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Böcker av Clare Chase

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  • av Clare Chase

  • av Clare Chase

    Saltwater Cottages, Saxford's new arts and crafts centre, is as pretty as a picture. But when murder makes a blot on the landscape, Eve Mallow must draw on all her detective skills to solve the case!When beautiful Saltwater Cottages opens, offering art courses in charming surroundings, Eve Mallow and best friend Viv sign up straight away. Viv's brother Simon is in charge, and they all want him to succeed.But from the start, Eve finds herself in a sticky situation. Famous guest artist Nena Field is a complete nightmare, painting everyone in a bad light. So when Eve finds her body in Blind-Eye Wood, there's no shortage of suspects. But who could have hated her enough to take her life? Was it the curiously over-qualified cook, the secretive manager, or the chatty receptionist, mysteriously missing at the time of the murder?Determined to find the killer and save Simon's business, Eve sets to work sketching out a theory of the crime. Nena was working on a secret painting when she died, now vanished without a trace, and Eve is convinced it holds the answers she needs. But when all her best suspects seem to have alibis, Eve is forced back to the drawing board.Then Eve has her own brush with death, and realises she must be on the right track. But what did she see or hear at Saltwater Cottages, and can she find the killer before they paint her out of the picture? An utterly delightful and page-turning English cozy mystery, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, J.R. Ellis, and Agatha Christie. See what everyone is saying about the Eve Mallow series:'Plenty of plot twists, red herrings, and misdirection. Kept me in suspense. I loved it!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Utterly delightful!... The perfect cozy murder mystery... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills 'Amazing... so engaging, kept me hooked the whole way through... the ending was such a shock, but truly brilliant... I ended up dreaming about it as I was thinking about it so much before going to sleep.' So Many Books So Little Time, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I loved this book... Everything an old-fashioned sleuthing ought to be... I flew through the pages.' Shalini's Books & Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'A totally addictive page-turner that will have you racing through the pages and reeling at the twists.' NetGalley reviewer'I was gripped right from the start and couldn't put it down, I read it in one very short sitting... utterly compelling.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Drags the reader right into the plot from day one. She writes so vividly... I can almost imagine I'm on the dunes walking Gus, an inspiration of a dog that steals the show... A Marplesque amateur sleuth.' Jenny O'Brien, ¿¿¿¿¿'Had me hooked and glued to the pages immediately... If you are a fan of cozy mysteries I can't recommend this series enough. Pure entertainment all round... wonderful.' @onceuptonatimebookreviews, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Clare Chase

    Ein vermisster Künstler oder ein Mörder auf der Flucht? Tara Thorpe ermittelt in ihrem neuen Fall! Als ein Künstler aus Cambridge plötzlich wie vom Erdboden verschluckt verschwindet, bittet der verzweifelte Bruder des Opfers Detective Tara Thorpe um Hilfe. Auch wenn es keine Beweise für ein Verbrechen gibt, nimmt die ehemalige Journalistin den Fall an. Doch durch ihre unkonventionelle Arbeitsweise macht sie sich Feinde - besonders ihr ehemaliger Vorgesetzter Detective Patrick Wilkins hat es auf sie abgesehen. Zwar hat sie in Detective Garstin Blake einen Verbündeten, aber die Gerüchte, die über die beiden auf dem Revier kursieren, macht ihre Arbeit nicht unbedingt leichter. Plötzlich offenbart der Fund einer erfrorenen jungen Frau eine unerwartete Verbindung zu Taras Ermittlungen. Ist der vermisste Künstler ein weiteres Opfer - oder ein raffinierter Mörder? Ein spannender Cosy-Krimi, der dich bis zur letzten Seite fesseln wird. Perfekt für Fans von Helena Marchmont, Ellen Barksdale und M.C. Beaton. Leser:innen sind begeistert von Die Leiche im Schatten: Die Handlung war so fesselnd und hatte so viele Twists, dass mir fast schwindelig wurde ... Ich habe ständig versucht zu erraten, wer der Täter ist ... ein echter Pageturner. It's All About the Books Ich habe Die Leiche im Schatten absolut geliebt ... Ich war süchtig nach diesem Buch ... einfach fesselnd ... Ich würde diese Autorin und ihre Bücher auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von Clare Chase zu lesen. Ginger Book Geek Der Schreibstil war super und hat mich von Anfang bis Ende gepackt ... ein absoluter Volltreffer. Es war ein absolutes Vergnügen. Stacy is Reading Obwohl es auch als Einzelband gelesen werden kann, solltest du dir einen Gefallen tun und alle Bücher lesen, denn diese Serie ist einfach zu gut, um sie zu verpassen ... Du wirst definitiv bis zum Ende miträtseln. Das ist ein verdammt fesselndes Buch, ich habe es in einem Zug verschlungen. Baker's Not So Secret Blog Wo war Tara nur mein ganzes Leseleben lang?! Ein wirklich spannender, wendungsreicher Roman mit tollen Charakteren und einer Handlung, die einen die Seiten nur so umblättern lässt. Rachel Read It Ich mochte diesen spritzigen und einnehmenden Krimi ... ich war von den ersten Seiten an gefesselt. Der Fall war faszinierend und hat mich bis zum Ende miträtseln lassen. Scrapping and Playing

  • av Clare Chase

    Zwischen Beziehungschaos und jahrzehntealten Geheimnissen: die ehemalige Journalistin Tara Thorpe ermittelt wieder! Mit dem Fund der Leiche der zwanzigjährigen Julie Cooper in einem eisenzeitlichen Ringwall in der Nähe von Cambridge beginnt für Detective Tara Thorpe ein neuer Fall. Die Taschen der jungen Frau sind voller verwelkender Blumen und erste Beweise deuten auf eine Affäre hin. Wie passend, dass Tara und ihre Kollege Detective Garstin Blake sich ebenfalls im Gefühlschaos befinden, und die Ermittlungen werden für das Team zur Zerreißprobe. Der Fall nimmt eine Wendung, als Tara kurz darauf im Schlafzimmer des Opfers ein Familienerbstück findet: eine goldene Statue einer unheimlich aussehenden Katze mit smaragdgrünen Augen. Als sie deren Herkunft zurückverfolgt, wird klar, dass der Mord an Julie kein Akt der Rache war, sondern Teil eines finsteren Komplotts, verbunden mit einem schrecklichen Geheimnis, das Jahrzehnte zuvor vertuscht wurde. Ein spannender Cosy-Krimi, den man einfach nicht weglegen kann. Perfekt für Fans von Ellen Barksdale, Agatha Christie und M.C. Beaton. Leser:innen liebe Clare Chase: Ich konnte das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen! Das war ein hervorragender Krimi mit gut entwickelten Charakteren und tollen Twists!!! Von der ersten Seite bis zum Ende ... voller Geheimnisse, Spannung und Mord ... Exzellenter Krimi! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wow, was für ein Buch! Einer der besten Krimis, die ich je gelesen habe! ... Ein durch und durch überzeugendes, absolut umwerfendes Buch! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von dieser großartigen Autorin zu lesen! Renita D'Silva So gut! Ich bin ein großer Agatha-Christie-Fan, und ich kann dir versichern, dass Clare Chase ihr in nichts nachsteht. A Lucky Grace, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe dieses Buch absolut geliebt ... es hat mich vom ersten Kapitel an gepackt und bis zum Ende nicht mehr losgelassen ... Die Geschichte war ein fantastisches Puzzle ... alles vor der wunderschönen Kulisse von Cambridge und der bedrohlichen Ödnis der umliegenden Sumpflandschaften. A Little Book Problem, ¿¿¿¿¿ Clevere, wendungsreiche Geschichten mit großartigen Charakteren. Kate Rhodes/Kate Penrose, Autorin der Ben-Kitto-Serie Ein spannender, aufregender Thriller mit vielen Twists ... ein Buch, das süchtig macht. Goodreads Rezensentin Erinnert mich an Agatha Christie. Hat mich von Anfang an gepackt ... lässt einen bis zum Ende miträtseln ... Ein perfekter, fesselnder Whodunit-Krimi. Chelle's Book Reviews So, so gut, voller Twists, Spannung ... Ich verschlinge jedes neue Buch der Reihe und sobald ich eines beendet habe, freue ich mich auf das nächste. NetGalley Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Clare Chase

    Die Sonne geht über einem üppigen Steinhof auf, in dem Vögel singen und Farne einen alten, sprudelnden Brunnen beschatten. Doch in den trüben Tiefen des Brunnens wird der Körper einer jungen Frau Stunde um Stunde kälter ...Samantha Seabrook, eine ehrgeizige junge Frau mit einer schwierigen Vergangenheit, wird ertrunken im Brunnen eines Innenhofs in Cambridge gefunden. Der einzige Anhaltspunkt ist eine antike Silberkette, die fest um ihren Hals geschlungen ist.Es ist an der Lokaljournalistin Tara Thorpe herauszufinden, was mit Samantha geschehen ist. Doch der Fall nimmt eine persönliche Wendung, als sie erfährt, dass Samantha Drohbriefe erhalten hat - ähnlich dem, den sie in der Nacht von Samanthas Tod auf ihrer eigenen Türschwelle gefunden hatte.Gemeinsam mit Detective Inspector Garstin Blake verfolgt Tara eine Spur, die sie zu den tiefen Sümpfen am Rande der Stadt führt. Aber es gibt ein Detail in ihrer Vergangenheit, das Tara Blake nicht gestehen kann - und es könnte entscheiden, ob sie den Fall lösen, bevor der Mörder erneut zuschlägt.Fans von Helena Marchmont, Ellen Barksdale und M.C. Beaton werden diese Serie nicht aus der Hand legen können!Leser:innen lieben Die Tote vom Moor:Wow, was für ein Buch! Einer der besten Krimis, die ich je gelesen habe! Ich habe es von Anfang bis Ende geliebt und konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen! Perfekter Plot! ... Ein durch und durch überzeugendes, absolut umwerfendes Buch! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von dieser großartigen Autorin zu lesen! Renita D'SilvaIch konnte das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen! Das war ein hervorragender Krimi mit gut entwickelten Charakteren und tollen Twists!!! Von der ersten Seite bis zum Ende ... voller Geheimnisse, Spannung und Mord ... Exzellenter Krimi! Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Rasant, voller Twists ... Ich habe dieses Buch nur so verschlungen. Goodreads Rezensentin, ¿¿¿¿¿Ich habe dieses Buch absolut geliebt ... es hat mich vom ersten Kapitel an gepackt und bis zum Ende nicht mehr losgelassen ... Die Geschichte war ein fantastisches Puzzle ... alles vor der wunderschönen Kulisse von Cambridge und der bedrohlichen Leere der umliegenden Sumpflandschaften. A Little Book Problem, ¿¿¿¿¿Clevere, wendungsreiche Geschichten mit großartigen Charakteren. Kate Rhodes/Kate Penrose, Autorin der Ben-Kitto-SerieEin spannender, aufregender Thriller mit vielen Twists ... ein Buch, das süchtig macht. Goodreads RezensentinEin verflixt gutes Buch. Goodreads RezensentErinnert mich an Agatha Christie. Hat mich von Anfang an gepackt ... lässt einen bis zum Ende miträtseln ... Ein perfekter, fesselnder Whodunit-Krimi. Chelle's Book Reviews

  • av Clare Chase

    Es sind Bücher wie dieses, die mich dazu gebracht haben, nach zehn Jahren Pause wieder Krimis zu lesen ... An diesem Buch muss man eigentlich alles lieben. Jenny O'Brien, ¿¿¿¿¿ Als die Leiche eines Mannes aus dem Fluss am Stadtrand von Cambridge gezogen wird, vermuten alle einen tragischen Unfall. Doch Detective Tara Thorpe, die gerade erst in den Dienst eingetreten ist und sich beweisen will, ahnt, dass mehr dahintersteckt. Tara will unbedingt ermitteln, aber wird von ihrem Vorgesetzten Patrick Wilkins blockiert, der alles tut, um ihr Steine in den Weg zu legen. Auf gar keinen Fall will er riskieren von einer überehrgeizigen Anfängerin vorgeführt zu werden. Aber er muss vorsichtig sein - jeder weiß, dass sein Chef Detective Garstin Blake und Tara eine gemeinsame Vergangenheit haben ... Dann wird eine weitere Leiche gefunden und es wird klar, dass ein Serienmörder am Werk ist. Könnten die Morde mit den Geheimnissen zusammenhängen, die Tara vor ihrem neuen Team verbirgt? Und kann sie den Fall lösen, bevor eine weitere unschuldige Person stirbt? Macht euch gefasst auf einen unfassbar spannenden und charmanten Krimi! Perfekt für Fans von Helena Marchmont, Ellen Barksdale und Agatha Christie. Dieses Buch kann als Einzelband gelesen werden. Leser:innen sind gefesselt von Der Mord am Fluss: Wow! Tara Thorpe ist so eine tolle Figur, ich mochte sie vom ersten Moment an ... ein Krimi mit einem Twist, der mich umgehauen hat. Bits About Books Tara ist schnell zu einer meiner Lieblingsprotagonistinnen in der Kriminalliteratur geworden. Goodreads Rezensentin Ich habe die Chemie zwischen Tara und Blake sehr genossen ... die perfekte Fortsetzung dieser Serie ... ich empfehle es allen, die fesselnde Bücher mögen. Orchard Book Club Das Buch entwickelt sich rasant, so dass ich die ganze Zeit mitgefiebert habe, bis die Wahrheit endlich ans Licht kam. Ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Band. Rae Reads Eine Geschichte, die zum Nachdenken anregt ... Hält den Leser in Atem ... Ich habe es geliebt. Between the Pages Book Club Ein weiterer Volltreffer von Clare Chase, die jetzt fest auf meiner Leseliste steht. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ein unterhaltsamer, gut geschriebener und fesselnder Krimi ... Ich kann es kaum erwarten, in Zukunft mehr von Clare und dieser Serie zu lesen. Katie's Book Cave Es ist ein rasanter Krimi ... das Ende macht wieder einmal Lust auf mehr. Also her mit dem dritten Teil, bitte. B for Bookreview

  • av Clare Chase

    Beautiful Farfield Castle is opening its grounds for a party, and everyone in Saxford's invited. But as the champagne flows, the owner takes a fatal fall. Fortunately, amateur sleuth Eve Mallow is on the case! When novelist Julian Fisher buys Farfield Castle to turn the charming old building into a writers' retreat, he wants the neighbours onside. But he has his work cut out: Saxford St Peter locals tried to buy the castle for the village, and are furious that only the very rich will be able to enjoy it. At the lavish launch party, Fisher treats the villagers like royalty, but Eve Mallow is distracted by the tension in the air. She watches as Fisher's wife Kitty argues with several guests, almost in tears, before she disappears altogether... Later that evening, when Kitty is found dead in the castle's icehouse, it's quickly proved to be no accident. With dozy Detective Palmer on the wrong track, Eve can't resist getting involved. Convinced the answers lie inside Farfield Castle, Eve questions an overly inquisitive journalist, Kitty's less-than-loyal husband, and his prickly PA. But when it emerges that a family heirloom and Julian's computer both went missing on the night of the party, Eve is sure that solving the theft will solve the murder. Who is behind this deadly tale... and can Eve find the killer before she gets written off? A completely charming English cozy mystery, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie, Faith Martin and J.R. Ellis. See what everyone is saying about the Eve Mallow series: 'Plenty of plot twists, red herrings, and misdirection. Kept me in suspense. I loved it!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Utterly delightful!... The perfect cozy murder mystery... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills 'Delightful and charming... I absolutely adore this series.' Once Upon a Time Book Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Amazing... so engaging, kept me hooked the whole way through... the ending was such a shock, but truly brilliant... I ended up dreaming about it as I was thinking about it so much before going to sleep.' So Many Books So Little Time, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'I loved this book... Everything an old-fashioned sleuthing ought to be... I flew through the pages.' Shalini's Books & Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'A totally addictive page-turner that will have you racing through the pages and reeling at the twists.' NetGalley reviewer 'I was gripped right from the start and couldn't put it down, I read it in one very short sitting... utterly compelling.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿ 'Drags the reader right into the plot from day one. She writes so vividly... I can almost imagine I'm on the dunes walking Gus, an inspiration of a dog that steals the show... A Marplesque amateur sleuth.' Jenny O'Brien, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av Clare Chase

  • av Clare Chase

  • - An absolutely gripping cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    After the black sheep of the Fulton family is found dead, the village of Saxford St Peter is quick to blame it on his past misdeeds. But Eve Mallow is on the hunt for someone closer to home...When the down-on-his-luck Emory Fulton moves into crumbling Magpie Lodge, and starts running historical tours, the locals are none too pleased. He's inventing grisly tales about their lovely little village, and disturbing everyone's peace. But then he's found dead in his bath, and everyone is suddenly running scared. Could something strange be happening? After all, the murder mirrors one of Fulton's stories about Saxford's dark past... But Eve Mallow is sure the answers lie in much more recent events. Accompanied by her stalwart dachshund sidekick Gus, she starts to dig a little deeper. Could it be Fulton's snobbish bigwig brother, or the suspicious local academic? Why was his goddaughter handing him mysterious parcels, and why wouldn't his sister-in-law let him in her house?As Eve unravels the secrets of the living and the dead, one thing is for sure: Fulton was a haunted, hunted man. And if Eve doesn't crack the case soon, she might find whoever wanted to keep Fulton quiet on her trail too... An unputdownable page-turner, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Agatha Christie and Betty Rowlands.See what everyone is saying about Clare Chase: 'Stunning... Loved the story and the pacing and just everything about it... A great story that I couldn't put down.' Crossroad Reviews 'I loved this book... Everything an old-fashioned sleuthing ought to be... I flew through the pages' Shalini's Books & Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'Utterly delightful!... The perfect cosy murder mystery... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills'Well done! Interesting plot twists and diabolical red herrings. Yup, riveting! Loved it!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'A totally addictive page-turner that will have you racing through the pages and reeling at the twists' NetGalley reviewer 'A fantastic read... Had me guessing till the last page.' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Plenty of plot twists, red herrings, and misdirection. Kept me in suspense. I loved it!' Goodreads reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿'Drags the reader right into the plot from day one. She writes so vividly... I can almost imagine I'm on the dunes walking Gus, an inspiration of a dog that steals the show... A Marplesque amateur sleuth.' Jenny O'Brien, ¿¿¿¿¿'Delightful and charming... I absolutely adore this series' Once Upon a Time Book Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - A totally unputdownable cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    When a TV drama crew descends on sleepy Saxford St Peter, Eve Mallow joins the excited throng of extras in a funeral scene. But then a real body is found... and Eve gets a starring role as sleuth!Eve Mallow is looking forward to her fifteen minutes of fame when Saxford St Peter is chosen as the location for a new drama series. A devoted people-watcher, Eve is thrilled to learn that TV stars are just as glamorous - and tempestuous - as she's always imagined.But then someone delivers a bouquet of poisonous flowers to the director Rufus Beaumont, making Eve worry that some of the rivalries she's noticed are deadly serious. And when Rufus's body is found in the church where the funeral scene took place, it's clear that someone's out for the kill in real life.Eve and dachshund Gus have been on the ground from the start, and now they're on the case, interrogating the suspects one by one. Is it the devastating diva whose relationship with Rufus was far from professional? The cameraman who caught Rufus doing something he shouldn't? Or the groupie groundskeeper who's in the background of every shot? One thing's for sure - Eve must catch the killer before she stars in their next murderous production...A completely unputdownable page-turner, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Agatha Christie and Betty Rowlands.See what everyone is saying about the Eve Mallow series:'Stunning... Loved the story and the pacing and just everything about it... A great story that I couldn't put down.' Crossroad Reviews'I loved this book... Everything an old-fashioned sleuthing ought to be... I flew through the pages' Shalini's Books & Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'Utterly delightful!... The perfect cosy murder mystery... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills

  • - An utterly addictive cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    Eve Mallow's stay at the luxurious Abbey Hotel takes a turn for the suspicious when the owner is murdered - leaving Eve surrounded by suspects!Saxford St Peter is Eve Mallow's beloved home, but she can't resist the chance to spend a weekend in the nearby Abbey Hotel, famed for its glamorous owner Debra Moran and an array of celebrity guests. For a confirmed people-watcher like Eve, it's perfect: she can observe the rich and famous while sipping tea in the gardens, her faithful dachshund Gus by her side.But her relaxing break takes a shocking turn when Debra is found lying dead in the shadowy woods around the hotel. One of Eve's fellow guests didn't come to the Abbey for fine food and delightful décor - but to kill.When the investigation gets underway, Eve finds herself trapped with a wide range of suspects. Could it be Debra's new friend Harper, who inherits everything? Her ex-husband Chester, still seething over their messy divorce? Or her estranged sister Amelia, who came hoping for reconciliation, only for Debra to shut the door in her face?As Eve roams the hotel, searching for clues and hunting down alibis, she uncovers a whole host of secrets. But can she find the truth before the killer brings her holiday to a deadly end?A completely unputdownable page-turner, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Agatha Christie and Joy Ellis.See what readers are saying about the Eve Mallow series:'Utterly delightful!... I really enjoyed reading this book. It was the perfect coxy murder mystery to become immersed in... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills'Stepping into the pages of a new Eve Mallow mystery is like stepping into your favourite well-worn comfy slippers... Eve now feels to me like a trusted (if fictional!) friend that I can't wait to catch up with... Deliciously moreish... If you haven't already discovered this series then what are you waiting for???' Goodreads Reviewer, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • - A completely gripping cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    When the calm of Saxford St Peter is disrupted by a deadly fire at the Old Mill, amateur sleuth Eve Mallow finds herself investigating a most surprising mystery!Everyone in Saxford St Peter is desperate to know more about Harry Tennant, the newcomer who owns the Old Mill. He usually keeps himself to himself, but he's finally invited the villagers round for drinks, and Eve Mallow isn't the only one looking forward to having some questions answered.But two days before the party, a terrible fire sweeps through the mill, and Harry is found dead. When Eve passes the burned remains of his beautiful house, she can't resist the call to investigate. Especially when it turns out quiet, charming Harry was living a double life as the famous advice writer Pippa Longford. Eve has to wonder what revelations were contained in the letters he received... and whether one of them was worth killing for.Accompanied by her reliable dachshund sidekick Gus, Eve starts digging. She soon realises Harry was at the centre of a web of lives - and lies. There's an uncle desperate to inherit, two women who thought they were his one and only, not to mention everyone who shared their darkest secrets with him. Was one of those strangers much closer to home than Harry knew? And can Eve untangle the truth before she finds herself face to face with a killer?A completely charming page-turner, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Agatha Christie and Betty Rowlands.See what readers are saying about the Eve Mallow series:'Utterly delightful!... I really enjoyed reading this book. It was the perfect cosy murder mystery to become immersed in... Keeps you on your toes!... I highly recommend this to the armchair detectives of the world!' The Two Quills'I loved this book... Everything an old-fashioned sleuthing ought to be... I flew through the pages' Shalini's Books & Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿'Stunning... Loved the story and the pacing and just everything about it... A great story that I couldn't put down... The twists and turns were great.' Crossroad Reviews

  • - A totally addictive cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

  • - A completely unputdownable cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

  • - An utterly gripping cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

  • - An absolutely unputdownable English cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    Frost sparkles on the bare winter branches, as night falls over the quiet country lanes bordering the fens. But nestled beneath an ivy-covered bough, a body lies pale in the bright moonlight…When a promising local artist disappears, the victim's brother begs Detective Tara Thorpe to take the case. It seems there's no evidence of foul play… he simply disappeared without a trace.Tara agrees to do some digging… never mind that her unorthodox approach to policing has got a few of her colleagues' backs up. Amongst them is her former supervisor Detective Patrick Wilkins… he's had enough of Tara calling the shots and will do anything to knock her down. She must be careful.At least she has an ally in their boss, Detective Garstin Blake. He'll always back her hunches. If anything, they work together too well… at least, that's the rumour around the station these days.When a body of a young woman is found frozen near the fens, Tara's evidence suddenly becomes key to solving a high-profile murder. Is their missing artist still a victim… or in fact a clever murderer with a deadly plan?An unputdownable page-turner that will keep you hooked until the very last page! Readers are completely gripped by Clare Chase…'Literally couldn't put it down!! This was an excellent thriller with well-developed characters and great twists!! From the first page until the end… a great ride of mystery, suspense and murder… Excellent thriller and crime read!!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'There's so much to love about this book… a mouth-watering, Michelin 5 star read.' Jenny O'Brien, 5 stars'Fast-paced, twisty and interesting well-developed characters. Oh, and a very interesting setting! I just ripped right through this book. A wonderful balance of what I feel are the essential elements for a crime novel. This appears to be the first in a series... I hope so as I really enjoyed Tara!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An utterly addictive English cozy mystery novel
    av Clare Chase

    When the body of twenty-year-old Julie Cooper is found - her pockets stuffed full of wilting flowers - in an iron-age hill fort on the edge of the fens, Detective Tara Thorpe and her team are called in to investigate. The evidence points to an illicit affair gone wrong… but is there more to the story? As always at the Cambridge Constabulary, the case turns personal. Detective Blake is exhausted after the arrival of a new baby with wayward wife Babette, and Tara is keen to put as much distance between herself and Blake as she can - both at the station and on the hunt for the killer. Charming rookie officer Jez is the perfect distraction… but is he a little too good to be true?Then Tara makes a startling breakthrough when she finds an unsettling family heirloom hidden in the late victim's bedroom - a golden statue of a sinister-looking cat with emerald eyes. As she traces its origins, Tara begins to realise that Julie's murder is no one-off crime, but a sinister plot with its roots in a terrible secret that was covered up decades earlier.An unputdownable page-turner, perfect for fans of Faith Martin, Agatha Christie and Joy Ellis. Can be read as a standalone.The Tara Thorpe Mystery Series:Book 1 - Murder on the MarshesBook 2 - Death on the RiverBook 3 - Death Comes to CallBook 4 - Murder in the FensReaders absolutely love Clare Chase:'Literally couldn't put it down!! This was an excellent thriller with well-developed characters and great twists!! From the first page until the end… a great ride of mystery, suspense and murder… Excellent thriller and crime read!!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'Wow what a book! One of the best mysteries I have read! Loved it from start to finish and couldn't put it down! A masterpiece! Plotting perfection! The writing is brilliant and flows off the page, the characters stay with you. A thoroughly satisfying, absolutely stunning book! I cannot wait to read more by this amazing author!' Renita D'Silva'Fast-paced, twisty… I just ripped right through this book.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'I have to say that I loved this book.'Jen Med's Book Reviews, 5 stars'I absolutely loved this book… grabbed me by the throat from the opening chapter and refused to let go until the very end… The story was a fantastic puzzle... all set against the beautiful backdrop of Cambridge and the menacing emptiness of the surrounding Cambridgeshire fens.' A Little Book Problem, 5 stars'Clever, twisty stories, with great characters.' Kate Rhodes, author of Hell Bay'You'll enjoy her books including this one if you like Joy Ellis, L. J. Ross, and Faith Martin… I absolutely adored the setting here. It reminds a little of the sort of setting in Midsomer Murders - quaint and idyllic with some very shady characters. The twists in the plot were plentiful and I liked the relationship and dynamic between Thorpe and Blake.' Goodreads reviewer'A tense, exciting read with plenty of twists… an addictive read.' Goodreads reviewer

  • - A gripping and unputdownable English murder mystery
    av Clare Chase

    Meet Tara Thorpe - she's Cambridge Police's newest recruit… but her dark past is never far behind her. Perfect for fans of Faith Martin, LJ Ross and Joy Ellis.When a body is pulled from the dank and dangerous fens on the outskirts of town, everybody assumes it was a tragic accident. But Detective Tara Thorpe, newly joined and determined to prove herself, suspects there's more to the story.Tara is desperate to investigate further, but her supervisor Patrick Wilkins has other ideas. He would rather die than let this ambitious upstart show him up - even if it means some digging in Tara's secret past to keep her under his thumb. After all, it's not like he can report her - everyone knows that his boss Detective Garstin Blake and Tara have a history…When another body is found, it becomes clear that there's a killer on the loose. Could the murders be linked to the secrets that Tara has been keeping from her team… and can she solve the case before another innocent dies?An unputdownable page-turner that will keep you hooked until the very last page! Readers are completely gripped by Clare Chase…'Literally couldn't put it down!! This was an excellent thriller with well-developed characters and great twists!! From the first page until the end… a great ride of mystery, suspense and murder… Excellent thriller and crime read!!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'Fast-paced, twisty, and interesting well-developed characters. Oh, and a very interesting setting! I just ripped right through this book. A wonderful balance of what I feel are the essential elements for a crime novel. This appears to be the first in a series... I hope so as I really enjoyed Tara!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'I'm excited by this. I think we need a new series of mysteries and murders in Cambridge and the fens… Ooh yes, I liked this one!' The Book Trail

  • - A gripping murder mystery thriller that will keep you turning the pages
    av Clare Chase

    Do you love twisty murder mysteries? Meet Tara Thorpe - the clue to a puzzling local murder has landed right on her doorstep. Perfect for fans of Faith Martin, LJ Ross and Joy Ellis. As the sun rises, a wealthy young woman - Samantha Seabrook - is found drowned in the ornamental fountain of a deserted Cambridge courtyard, the only clue - an antique silver chain wound tightly around her throat. It's Tara Thorpe's job to discover what happened to Miss Seabrook - but the case becomes personal when she learns that Samantha had been receiving death threats… rather like the one that landed on Tara's doorstep the night the woman died. Together with Detective Inspector Garstin Blake, Tara tracks the killer to the dank and dangerous fens on the outskirts of the city. But there's something Tara can't quite admit to Blake about her past - and it could make all the difference to whether they live... or die. An absolutely gripping page-turner that will keep you hooked until the very last page. The first in a series of unputdownable Cambridge mysteries featuring Thorpe and Blake. What everyone's saying about Clare Chase: 'WOWZERS!... My Kindle might as well have been glued to my hands as I couldn't put this story down… My heart was in my mouth and I was reeling with shock from what was happening. It was all just too exciting!' Goodreads reviewer 'I was totally unprepared for the mind games and suspense… This book will suck you in - brilliant!' 5 stars, Goodreads reviewer 'I was bursting to talk about this book with someone, I loved it… There was no point putting it down even if I tried to because my mind could not think about anything else.' Reviewed the Book

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