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Böcker av B N Rundell

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  • av B N Rundell

    In the riveting conclusion to bestselling author B.N. Rundell's fan-favorite western series, Elijah McCain faces his most formidable challenge yet.Having spent the last few years alone with most of his time expended in war, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Union Cavalry, losing his wife, and traveling cross-country in search of his twin sons, McCain has had little time for himself-or to spend with others. When he and his friend, Charlie Two Toes, decide to lead a wagon train north into the gold fields of Montana Territory, the dangers they meet are far more than they bargained for, including the unexpected appearance of a beautiful native Shoshone woman who instills in McCain a newfound sense of hope. Navigating five hundred miles through hostile lands, McCain begins to wonder: can he make it to Bridger Trail in one piece-or is he finally at the end of his rope?Facing the ever-present threat of danger and an uncertain fate, McCain finally confronts a future he's never been sure he'll live long enough to witness.

  • av B N Rundell
    305 - 445

  • av B N Rundell

    Bestselling author B.N. Rundell continues the action in book six of his western classic series, following Elijah McCain on a search for his missing sons...Former Union Colonel Elijah McCain wants nothing more than to bring his stepsons home just as he promised their mother on her deathbed. But it turns out finding rebellious young, Union Army deserters is harder than McCain imagined. After chasing the boys across the Wild West and losing them to a clipper ship, he soon discovers that they escaped to Monterey, California. In an attempt to catch up with his sons before they disappear again, McCain joins up with a band of ranchos that are moving hundreds of horses north for General Sheridan and Colonel Custer. If he plays his cards right, a reward large enough to get him and his sons home will be at the ready. He only has to survive thirteen hundred miles of wilderness, as well as restless and violent natives who are looking to run everyone from their lands.Imminent danger has never scared McCain from his mission, and he won't let the potential of losing his scalp deter him this time.

  • av B. N. Rundell
    305 - 445

  • av B N Rundell

    "The great Northwest-land of the Nez Perce, Yakama, Nisqually and Muckleshoot peoples and a land that beckoned settlers and the remnants from the gold fields. But it had been ravaged by the Indian wars of 1855 and the years following. The Civil War was over, though not all was forgotten nor forgiven. Renegades were committed to making their mark against the Union. It was into this conflict that Elijah McCain's search for his missing sons brought him. That hunt would take him into the scablands, across the desolate plains, to join a freighter wagon train to cross the Cascade Mountain Range by way of the Naches Trail, the most treacherous and deadly route known at the time-made more so by an attack on a wagon train, leaving a massacre in the wake. The same renegades set their sights on a gold-carrying wagon train, but they had not reckoned on a man like former Union Colonel Elijah McCain, and that was to be their mistake, or perhaps Elijah's." --

  • av B N Rundell

    "Wherever he looked, he saw everything through the lens of his commitment, the Covenant he made with his wife to find her twin boys, deserters from the Union Army during a time of war. But in the wild of the frontier, in a time of discovery, conflict, and more, fate continually dealt him a difficult hand. Wherever he went, conflict put him in the middle of strife, hardship, and battle. First, against the rampaging Sioux under Red Cloud, the chief determined to rid the territory of all white men. Then against godless outlaws as they stole gold claims and killed prospectors. Add to that lethal mix the self-appointed Vigilantes, and he had to deal death with lead with his Cold and his Winchester. Yet he continued his journey, rescuing desolate and desperate youngsters, helping those in need, making friends and enemies, and believed he was on the trial of his sons. But would he find them in time, or would they heed the lure of riches and the voices of Sirens and go astray?" -- page [4] of cover.

  • av B N Rundell

    "The exciting, explosive new series from the bestselling author of The Plainsman western series begins with The Covenant... It was a time of uncertainty in the infancy of the growing nation. The wild west was open and beckoning to displaced men and families, and many chose to travel to the unsettled frontier, dreaming of new homes, land, and even riches. But few reckoned on those that had lived in those lands for centuries, the native peoples, Blackfoot, Crow, Sioux, and more. Elijah McCain, fresh from the Union army where he had attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel with the Mounted Rifles, the cavalry unit under General Sherman, had returned home to find his wife on her deathbed, but pleading for her twin sons. She elicited a promise, a covenant, from her husband, "Find my boys, bring them home." And Eli made that covenant. Holding her hand as she slipped from life, he promised he would bring her sons, his stepsons, home one way or the other. But would that promise be the undoing of dreams, lives, and more? TAGLINE: Her final wish has become his life's mission..."--

  • av B N Rundell
    265 - 459

  • av Rundell B.N. Rundell
    249 - 445

  • av B N Rundell
    279 - 569,-

  • av B.N. RUNDELL
    279 - 569,-

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    B.N. RUNDELL NIMMT SIE WIEDER MIT AUF ABENTEUERREISE IM BAND DREI DER RASSANTEN STONECROFT SAGA.Osage, Kansa, Otoe sind alles Stämme des Mississippi Laufs und leben genau entlang jener Route, welche die beiden Freunde wählen. Sie setzen alles daran, den Kopfgeldjägern aus Philadelphia zu entkommen und die unentdeckte Wildnis des Westens zu erforschen. Aber als sie mit ehemaligen französischen Fellhändlern, die zu Sklavenhändler wurden, zusammentreffen, ändern sie abermals ihr Ziel. Schließlich haben die Franzosen Pawnee Frauen entführt. Aber die Sklavenhändler sind nichts im Vergleich zu den Stämmen der Omaha und Ponca, die den gesamten Handel vom Missouri bis zum Nord Platte Fluss kontrollieren.Aber Gabe Stone, wie er sich jetzt nennt, und Ezra Blackwell sind nicht nur ewige Freunde und Kameraden auf dieser Entdeckungsreise, sondern freunden sich schließlich auch mit den gefürchteten Omaha und Ponca an. Und eh sie es sich bewusst sind, sind sie mit der Tochter des mächtigsten Häuptlings des ganzen Gebiets befreundet. Mit jeder Wende des Schicksals treten sie neuen Herausforderungen entgegen und als sie schließlich endlich den Weg in die unerforschte Wildnis einschlagen wollen, müssen sie sich einer Herausforderung stellen, wie sie es in ihren kühnsten Träumen nie vermutet hätten. Die Konfrontation zwischen einer Kompanie der Soldado de Cuera, der Elitetruppe der spanischen Krone und einer Gemeinschaft von befreiten, geflohenen Sklaven zieht die beiden Freunde mitten zwischen die Fronten. Sie müssen eine Entscheidung treffen, die nicht nur ihre Reise, sondern auch ihr Leben beenden könnte.Können zwei einzelne Männer wirklich den Ausgang in einer solchen Schlacht beeinflussen?

  • av B N Rundell
    279 - 569,-

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns im zweiten Band der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mit.Zwei Freunde fühlen sich gegenseitig, sowie ihrem Schicksal die Wildnis zu erforschen, verpflichtet. Sie bereisen das Gebiet französisch Louisiana, das bald schon unter dem Namen Louisiana Kauf in der Geschichte, der sich ausdehnenden Vereinigten Kolonien bekannt werden wird. Aber ein anderer Mann, der für seinen Reichtum, Einfluss und Rachsucht bekannt war, setzt alles daran, dass Gabriel Stonecroft den ultimativen Preis für den Tod seines Sohnes zahlen muss. Dieser Sohn war von jeher ein Taugenichts gewesen und hatte sein Leben in einem Duell gegen Stonecroft verwirkt. Nach einer lebensgefährlichen Reise auf einem Plattbodenschiff den Ohio Fluss hinab machen sich die beiden Freunde nun auf den Weg, den Westen zu erkunden. Aber lokale Schlägertypen in der jungen Stadt Neu Madrid fangen einen Streit an und gehen daraus mit Wunden und Rachegelüsten hervor. Der Wunsch nach Vergeltung wird zusätzlich von den Kopfgeldjägern geschürt, die ihrerseits nur die hohe Belohnung, die auf den Kopf des jungen Abenteurers ausgesetzt ist, an sich reißen wollen. Als die beiden Freunde eine entflohene Pawnee Gefangene aufgreifen und an der Seite der Osage Krieger kämpfen, werden ihre Pläne zunächst über den Haufen geworfen. Die an Land festsitzenden Piraten tun sich mit den Kopfgeldjägern und abtrünnigen Indianern zusammen, um permanent die Pläne der beiden Abenteurer zu vereiteln. Und als Frauen die Bildfläche betreten, verändert sich alles noch einmal drastisch.

  • - A Classic Western Series
    av B N Rundell

    A CAPTIVATING, VIVID WESTERN CLASSIC - FOR FANS OF THE TRUE WILD WEST. It was to be no more than a wagon train going west, but when Reuben uncovers a plot to provide a shipment of Beecher's Bibles to the restive Oglala Sioux, he was forced to intervene. He knew the destruction that would come at the hands of renegade natives armed with Springfield Rifles and in good conscience, he forced himself to try to do whatever was necessary to prevent that from happening.The war was waging in the east and when the usual guard of soldiers from Fort Kearny was no longer possible, the wagons had to travel without the safety of the troops. An appeal to the commandant also revealed a deeper plot that would put the innocent travelers in more danger, prompting Reuben to change his plans and form a plot of his own. He knew trouble often comes in threes and an angry band of Pawnee that had been cheated by the gunrunners brought their own trouble. And to Reuben's chagrin, the Brule Sioux and the Arapaho could also complicate matters for the young man who was bound for the western plains. But if the restless and renegade natives weren't enough, a mighty pretty blue-eyed blonde young lady set her sights on the young plainsman.If he could see what was coming, Reuben would probably and gladly jump into the nearest pond of quicksand and count himself lucky.

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    av B N Rundell

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns in der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mitEs fing damit an, dass ein Bruder die Ehre seiner einzigen Schwester verteidigen musste, was zu einem blutigen Duell führte, bei dessen Ausgang der Sohn einer prominenten Familie tot im Schmutz endete...Gabriel Stonecroft und sein Freund Ezra, der Sohn eines Pastors der Afrikanisch-bischöflichen Methodistenkirche machen sich deshalb gezwungenermaßen auf die Reise durch die Wildnis des Westens. Seit frühster Kindheit sind sie Freunde, der eine ist Spross einer feinen Familie der Gesellschaft, der andere mit einem Schatz an Lebenserfahrung ausgestattet. Bald schon schweißen die Abenteuer, die sie bestehen, die Freunde noch enger zusammen.Die Reise der beiden Männer ist angefüllt mit Gefahren, Spannung und Abenteuer. Mutig treten sie Kopfgeldjägern, abtrünnigen Shawnee- und Delawaren Indianern entgegen und stellen sich einer Bande von Flusspiraten. Die Chancen stehen schlecht für die beiden jungen Männer, denn ihnen fehlt es an Erfahrungswerten, wenn es um das Leben als Pioniere geht. Aber bald schon verfügen sie über ein ganzes Reservoir an Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und die jungen Träumer bestehen Abenteuer von denen sie nicht einmal zu träumen gewagt hatten.

  • - A Classic Western Series
    av B N Rundell

    "Every time he squeezed the trigger, somebody died. He thought it was just the way of the war, but after taking a couple bullets and being mustered out, it continued. When he stood over the ashes of his family's farm and stared at their graves, the same bile rose in his throat, and he knew somebody was going to have to pay ... and pay with their blood. This was to be the beginning of a blood hunt that would take Reuben Grundy across four states, pit him against renegade outlaws posing as the Home Guard for the north, the Bushwhackers of Captain Quantrill and the men in butternut and grey, as well as the mighty Pawnee of the plains. His father had taught young Reuben to never look for others to do what needs to be done, even if it means putting his life on the line. And Reuben would do just that, with his training as one of Berdan's Sharpshooters at the outset of the war between the states, and his own time beside his father in the woods, Reuben was destined to become one of the most feared hunters of the plains. Whether it was for man or beast, when his sights settled on the target, death was sure to follow." --

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

    The south country beckoned, and Gabe and Ezra answered.It was nothing more than a re-supply trip to Santa Fe, but an encounter with the Tabeguache Ute and the Caputa Ute changed the course of their journey. It wasn't until they came upon the massacre at a Mexican Hacienda and the subsequent attack from a rampaging band of renegade Jicarilla Apache, that they would uncover a prospering trade in captives and slaves that would raise the ire of both Gabe and Ezra.When a garrison of Mexican Soldados and one particular officer intervenes, things are not as they would first appear. Their purpose was derailed when an unexpected ambush by Apache would prompt a rescue expedition. When all is complicated by the intervention of slave traders, Comancheros, and the perpetrators masking as Mexican Soldados, only then does a simple re-supply journey become a vengeance quest, and all the blood that would flow would not be Apache!This historical western series will have you gasping for air and capture your heart.

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

    "What started as a visit to the families of the women turned into a fight with renegade Apsaalooke warriors. But that was just the beginning of the battles ... After a friendly encounter with the Yapudttka Ute, their journey would take them into the middle of a fight between the Mouache Ute and an expedition of gold hungry Spaniards. The prospectors traveled across the Southern tier of the land known as New Spain in search of the seven cities of Cibola--the same cities of gold once sought by Coronado--now thought to be in the headwaters of a river in the Sawatch Mountains of the Rockies. When the leader of the Spaniards tries to enslave the band of Utes to dig for gold, it starts a bloody battle. But when Gabe and company learn about captives and the treatment of them as slaves that does not sit well with Ezra who will fight any form of slavery wherever it is found. Blood will fill the sluice boxes and rivers of the Sawatch Range before this conflict is over!" --]cPage 4 of cover.

  • av B N Rundell

    Includes an excerpt from Sawatch Skirmish (Stonecroft Saga Book 13).

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

  • av B N Rundell

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