- Bold Breakthroughs From Inventive Women
av Carla Sinclair
The 40 profiles of scientists, doctors, engineers, inventors, innovators, and disrupters in Girl Genius are sure to energize any teen or tween with a desire to solve problems, improve lives, and save the world (or maybe just make it run a little more smoothly). Each mini-biography tells a story of a woman who identified a problem and fixed it through some combination of ingenuity, experimentation, perseverance, hard work, and luck. These inspiring stories also provide advice and strategies for any reader who wants to follow in the footsteps of creative, resourceful, game-changing women like Marie Curie, Stephanie Kwolek, Keiana Cavé, Grace Hopper, Sha Yao, Katherine Johnson, and more. ABOUT THE SERIES Generation Girl books celebrate game-changing women. They are filled with profiles of amazing women who’ve been there, done that, and learned some valuable lessons along the way. Readers will be inspired by their stories, learn from their struggles and successes, and pick up some useful tools so that they too can change the world. Other Generation Girl books include: Girl CEO and Girl Activist.