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Böcker av Chris Bruno

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  • av Chris Bruno

    Exploring the theology and themes of Philippians, Sharing Christ in Joy and Sorrow illustrates how believers have unity with the suffering and exalted Christ, encouraging them to live joyfully amid all life circumstances.

  • av Chris Bruno

    "Father" is a verb, and fathering is the highest calling of God on men. Man Maker Project is a guide for fathers to intentionally usher their sons into godly manhood. Now more than ever, the reality of unfinished men confronts us at every turn. Without intentional fathering, a boy's core question--Am I a man?--forever echoes in his soul. Every boy needs to hear his father's clear "yes" in response. While many fathers know they should do something for their maturing sons, they have little idea how to create such an initiatory process. Man Maker Project offers a practical roadmap that equips fathers to create a unique, modern-day masculine initiation experience for their sons. Rather than a single event or ceremony, fathers can guide their boys through a yearlong process, with the support of a cadre of hand-selected men. This book also challenges fathers to investigate their own stories, as God's mutually redemptive design is for us to be fathered ourselves as we father our sons. Through this modern-day rites of passage process, fathers fulfill their calling, sons find their footing, and society receives solid men ready to strongly and kindly restore the world.

  • av Chris Bruno

    All men must reckon with midlife. The time comes for every man where he realizes the morning of his life will soon turn towards afternoon. There is just as much behind as there is ahead, and the passage into a new season is about to begin. But many men have little sense of what this new season could or should entail, and we struggle knowing how to navigate it. We lack a vision for what it means to become a godly "Sage."The manhood journey is cyclical rather than linear, and the further along we travel, we find ourselves once again at the beginning. To truly become a Sage, we must go deeper and in reverse to recover those parts of us we exiled, forgot, lost, or never fully knew. Men who successfully navigate midlife emerge with a vision for who God originally made them to be. But men who go on living their lives without an awareness of their own deep need for this intentional work simply grow old, believing their best years are behind them rather than ahead. To become a Sage is the highest calling of God on men. It is the pinnacle of manhood, and yet the vast majority of men settle for a too-small story as they pass the midlife mark. This passage into the second half is God's invitation to His bigger story.If the task of the first passage is to find the man within the boy and call him forth, the task of the second passage is to find the boy within the man and bring him home.Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage invites men into an intentional journey through midlife and into the Sage.

  • av Chris Bruno

    Um estudo teológico e inspirador acerca do que a Bíblia realmente ensina sobre fé, obras e justificação. Ao longo da história da igreja, cristãos têm debatido a aparente contradição entre Paulo e Tiago sobre a temática da fé e das obras, e sua relação com a questão da justificação. Eles eram partidários de grupos opostos? Tinham visões e objetivos diferentes sobre a missão da igreja?Em Paulo x Tiago: Como conciliar suas (aparentes) diferenças no debate sobre fé e obras, Chris Bruno apresenta um estudo abrangente para o leitor que deseja identificar, interpretar e explicar pontos de aparente contradição no texto bíblico. O livro, além de ser uma excelente fonte de lições práticas da vida cristã, é um manual de apologética e um recurso para o estudo teológico.Dividido em três partes, o livro conduz o leitor por uma viagem histórica e biográfica, a fim de compreender a unidade de Tiago e Paulo em sua mensagem e missão. Também aborda os ensinamentos destes apóstolos sobre justificação, começando o roteiro de estudos pelo Antigo Testamento, porque tanto Tiago quanto Paulo construíram seu entendimento da justificação com base na história de Abraão e, principalmente, da proclamação da fé do patriarca em Gênesis 15.6. E, por fim, aplica essas verdades a nossa vida e a nossas igrejas, resume o que Tiago e Paulo nos ensinam sobre fé e obras e elucida aprendizados obtidos ao longo da história da igreja. Assim, a partir desse arcabouço histórico e teológico, Chris Bruno convida cada leitor a examinar como deve ensinar e pregar sobre fé e obras hoje em dia e a refletir sobre o que Tiago e Paulo podem nos dizer sobre algumas prementes questões pastorais que muitas vezes enfrentamos. Paulo x Tiago é um livro indicado a todo leitor que deseja se aprofundar no estudo de um dos assuntos mais polêmicos do Novo Testamento. Pastoral, apresenta uma discussão atualíssima e não menos importante para balizar a ação da igreja hoje. Um verdadeiro convite para a unidade do Corpo!

  • - How The Earliest Christians Told The Story Of Israel
    av Chris Bruno

    Although relatively few in number, the New Testament's explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access into the way the earliest Christians told this story, which is to say, into the way they did biblical theology. These curiously overlooked summaries are the subject of this stimulating study.

  • av Chris Bruno

    Helping readers grasp the overarching story line of the Bible, this concise resource explores 16 key verses that serve as "turning points" in the biblical narrative, highlighting God's sovereignty, glory, and grace throughout his Word.

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