av David Feela
Utah's first Poet Laureate David Lee wrote, "If you want to read a book filled with love, life, and razor wit based on incredible observation and perception, written in some of the sharpest, best-crafted lines you'll find out there anywhere on the vast horizon of poetry, brimming with the freshest imagery and figurative language you've seen in eons, this just might be your lucky day."Little Acres is that book -- a chapbook really -- of 40 trim pages, like a small lyrical garden rooted in a sensibility that surrounds everything rural: landscape, trees, birds, animals, flowers, weather, all filtered through an intuitive sensibility, all contributing to the book's passion for both language and insight. Loosely arranged around a season on a tiny acreage, these poems shape a kind of almanac for living in the natural world. Surprises, pleasures, disappointments, the rich emotions the inhabit the heart. They are carefully crafted poems inhabited by muses, palpable as the sun or the moon, offering readers the experience of understanding a familiar poetic landscape.