av Craig Rozniecki
What do you get when you combine modern-day conservatism with the critically-acclaimed show, Portlandia? Trumplandia - author Craig Rozniecki's first and hopefully last book of the series and 18th overall.James Bob, or Big Jim to some, hailed from Hicktown, West Virginia, where he owned a restaurant which went by the name TBR, or The Best Roadkill. Big Jim was a happily married man of 10 days. He met his wife, Amanda Goldteeth, during a raccoon-eating contest at a Family Values Festival and the two hit it off like Shaquille O'Neal and a basketball rim made of Icy Hot. To the marriage, Big Jim brought with him a son - Lil Jim - he traded a four-wheeler for several years ago, and a daughter - Jima - he claims a stork dropped off to him with a note which read, "Three words: Whitesnake concert." Amanda Goldteeth-Bob could never have children of her own, so she happily accepted the responsibility of home-schooling Lil Jim and Jima, who were in 11th and 9th grade, respectively. Speaking of respective, James Bob claimed to be a loyal husband and father, a staunch Republican, and a man of God.Even though facts, science, and common sense tend to run contrary to the Bobs' beliefs and decision-making, that doesn't stop them from staying the course and providing laughter for all onlookers. So come join the fun in Rozniecki's best book to date - Trumplandia, where he puts laughter first!