- My Journey from Mere Christianity
av Douglas Miller
I had something happen to me that changed my life forever. Because we all wish to share good news, I wanted to acquaint the reader with, where I once was, and my journey to where I am now.It was an epiphany in March, 2012 that led to a message I received from Jesus. Even though my world changed in March 2012, it was the message nine months later that jump started me into action. I began with discernment and prayer, moved to a self-imposed spiritual direction and began studying scripture. I gained the confidence to help anyone who wanted the same relationship with God, as I have. You will find no preaching in the book, only steps I took... all in my words.Throughout the book I expose my misgivings and sins to illustrate that it is possible to turn a stubborn, bull headed, human like me to see God's Light. For years I prayed for a moment like the epiphany. From the instance of my awareness of God's love, I no longer suffer fear, stress, anxiety or sadness. I'm happy everyday while giving God's thanks. I've learned how to love God with all of my heart, mind, and soul; and with all my strength. Grounded in His love, I possess the strength to love all of His creation. There is nothing that can shake me and temptation is much easier to overcome.I was a mere Christian. I did not follow God's plan. Once I ascertained what God's intentions were, I became a follower of Christ. I haven't looked back. I want people to see the Jesus in me. I hold true that I may be the only Jesus someone might ever meet. Although a tremendous responsibility, knowing that my Lord has my back, I accept the challenge.If I felt I didn't have a compelling message, I would have never written the book. My sole motivation is to help others.