Ricardo, dos hombres dominicanos, distintos, con distintas motivaciones, con diferentes ideologías, pero con el mismo sueño: hacer dinero en USA. Como todo inmigrante, estas dos personas se dan cuenta de lo arduo que es el trayecto hacia el llamado Sueño americano. Edgar Smith, con un lenguaje claro, preciso y crudo, nos guía por este recorrido, a veces demasiado cercano a la realidad de millones de personas.

  • av Edgar Smith

  • av Edgar Smith

    RANDOMLY, A POEM is Edgar Smith's first collection of poems in English. It is a small compilation of poems written randomly in a span of ten years. Most of these poems were originally written in English while others were translated from Spanish for an English audience at several bilingual poetry events. There is depth in beauty and there is beauty in everyday life. I hope you will find both in these verses.

  • av Edgar Smith

  • av Edgar Smith

  • av Edgar Smith

  • av Edgar Smith

    Cuando un hombre trata de suicidarse repetidas veces y la muerte se resiste a llevarlo con ella, algunos a su alrededor comienzan a tejer teorias fantasticas. Y cuando este hombre halla el amor en el lugar y en el momento menos esperados, tiene que batallar internamente contra la voz que lo empuja a la muerte y el raro sentimiento que es la esperanza.

  • av Edgar Smith

    Algunas Tiernas Imprecisiones es una recopilaciónde poemas que abarca los últimos quince años de mivida. Es la visión poética de los eventos,pensamientos, sentimientos, y circunstancias queatraviesa el ser humano vistos a través de cuatrocristales: el alma, la memoria, la mente, y la musa.Es un poemario ambicioso, ya que buscacomprometer el pensamiento del lector en cadasituación, y, más allá, busca identificarlo con cadauna de ellas.Recorriendo temas universales como el amor, elolvido, la soledad, la muerte...he tejido una madejade visiones que se aproximan a la intimidad queyace en la dicha y en la pena. Y he dejado paraustedes, desnuda, el alma.

  • av Edgar Smith

    El Palabrador es un libro de cuentos en su mayoría provenientes de anécdotas decoradas con gran imaginación; que no carece de personajes excepcionales, y en el que cada relato tiene una razón de ser. Desde la denuncia social, la inmersión en lo fantástico, y la justicia, hasta el afán filosófico de dar sentido a lo que nos rodea, la senda de El Palabrador es un viaje excepcional a la magia de un barrio, o a la levedad de otras dimensiones.

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