- The Structure of Network Automation with YANG, NETCONF, RESTCONF, and gNMI
av Benoit Claise
Network Programmability with YANG gives you complete and reliable guidance for unlocking the full power of network automation using model-driven APIs and protocols.Authored by three YANG pioneers, this plain-spoken book guides you through successfully applying software practices based on YANG data models. The authors focus on the network operations layer, emphasizing model-driven APIs, and underlying transports.This guide can help you dramatically improve value, agility, and manageability throughout your network. Discover the value of implementing YANG and Data Model-Driven Management in your network Explore the layers and components of a complete working solution Build a business case where value increases as your solution grows Drill down into transport protocols: NETCONF, RESTCONF, and gNMI/gRPC See how telemetry can establish a valuable automated feedback loop Find data models you can build on, and evaluate models with similar functionality Understand models, metadata, and tools from several viewpoints: architect, operator, module author, and application developer Walk through a complete automation journey: business case, service model, service implementation, device integration, and operation Leverage the authors' experience to design successful YANG models and avoid pitfalls Accelerate service delivery and minimize network lifecycle costs by unlocking the power of YANG-based network automation An easy to understand overview of YANG, packed with practical implementation examples Focuses on the network management aspects of network programmability By authors at the forefront of the YANG development effort and the YANG modeling revolution For wide audiences of network professionals called upon to improve value, agility, and manageability in large-scale networks