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Böcker av Christopher Smith

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  • - Soaring Through History and Innovation for Beginning Readers
    av Christopher Smith

    Embark on a riveting journey through aviation history with "Inspiring Stories of Airplanes for Young Readers" This captivating book for kids unveils ten extraordinary stories of bravery, skill, and survival in the face of adversity.From the legendary Miracle on the Hudson, where Captain Chesley Sullenberger safely landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, to the unforgettable survival tale of United Flight 232's crash landing in Sioux City, Iowa, after an engine failure, each narrative showcases the remarkable feats of pilots and passengers alike.Experience the heart-pounding moments of Aloha Airlines Flight 243's mid-flight decompression and the heroic efforts of the crew to bring the Boeing 737 safely to the ground. Explore the lessons learned from British Airways Flight 9's engine fire and the miraculous recovery of the Gimli Glider, an Air Canada Boeing 767 that ran out of fuel mid-flight.Delve into the triumphs of TACA Flight 110, FedEx Flight 705, and JAL Flight 123, where pilots defied the odds and landed their aircraft against all expectations. Witness the sheer determination of JetBlue Flight 292's pilots as they navigated a loss of primary control systems, narrowly averting disaster.Finally, be inspired by the unbreakable spirit of the passengers and crew of Air France Flight 358, who evacuated the aircraft before it was engulfed in flames after overshooting the runway."Inspiring Stories of Airplanes for Young Readers" is a testament to the human spirit and a celebration of the courage and ingenuity that define aviation. Perfect for young readers with a passion for flight, this book will inspire and captivate as it showcases some of the most incredible moments in aviation history.

  • av Christopher Smith

    *STEPHEN KING A PROPOS DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH : "CONSIDÉREZ-MOI COMME UN FAN ENTHOUSIASTE DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH. SMITH EST UN GÉNIE CULTUREL." L'histoire: Parfois, au-delà de la mort, la vengeance continue à faire des ravages. Les cibles restent des cibles. Certains y laissent leur peau. Depuis sa tombe, un seul homme envoie les ordres. Tuez George Redman. Tuez Leana Redman. Tuez tous les Redman. Finissez le travail, écrasez-les tous, faites-le avec talent, volez tous leurs espoirs, supprimez leur rêves. Dans Park Avenue, le dernier tome de la très populaire série 5ème avenue, l'ardeur des sentiments enflamme tout jusqu'à l'explosion, tandis que les personnages de chaque livre se sont enfin réunis dans un seul et unique cauchemar. Quant aux Redman, le problème est simple : un homme, depuis longtemps décédé, voulait les voir mourir, mais il n'est pas le seul. Tous les autres conspirent contre le clan Redman, ce qui entraîne une longue série d'évènements terribles, tandis qu'ils se battent pour leur survie. Park Avenue décortique la haute société de New York jusqu'au c¿ur... non comestible. C'est le thriller le plus abouti en ce sens de Christopher Smith, auteur de nombreux best-sellers à suspense : 5ème Avenue , La course des taureaux , Bons baisers de Manhattan , Manhattan souviens-toi , On ne meurt que deux fois et Liens de sang .

  • - A Strategic Guide to Solving Fire & Police Recruiting Challenges with Digital Solutions
    av Christopher Smith

    Fire & Police force recruiting has become highly complicated. Gen Z'ers are fully digital, meaning that traditional recruiting techniques will not work. To reach and recruit new Gen Z team members, you must become an expert at demographic targeting, story-based messaging, search engine ads, social media ads, programmatic advertising, IP targeting, landing pages, and data analytics. This book provides an overview of what channels and techniques you should be using. It is not a how-to book that covers each topic in technical detail. To do this would take a huge number of books and years of digital marketing experience. This book does tell you what you need to know to implement the right digital solution to increase your fire & police recruiting efforts dramatically. You will learn what you didn't know that you didn't know.

  • av Christopher Smith

    STEPHEN KING ÜBER CHRISTOPHER SMITH: "Sie dürfen mich gern als begeisterten Fan von Christopher Smith bezeichnen. Smith ist ein kulturelles Genie." Vor sechzehn Jahren hat Camille Miller ihrem Leben als Assassine, als Auftragskillerin den Rücken gekehrt, und sich nur noch um ihre Tochter Emma gekümmert. Doch dann wird ihr Vater brutal ermordet, und Camille muss sich auf ihre alten Fähigkeiten besinnen, um herauszufinden, wer der Täter ist und was sein Motiv war. Die Verdächtigen? Ihre sechs Geschwister, allesamt scharf auf das Erbe. Scharf genug, um dafür einen Mord zu begehen? Ohne Wissen ihrer Mutter schmiedet Emma einen Plan, um das Rätsel als Erste zu lösen. Und was Camille ebenfalls nicht ahnt: Privatdetektiv Marty Spellman ist auf der Suche nach ihr. Er muss sie finden - das Leben seiner Familie steht auf dem Spiel. Im Laufe eines einzigen Tages verändert sich das Leben aller Beteiligten, im Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Nichts ist, wie es scheint, und niemand ist sicher. Nicht eine Sekunde lang.

  • - A Wall Street Thriller
    av Christopher Smith

    TWELVE PEOPLE TARGETED FOR DEATH... Five years ago, each person sold out to the SEC and took the stand against Maxmilian Wolfhagen, the infamous arbitrageur who robbed the world of billions and brought about the collapse of the stock market. Now, with Wolfhagen out of prison, one by one, each is dying a grisly death. TWO ASSASSINS WITH ONLY 48 HOURS TO CUT A SWATH OF MURDER AND REVENGE THROUGH NEW YORK... With the time restrains so tight, the challenges are massive--but so are their ruthless skills. MARTY SPELLMAN IS ON THE CASE... Hired by the writer Maggie Cain to investigate Wolfhagen for a biography she's writing about him, private investigator Marty Spellman soon learns that all isn't what it seems as the twists pile up along with sheer number of the dead. His life is put on the line. His family is threatened. No one is who they appear to be. Who can he trust as the bulls of Wall Street start to run as the two assassins fully ignite their killing spree?

  • av Christopher Smith

    *STEPHEN KING A PROPOS DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH : "CONSIDÉREZ-MOI COMME UN FAN ENTHOUSIASTE DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH. SMITH EST UN GÉNIE CULTUREL."L'histoireRegardez bien toute la puissance et toute la richesse que représente la 5ème Avenue à New-York, et vous y trouverez la cupidité, le sang, la vengeance. Dans le thriller et best-seller international "5ème Avenue ", une très haute société corrompue se retrouve traînée dans la boue lorsqu'un homme tente de détruire une famille entière dans une rage que rien ne peut apaiser. Louis Ryan est cet homme. George Redman, sa femme, ses deux filles et leurs amis proches sont ses cibles. Les deux hommes sont des milliardaires partis de rien, qui revendiquent leur place sur la 5ème Avenue. Mais quand Louis Ryan engage un assassin international afin de déchirer littéralement la famille Redman, une série d'événements catapulte tout ce beau monde à travers un thriller trépidant et dur dans lequel personne n'est en sécurité. Leurs secrets sont révélés. Leur vie sexuelle est exposée. La Mafia est impliquée. Et les deux filles de George, Celina et Leana Redman, prises dans les griffes du passé de leur père, sont menacées par le désir aveugle de Louis Ryan de détruire un autre homme pour lui faire payer le meurtre de sa femme 31 ans plus tôt.

  • av Christopher Smith

    *STEPHEN KING A PROPOS DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH: "CONSIDÉREZ-MOI COMME UN FAN ENTHOUSIASTE DE CHRISTOPHER SMITH. SMITH EST UN GÉNIE CULTUREL." L'histoire Regardez bien toute la puissance et toute la richesse que représente la 5ème Avenue à New-York, et vous y trouverez la cupidité, le sang, la vengeance. Dans le thriller et best-seller international "5ème Avenue ", une très haute société corrompue se retrouve traînée dans la boue lorsqu'un homme tente de détruire une famille entière dans une rage que rien ne peut apaiser. Louis Ryan est cet homme. George Redman, sa femme, ses deux filles et leurs amis proches sont ses cibles. Les deux hommes sont des milliardaires partis de rien, qui revendiquent leur place sur la 5ème Avenue. Mais quand Louis Ryan engage un assassin international afin de déchirer littéralement la famille Redman, une série d'événements catapulte tout ce beau monde à travers un thriller trépidant et dur dans lequel personne n'est en sécurité. Leurs secrets sont révélés. Leur vie sexuelle est exposée. La Mafia est impliquée. Et les deux filles de George, Celina et Leana Redman, prises dans les griffes du passé de leur père, sont menacées par le désir aveugle de Louis Ryan de détruire un autre homme pour lui faire payer le meurtre de sa femme 31 ans plus tôt. UN BEST-SELLER INTERNATIONAL NUMÉRO 1 DANS LE TOP 100 DES VENTES.BEST-SELLER INTERNATIONAL DANS LE TOP 100 AUX U.S.A. PENDANT 7 MOIS CONSECUTIFS.BEST-SELLER INTERNATIONAL NUMÉRO 1 DANS "POLICIER ET SUSPENSE" EDITORIAL DE KIRKUS À PROPOS DE 5ème AVENUE: " ... rempli de danger et de tension. Ce thriller, situé à New York, propose un regard intérieur sur la richesse, le pouvoir, la cupidité et la façon dont ces mondes s'entremêlent et s'entrechoquent quand un homme cherche à se venger et enclenche une chaîne d'événements catastrophiques. Le livre est segmenté en quatre parties, chacune représentant une semaine, ce qui maintient l'action et les événements serrés et condensée d'une manière bien adaptée au genre. ... les lecteurs trouveront les personnages bien dessinés et finement observés. Personne n'est sans défaut, et chacun a quelque élément qui pourrait susciter l'empathie des lecteurs, ce qui est idéal, car il permet de garder les lecteurs engagés aux côtés des personnages. Dans l'ensemble, le rythme est serré, rapide, l'action haletante. Idéal pour ce que les lecteurs anticipent du genre."

  • av Christopher Smith

    STEPHEN KING ON CHRISTOPHER SMITH: "Put me down as an enthusiastic Christopher Smith fan. Smith is a cultural genius." From the #1 International Best-selling author of "Fifth Avenue" comes Smith's best thriller yet! Description: A billionaire investor dealt a grisly death.The suspects? Six of his seven children, all so desperate for their father's money, they'd kill for it. His seventh child, Camille, a former assassin who left that life behind to raise her now sixteen-year-old daughter Emma, must tap into old instincts to learn who killed her father and why. What she never sees coming are Emma's plans to go into Manhattan and find out on her own. Meanwhile, Camille must be found. Private investigator Marty Spellman is threatened by a mysterious man to find her. He has seventy-two hours or do so--or members of his own family die. Over the course of one day, Spellman, Camille, Emma, and Spellman's own fifteen-year-old daughter, Beth, must intervene to finish this and shut it down. Twists abound. Few are who they appear to be. Soon, all parties are in a rush to violence, but despite how quickly they act, it's clear that no one is safe.

  • av Christopher Smith

  • av Christopher Smith

    Eder Jofre: O Primeiro Campeão Mundial de Boxe do Brasil é um olhar íntimo da vida e carreira espetaculares do melhor pugilista da América do Sul, ranqueado pela Organização Internacional de Pesquisas de Boxe como o maior peso-galo de todos os tempos. Durante os anos 1960s, Jofre permaneceu invicto em suas 50 primeiras lutas enquanto obtém reconhecimento global como campeão mundial imbatível dos pesos galos e o melhor boxeador do mundo independente de peso. Após perder seu título e aposentar-se por três anos, fez o que é considerado o melhor retorno nos anais da história do boxe, permanecendo invicto por 25 lutas e conquistando o cinturão mundial dos pesos pena. Por meio de extensa pesquisa, uso de fontes primárias e comunicação com a família Jofre, a história de Eder Jofre é contada como nunca antes nesta biografia de mais de 600 páginas, e pela primeira vez em língua inglesa. Jofre foi um garoto tímido de origem humilde, mas chegou ao topo de sua profissão por meio de trabalho duro, paixão e humildade. Se tornou um ícone brasileiro e membro da realeza do boxe antes de partir para uma bem sucedida carreira política. O livro contém informações de todos os 78 combates profissionais de Jofre, além de relatos abordando round a round, preparação para as lutas, treinamentos e coberturas posteriores aos embates, informações sobre a história da família Jofre-Zumbano, da vida pessoal de Jofre e mais de 500 fotografias raras.

  • av Christopher Smith

  • av Tony Brown
    2 969

    Obtaining an accurate and comprehensive overview of performance throughout the firm is no easy undertaking - there are numerous aspects of the firm to inspect and many varying streams of information to consider. From individual partner performance to firm-wide cash flow, correctly measuring and managing performance involves a keen eye on both the micro and macro aspects of the firm. Measuring and Managing Performance for Law Firms offers an overview of the measurement and metrics that firms can employ to effectively manage their work force and firm-wide performance. Discussing a range of topics from metrics that stimulate innovative thinking, effectively managing high-performance teams and dealing with stress in the work place, and implementing "e;balanced scorecards"e; and "e;opportunity scoring assessments"e; to track firm performance and effectively utilize internal information resources.

  • - Aims, Tools and Techniques of the Icelandic Sorcerers
    av Christopher Smith
    319 - 565

  • - Salvation
    av Christopher Smith
    265 - 395,-

  • - Subordinate Judges
    av Christopher Smith
    1 395,-

    Written for social scientists who study the judiciary, legal scholars, judges, and others who are interested in the workings of the federal courts, this volume offers a comprehensive examination of the role of U.S. magistrates--the relatively invisible subordinate judicial officers within the federal district courts.

  • av Christopher Smith

  • av Christopher Smith & James Floyd Kelly

    Taking a similar approach to best-selling LEGO author James Kelly's other books, this book presents a series of four challenges in the setting of mankind's first-ever manned base on the planet Mars.

  • - The King's Treasure
    av Christopher Smith & James Floyd Kelly

    Here is the sequel to one of the most popular books on LEGO robotics programming, LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: The Mayan Adventure. It continues the successful and engaging formula from the first book, and applies it to the process of learning the next generation.

  • av Christopher E. Smith
    1 115,-

    This book analyzes why the Rehnquist Court never fulfilled expectations for the reversal of liberal judicial decisions from the Warren and Burger Courts. At its conservative high point in 1991-1992 the Supreme Court was dominated by seven justices who had dependably conservative voting records over the course of their early careers. Five of these justices were appointed in the 1980s and early 1990s by Reagan and Bush, presidents who made concerted efforts to appoint judicial officers who would undo liberal precedents. This is the first book to focus on scholars' growing recognition that the Rehnquist Court has not been as conservative as most presumed it would be. In focusing on Justice Antonin Scalia, whose role inadvertently contributed to the Court's failure to achieve conservative goals, the study examines how individual justices can affect Supreme Court decisions through their judicial behavior.

  • - Federal Judges and Court Administration
    av Christopher Smith
    1 395,-

    This book examines the federal judiciary in light of political science research on the role of interests and interest groups in the making of public policy.

  • - The Impact of Clarence Thomas
    av Christopher Smith
    1 115,-

    Smith introduces a new concept, critical judicial nominations, to advance scholars' understanding of the consequences of the federal nomination process for the Supreme Court and the American political system.

  • - A Reference Handbook
    av Christopher Smith

    A collective overview of contemporary developments affecting court organization and judicial procedures. America has a long history of sensationalized trials and infamous lawyers and judges, but what is the truth about how our system of jurisprudence really works?

  • - The Cadbury Experience
    av John Child, Michael Rowlinson & Christopher B. R. Smith

    This book is concerned with the management of organisational change. It focuses on Cadbury Ltd and provides an in-depth study of change within this famous British company. It will be of interest to teachers and students of business history, organisational behaviour, industrial relations and industrial sociology.

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