av Brian Brock
Alice dreams of being a superhero, but she'll discover that "superhero" is a word for children, and she's not a child anymore. She's young, unsure of herself, and desperate to know what she is and why she can do things that should be impossible. As she experiments with her powers and her freedom, she quickly gains the attention of ORIGIN, the elite, secret agency that employs the only other known metahuman in existence, a troubled young man named Ethan, with whom Alice immediately develops intriguing chemistry. Within a secret underground base, Alice learns how to combat disasters and terror threats, and she's trained by the most elite rescuers and soldiers in the world. However, Alice quickly learns that her new employers are keeping secrets from her, and she begins to clash with members of her team.Ethan is an especially vexing puzzle, as he seems to have no life nor family outside of ORIGIN. Her attraction to him clashes with her instincts, and she realizes more and more with every mission that Ethan is at the heart of a deep, dark secret. As Alice attempts to unravel the mysteries of her employers, a terrorist group emerges from the shadows to lure Alice and Ethan into the open.While Alice struggles to unravel the plots of her enemies and her allies alike, she struggles even more with the idea of failing to save others the way she failed to save her father. Set in the near future and filled with action and mystery, Skyborn The Divine is a story of self-sacrifice, love, and courage under fire.