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Böcker av Carlos Whitlock Porter

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  • - The Holocaust
    av Carlos Whitlock Porter

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

    In re-reading this brilliant essay one should be reminded that the author was only 26 years old at the time and had not been brought up in Africa. Considering that, it is truly remarkable that he could have been so unfashionably ''illiberal'' and so insightful into the African psyche.Carlos Whitlock Porter was born in 1947 in California in a family of Navy officers and lawyers. C.W. Porter studied in Europe, and is a professional translator and member of the Institute of Linguists. Since 1976, he has studied the Holocaust and war crimes trials with detailed patience and precision, including the related questions of law, toxicology and chemistry. Concerning the International Military Tribunal trial records, C.W. Porter''s work exposes these kangaroo courts to have been absurd and hideous miscarriages of justice. The Nuremberg Trial records would be hysterically funny if they were not responsible for over fifty years of suffering and injustice. His main works are "Made in Russia: The Holocaust" and "Not Guilty at Nuremberg".

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

    Les personnes non informées considèrent les Procès de crimes de guerre de Nuremberg comme la preuve définitive de la culpabilité des dirigeants allemands avant et durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. La transcription des débats raconte toutefois une histoire bien différente. Ce livre contient les arguments de la défense avancés par les principaux accusés au cours des procès. Il montre que ces procès ont enfreint toute la jurisprudence existante et les règles de procédure d''administration des preuves. On a refusé à des accusés le droit de contre-interroger des témoins , on a accepté sans hésitation comme authentiques des documents ouvertement falsifiés et les preuves indiquant que des suspects avaient été torturés ont été écartées sur ordre des juges.

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

    Le persone disinformate ritengono che i "Processi per Crimini di Guerra di Norimberga" siano la prova definitiva delle responsabilità della dirigenza tedesca prima e durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Le trascrizioni dei verbali, tuttavia, raccontano una storia ben diversa. Questo volume contiene gli argomenti della difesa avanzati dai principali imputati nei processi. Nel libro si dimostra che i processi infransero ogni precedente e procedura legale nelle prove. Agli imputati fu negato il diritto di controinterrogare i "testimoni", documenti sfacciatamente contraffatti vennero accettati come autentici senza alcuna domanda e l''evidenza che indicava l''uso della tortura sui sospettati fu cancellata su ordine dei giudici.

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

    That repression causes neurosis is a truism of the modern world. This applies chiefly to sexual matters. It does not apply to racial matters (at least not when expressed by whites). It is the hypothesis of this authority (i.e., myself) that millions of white Americans are suffering from serious neurotic symptoms caused by the repression of their racial feelings. Freud believed that neurosis would cure itself through the "catharsis" [κάθαρσις] of analysis, i.e., the "expression" - Äußerung - of "repressed feelings" [verdrängten Empfindungen - . It is the hope of this practitioner that the present modest volume may make some small contribution to the therapy of racially repressed white persons in situations of difficulty. Carlos Whitlock Porter 19 September 2013.

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

    A collection of letters received by Carlos W. Porter, with his replies. - Letter from Catherine Colohen. Note on the Difference between Fascists and National Socialists. Half-Jewish Pro-Lifer Demands Retraction and Apology. From Tony Cavanaugh, Ex-British "Intelligence". Gerard M. on Soviet Atrocities. From a Japanese-American (On the Chinese, Koreans and Hara-Kiri). From a Former U.S. Intelligence Officer on Irma Grese.

  • av Carlos Whitlock Porter

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