av Comic Books Restore
Discover stories about golf from comics golden age. GOLF STORIES N°2 ! The second issue edited and restored by COMIC BOOKS RESTORE ! - Format 8'x10' - Color version - 30 pages - Correction color shift - New colors In this issue: - Hap Hazard, The Golf Tournement, Comics n°11, octobre 1946, 6 pages. - Joe Palooka, Knobby's Game of Golf, n°37, octobre 1949, 2 pages. - Joe Palooka, Knobby's Golf Bet, n°39, decembre 1949, 2 pages. - Miniature Golf, Cars 54, Where are you? debembre 1962, 4 pages. - Will Bragg, Modern Comics, n°53, septembre 1956, 9 pages. - Alfie and Ralphie try to make a home on a golf course, All-time sports Comics, april 1949, 1 page. - Whipper Snappers, Golf Guffaws, Don Winslow of the Navy n°42, February 1947, 1 page. - Dizzy Daisy, A Golf Nut !, Captain video n°1, February 1951, 1 page. - Charlie McCarthy, Mortimer loses his golf bag in the rough, n°9, July 1952, 1 page. - Ferd'nand, Golf course comfort, Tip Topper Comics, n°5, june 1950, 1 page. - Big Chief Wahoo, Wahoo watches Gusto play golf, Famous Funnies, n°56, Mars 1959, 1 page. - Napoleon, Playing golf, Famous Funnies, n°188, June 1950, 1 page.