av Doug Johnson
"Now when they saw the boldness and unfettered eloquence of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and untrained in the schools (common men with no educational advantages), they marveled; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus," (Acts 4:13). Upon a close study of the verse above, and countless others like it found in the Bible, you can clearly see that the Bible is full of what author Doug Johnson likes to call the "Barnyard Gospel." In Scripture, Jesus taught with and used very simple examples and parables, often using such things as rocks, trees, rivers, fields, seeds, in addition to all sorts of animals -- from sheep, lambs, wolves, snakes, birds, and even donkeys - to speak about God's kingdom. If God used a donkey to send us a message, then He can certainly use us to speak through too! In his profound memoir, GOD'S in the People Changing Business, author and pastor Doug Johnson gives readers his special brand of colloquial and spiritual experiences. Johnson provides a conversational, layman's biblical analysis and commentary, supported by the lessons learned from his own life's story as a self-proclaimed, hardworking "redneck." In these enlightening and light-hearted pages, the author also gives readers ample evidence (along with a good dose of old-fashioned country wit and humor!) of the truth behind his powerful theme that "God is in the people-changing business." Formerly living a "non-spiritual" life, and not having attended church for his first thirty-seven years, God planted a seed in Johnson's heart, harvesting him as a pastor into a changed life for Christ. The stories found inside will encourage, inspire, and help show readers that what God has done in the author's life, He can do for everyone. For He truly is the ultimate General Manager in the people-changing business.