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Böcker av Clyde N. Wilson

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  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    An admiring biography of John C. Calhoun by Margaret Coit won the Pulitzer Prize in 1950. A little later John F. Kennedy chaired a committee that declared Calhoun to be one of the five greatest U.S. Senators of all time. The times have changed and recent writers have once more relegated Calhoun to a dark corner of American history. In the first half of the 19th century Calhoun was for 40 years one of the half dozen most important public men of America. Seldom victorious, he was always important and always listened to on many more national questions than slavery. Clyde Wilson, who is more familiar with Calhoun than anyone in our time, by exploring neglected aspects of his thought, demonstrates that Calhoun was a statesman-one who had a farseeing vision of the public good and told the people what he thought, even if unpopular. And that much of what he had to say is prophetic wisdom for the present.

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    THE SECOND INSTALLMENT of Dr. Clyde N. Wilson's SOUTHERN READER'S GUIDES distills more than a half century of scholarship into identifying and describing 60 essential books on the topic of the "The War Between the States," that is, the American war of 1860-1865, often erroneously referred to as the "Civil War." Dr. Wilson, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History of the University of South Carolina, was editor of the highly-praised Papers of John C. Calhoun and is the author or editor of more than 20 other books, and over 700 articles, essays, and reviews in a variety of books and journals, scholarly and popular. He is considered by many to be the greatest living historian of the South. If you want to understand the War as the Southern people understood it, there is no greater guide than Dr. Wilson.

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    In this second installment of The Wilson Files, we collect some of Dr. Wilson's most sagacious writings on the topic of nullification and the unenumerated rights reserved to the several sovereign States that comprise the confederation known as the United States of America.>Reclaiming the Consent of the Governed: "The cause of states' rights is the cause of liberty; they rise or fall together. . . . We know the problems. Where should we look for solutions? . . . . Thomas Jefferson gives us the answer: our most ancient and best tradition, states' rights: 'the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies' . . . . Some of the Founders hoped that the division of legislative, executive, and judicial power in the general government would help. . . . these checks and balances do not work. They ceased to work a long time ago. There is no serious conflict of power among the federal branches. The acts of all of them are directed toward checking the people of the States. . . . States' rights are historically sound, constitutionally sound, ethically sound, and sound from the point of view of democracy. Where they fall short is simply in the realm of political will and agenda. . . . if we are to speak of curbing the central power, the States are what we have got. They exist. They are historical, political, cultural realities, the indestructible bottom line of the American system. It would be a shame if, in this world-historical time of devolution, Americans did not look back to an ancient and honourable tradition that lies readily at hand."

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    "Reading this is like going to a bookstore with a wonderfully informed, witty old friend..."THE FOURTH AND FINAL INSTALLMENT of Dr. Clyde N. Wilson'sSOUTHERN READER'S GUIDESdistills more than a half century of scholarship into identifying and describing 50 essential books on the topic of the 20th Century South and Beyond. Dr. Wilson, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History of the University of South Carolina, was editor of the highly-praisedPapers of John C. Calhounand is the author or editor of more than 20 other books, and over 700 articles, essays, and reviews in a variety of books and journals, scholarly and popular. He is considered by many to be the greatest living historian of the South. If you want to understand the Modern South without wasting your time on 3rd string authors and the p.c. infected pseudo-history coming out of the modern academy, there is no greater guide than Dr. Wilson._________________ "I really enjoyed this! Wilson is a great guide to this literature. Reading this is like going to a bookstore with a wonderfully informed, witty old friend. Just be careful! You might- like me- end up buying several more books from his list." - Reader Review, The Old South: 50 Essential Books"Wilson is brilliant as always, and independent of the pc reductionist history of today." - Reader Review, The War Between the States: 60 Essential Books"One good thing about books by Clyde Wilson: You KNOW they are highly credible sources. This book list by this distinguished professor emeritus of History and author, is extremely valuable for all students and scholars." - Reader Review, Reconstruction and the New South: 50 Essential Books

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    Granny Clampett, on the TV sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies, described the War Between the States as "when the Yankees invaded America" and, indeed, it was! Their invasion of America, however, goes back much farther than the conflict of 1861-1865. It began as soon as they dropped their anchor in Plymouth Bay. Since that time, they have meddled, cheated, and lied their way into every nook and cranny of American life. The Southern people warned others about the radical utopians of New England, and even went to war to get away from them, but to no avail. Now all Americans, not just Southerners, are subject to the whims of "those people" and their never ending mission to recreate, not only America, but the entire world in their bizarre, sanctimonious image. Dr. Clyde Wilson, in this first installment of The Wilson Files, takes the Yankee problem head-on. After decades of historical research and personal observation, he exposes and explains these pesky purveyors of mischief and mayhem!If you want to understand America, American History, and the upside-down dystopian nightmare in which we all live, you have to understand the problem. We do not have an economic problem, a race problem, a class problem, a gender problem, a toilet access problem, a drug problem, a gun problem, or any other ideological or social problem at the root of America's dysfunctional anti-culture - we have a Yankee problem!

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    THE THIRD INSTALLMENT of Dr. Clyde N. Wilson's SOUTHERN READER'S GUIDES distills more than a half century of scholarship into identifying and describing 50 essential books on the topic of the Reconstruction (1865-1876) and the New South (1877-1913). Dr. Wilson, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History of the University of South Carolina, was editor of the highly-praised Papers of John C. Calhoun and is the author or editor of more than 20 other books, and over 700 articles, essays, and reviews in a variety of books and journals, scholarly and popular. He is considered by many to be the greatest living historian of the South. If you want to understand Reconstruction and the New South without wasting your time on 3rd string authors and the p.c. infected pseudo-history coming out of the modern academy, there is no greater guide than Dr. Wilson. _________________ "I really enjoyed this! Wilson is a great guide to this literature. Reading this is like going to a bookstore with a wonderfully informed, witty old friend. Just be careful! You might- like me- end up buying several more books from his list." - Reader Review, The Old South: 50 Essential Books

  • av Clyde N. Wilson

    John C. Calhoun was a major character in 19th-century American politics. This work presents a selection of speeches and writings taken from a wide variety of occasions, both public and private, throughout his 40-year political career.

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