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Böcker av Ashwani Kumar

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  • - Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 11
    av Ashwani Kumar

    AI for Sustainable Cities: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 1 explores the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping the future of urban development. Focused on advancing Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11) - "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable" - this book explores the intersection of AI and sustainable urbanization. Through theoretical insights and practical case studies, it examines how AI technologies can optimize urban planning, enhance infrastructure efficiency, and promote inclusivity and equity in cities worldwide.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable AI: Navigating Responsible Consumption and Production in the Age of Artificial Intelligence SDG Goal 12 is an exploration of the intricate relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) - Responsible Consumption and Production. In this book, we delve into the transformative potential of AI in promoting sustainability while also addressing the challenges and complexities that accompany its adoption. Through a multidisciplinary lens, we examine the environmental, social, and economic implications of AI integration, offering insights, analysis, and practical recommendations for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and individuals alike.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    AI for Climate Action: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - SDG Goal 13 explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and climate action, offering insights into how advanced technologies can combat climate change and advance sustainable development. Through comprehensive analysis and real-world examples, this book highlights the potential of AI to monitor environmental changes, predict climate patterns, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. It emphasizes ethical considerations, including equity, transparency, and accountability, in the development and deployment of AI-driven solutions.

  • - Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "AI for Ocean Sustainability: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14" explores the innovative synergy between artificial intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), which aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources. This book explores into the transformative potential of AI in addressing the myriad challenges facing our oceans, from pollution and overfishing to climate change impacts. Through insightful discussions, real-world case studies, and practical examples, readers gain a deep understanding of how AI technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, and data analytics can revolutionize marine conservation efforts.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable Development Goal 15 and Artificial Intelligence: A Path Towards Environmental Conservation explores the dynamic synergy between SDG 15 and AI, offering a profound exploration into how cutting-edge technology can drive environmental sustainability. This book examines the intersection of environmental conservation and AI innovation. It presents a comprehensive analysis of how AI technologies such as machine learning, satellite imagery analysis, and robotics are revolutionizing efforts to protect terrestrial ecosystems, promote biodiversity, and combat deforestation, desertification, and land degradation.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    O Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 15 e a Inteligência Artificial: A Path Towards Environmental Conservation explora a sinergia dinâmica entre o ODS 15 e a IA, oferecendo uma exploração profunda da forma como a tecnologia de ponta pode impulsionar a sustentabilidade ambiental. Este livro examina a intersecção entre a conservação ambiental e a inovação da IA. Apresenta uma análise abrangente da forma como as tecnologias de IA, como a aprendizagem automática, a análise de imagens de satélite e a robótica, estão a revolucionar os esforços para proteger os ecossistemas terrestres, promover a biodiversidade e combater a desflorestação, a desertificação e a degradação dos solos.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Obiettivo di sviluppo sostenibile 15 e intelligenza artificiale: A Path Towards Environmental Conservation esplora la sinergia dinamica tra l'SDG 15 e l'IA, offrendo una profonda esplorazione di come la tecnologia all'avanguardia possa guidare la sostenibilità ambientale. Questo libro esamina l'intersezione tra la conservazione dell'ambiente e l'innovazione dell'IA. Presenta un'analisi completa di come le tecnologie di IA, quali l'apprendimento automatico, l'analisi delle immagini satellitari e la robotica, stiano rivoluzionando gli sforzi per proteggere gli ecosistemi terrestri, promuovere la biodiversità e combattere la deforestazione, la desertificazione e il degrado del territorio.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    L'objectif de développement durable n° 15 et l'intelligence artificielle: A Path Towards Environmental Conservation explore la synergie dynamique entre l'objectif de développement durable n° 15 et l'intelligence artificielle, offrant une exploration approfondie de la manière dont les technologies de pointe peuvent favoriser la durabilité environnementale. Ce livre examine l'intersection de la conservation de l'environnement et de l'innovation en matière d'intelligence artificielle. Il présente une analyse complète de la manière dont les technologies de l'IA, telles que l'apprentissage automatique, l'analyse d'images satellite et la robotique, révolutionnent les efforts visant à protéger les écosystèmes terrestres, à promouvoir la biodiversité et à lutter contre la déforestation, la désertification et la dégradation des sols.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    AI per l'azione sul clima: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - SDG Goal 13 esplora l'intersezione tra Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) e azione per il clima, offrendo spunti su come le tecnologie avanzate possono combattere il cambiamento climatico e promuovere lo sviluppo sostenibile. Attraverso un'analisi completa ed esempi reali, questo libro evidenzia il potenziale dell'IA per monitorare i cambiamenti ambientali, prevedere i modelli climatici e mitigare le emissioni di gas serra. Sottolinea le considerazioni etiche, tra cui l'equità, la trasparenza e la responsabilità, nello sviluppo e nella diffusione di soluzioni guidate dall'IA.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    IA para a ação climática: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - SDG Goal 13 explora a intersecção entre a Inteligência Artificial (IA) e a ação climática, oferecendo perspectivas sobre a forma como as tecnologias avançadas podem combater as alterações climáticas e promover o desenvolvimento sustentável. Através de uma análise abrangente e de exemplos do mundo real, este livro destaca o potencial da IA para monitorizar as alterações ambientais, prever padrões climáticos e mitigar as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. O livro enfatiza as considerações éticas, incluindo a equidade, a transparência e a responsabilidade, no desenvolvimento e implementação de soluções baseadas em IA.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    L'intelligence artificielle au service de l'action climatique: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - SDG Goal 13 explore l'intersection de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et de l'action climatique, offrant un aperçu de la façon dont les technologies avancées peuvent combattre le changement climatique et faire progresser le développement durable. Grâce à une analyse approfondie et à des exemples concrets, cet ouvrage met en évidence le potentiel de l'IA pour surveiller les changements environnementaux, prévoir les schémas climatiques et atténuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Il met l'accent sur les considérations éthiques, notamment l'équité, la transparence et la responsabilité, dans le développement et le déploiement de solutions basées sur l'IA.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    AI for Climate Action: Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - SDG Goal 13 erforscht die Überschneidung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und Klimaschutz und bietet Einblicke, wie fortschrittliche Technologien den Klimawandel bekämpfen und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung fördern können. Durch umfassende Analysen und Beispiele aus der Praxis zeigt dieses Buch das Potenzial von KI zur Überwachung von Umweltveränderungen, zur Vorhersage von Klimamustern und zur Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen auf. Es betont ethische Überlegungen, einschließlich Gerechtigkeit, Transparenz und Verantwortlichkeit, bei der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz von KI-gestützten Lösungen.

  • - sfruttare la tecnologia per l'obiettivo 14 dell'SDG
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "AI for Ocean Sustainability: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14" esplora l'innovativa sinergia tra l'intelligenza artificiale (AI) e l'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 14 (SDG 14), che mira alla conservazione e all'uso sostenibile di oceani, mari e risorse marine. Questo libro esplora il potenziale trasformativo dell'IA nell'affrontare la miriade di sfide che i nostri oceani devono affrontare, dall'inquinamento alla pesca eccessiva, fino all'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici. Attraverso discussioni approfondite, casi di studio reali ed esempi pratici, i lettori acquisiscono una profonda comprensione di come le tecnologie di IA, quali l'apprendimento automatico, la visione computerizzata e l'analisi dei dati, possano rivoluzionare gli sforzi di conservazione dell'ambiente marino.

  • - aproveitar a tecnologia para o Objetivo 14 do ODS
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "AI for Ocean Sustainability: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14" explora a sinergia inovadora entre a inteligência artificial (IA) e o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 14 (ODS 14), que visa conservar e utilizar de forma sustentável os oceanos, mares e recursos marinhos. Este livro explora o potencial transformador da IA na abordagem dos inúmeros desafios que os nossos oceanos enfrentam, desde a poluição e a sobrepesca até aos impactos das alterações climáticas. Através de discussões perspicazes, estudos de casos reais e exemplos práticos, os leitores adquirem uma compreensão profunda de como as tecnologias de IA, como a aprendizagem automática, a visão por computador e a análise de dados, podem revolucionar os esforços de conservação marinha.

  • - mettre la technologie au service de l'objectif 14 des ODD
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "AI for Ocean Sustainability: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14" explore la synergie innovante entre l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'objectif de développement durable 14 (SDG 14), qui vise à conserver et à utiliser de manière durable les océans, les mers et les ressources marines. Cet ouvrage explore le potentiel de transformation de l'IA pour relever les nombreux défis auxquels sont confrontés nos océans, qu'il s'agisse de la pollution, de la surpêche ou des effets du changement climatique. Grâce à des discussions perspicaces, des études de cas réels et des exemples pratiques, les lecteurs acquièrent une compréhension approfondie de la manière dont les technologies d'IA telles que l'apprentissage automatique, la vision par ordinateur et l'analyse de données peuvent révolutionner les efforts de conservation marine.

  • - Nutzung von Technologie für SDG-Ziel 14
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "AI for Ocean Sustainability: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 14" erforscht die innovative Synergie zwischen künstlicher Intelligenz (AI) und dem Ziel 14 für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG 14), das den Schutz und die nachhaltige Nutzung der Ozeane, Meere und Meeresressourcen zum Ziel hat. Dieses Buch erforscht das transformative Potenzial von KI bei der Bewältigung der unzähligen Herausforderungen, mit denen unsere Ozeane konfrontiert sind, von Verschmutzung und Überfischung bis hin zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Durch aufschlussreiche Diskussionen, reale Fallstudien und praktische Beispiele erhalten die Leser ein tiefes Verständnis dafür, wie KI-Technologien wie maschinelles Lernen, Computer Vision und Datenanalyse die Bemühungen um den Meeresschutz revolutionieren können.

  • - Sfruttare la tecnologia per l'obiettivo 11 dell'SDG
    av Ashwani Kumar

    AI per le città sostenibili: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 1 esplora il potenziale trasformativo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) nel plasmare il futuro dello sviluppo urbano. Incentrato sulla promozione dell'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 11 (SDG 11) - "Rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, resilienti e sostenibili" - questo libro esplora l'intersezione tra IA e urbanizzazione sostenibile. Attraverso approfondimenti teorici e casi di studio pratici, esamina come le tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale possano ottimizzare la pianificazione urbana, migliorare l'efficienza delle infrastrutture e promuovere l'inclusività e l'equità nelle città di tutto il mondo.

  • - Aproveitamento da tecnologia para o Objetivo 11 dos ODS
    av Ashwani Kumar

    IA para Cidades Sustentáveis: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 1 explora o potencial transformador da Inteligência Artificial (IA) na definição do futuro do desenvolvimento urbano. Focado no avanço do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 11 (ODS 11) - "Tornar as cidades e os assentamentos humanos inclusivos, seguros, resilientes e sustentáveis" - este livro explora a interseção da IA e da urbanização sustentável. Através de conhecimentos teóricos e estudos de casos práticos, examina como as tecnologias de IA podem otimizar o planeamento urbano, melhorar a eficiência das infra-estruturas e promover a inclusão e a equidade nas cidades de todo o mundo.

  • - Mettre la technologie au service de l'objectif 11 des ODD
    av Ashwani Kumar

    L'IA pour des villes durables: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 1 explore le potentiel de transformation de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) pour façonner l'avenir du développement urbain. Axé sur l'avancement de l'objectif de développement durable n° 11 (ODD 11) - "Rendre les villes et les établissements humains inclusifs, sûrs, résilients et durables" - ce livre explore l'intersection de l'IA et de l'urbanisation durable. À travers des aperçus théoriques et des études de cas pratiques, il examine comment les technologies de l'IA peuvent optimiser la planification urbaine, améliorer l'efficacité des infrastructures et promouvoir l'inclusivité et l'équité dans les villes du monde entier.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable AI: Navigating Responsible Consumption and Production in the Age of Artificial Intelligence SDG Goal 12 è un'esplorazione dell'intricata relazione tra l'intelligenza artificiale (AI) e l'Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 12 (SDG 12) - Consumo e produzione responsabili. In questo libro, approfondiamo il potenziale trasformativo dell'IA nella promozione della sostenibilità, affrontando al contempo le sfide e le complessità che ne accompagnano l'adozione. Attraverso una lente multidisciplinare, esaminiamo le implicazioni ambientali, sociali ed economiche dell'integrazione dell'IA, offrendo approfondimenti, analisi e raccomandazioni pratiche per i responsabili politici, gli operatori del settore e i singoli individui.

  • - Technologie für das SDG-Ziel 11 nutzen
    av Ashwani Kumar

    AI for Sustainable Cities: Harnessing Technology for SDG Goal 1 erforscht das transformative Potenzial von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bei der Gestaltung der Zukunft der Stadtentwicklung. Dieses Buch konzentriert sich auf die Förderung des Ziels 11 für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG 11) - "Städte und menschliche Siedlungen inklusiv, sicher, widerstandsfähig und nachhaltig machen" - und erforscht die Schnittmenge von KI und nachhaltiger Urbanisierung. Anhand von theoretischen Erkenntnissen und praktischen Fallstudien wird untersucht, wie KI-Technologien die Stadtplanung optimieren, die Effizienz der Infrastruktur verbessern und Inklusivität und Gerechtigkeit in Städten weltweit fördern können.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable AI: Navigating Responsible Consumption and Production in the Age of Artificial Intelligence SDG Goal 12 é uma exploração da intrincada relação entre a inteligência artificial (IA) e o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 12 (SDG 12) - Consumo e Produção Responsáveis. Neste livro, aprofundamos o potencial transformador da IA na promoção da sustentabilidade, ao mesmo tempo que abordamos os desafios e as complexidades que acompanham a sua adoção. Através de uma lente multidisciplinar, examinamos as implicações ambientais, sociais e económicas da integração da IA, oferecendo ideias, análises e recomendações práticas para decisores políticos, partes interessadas da indústria e indivíduos.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable AI: Navigating Responsible Consumption and Production in the Age of Artificial Intelligence SDG Goal 12 est une exploration de la relation complexe entre l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'objectif de développement durable 12 (SDG 12) - Consommation et production responsables. Dans cet ouvrage, nous nous penchons sur le potentiel de transformation de l'IA dans la promotion de la durabilité, tout en abordant les défis et les complexités qui accompagnent son adoption. Dans une optique pluridisciplinaire, nous examinons les implications environnementales, sociales et économiques de l'intégration de l'IA, en offrant des perspectives, des analyses et des recommandations pratiques aux décideurs politiques, aux acteurs de l'industrie et aux particuliers.

  • av Ashwani Kumar

    Sustainable AI: Navigating Responsible Consumption and Production in the Age of Artificial Intelligence SDG Goal 12 ist eine Untersuchung der komplizierten Beziehung zwischen künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und dem Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung 12 (SDG 12) - verantwortungsvoller Konsum und Produktion. In diesem Buch befassen wir uns mit dem transformativen Potenzial von KI bei der Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit und gehen gleichzeitig auf die Herausforderungen und Komplexitäten ein, die mit ihrer Einführung einhergehen. Mit einem multidisziplinären Blickwinkel untersuchen wir die ökologischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Integration von KI und bieten Einblicke, Analysen und praktische Empfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger, Branchenvertreter und Einzelpersonen gleichermaßen.

  • - Coloring Book
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "Adventures in Colors" invites young artists on an enchanting journey through vibrant worlds of creativity! This delightful coloring book bursts with captivating scenes and intricate designs, offering a kaleidoscope of opportunities for kids to explore their imagination.Each page is a new chapter in this colorful escapade, featuring whimsical landscapes, charming characters, and delightful patterns waiting to be brought to life with a splash of color. From majestic forests to magical kingdoms and beyond, children embark on a thrilling adventure with every turn of the page.With a mix of intricate details and broader spaces, "Adventures in Colors" caters to artists of all skill levels, encouraging fine motor skills and creative expression. Dive into this captivating world and watch as colors breathe life into each illustration, fostering imagination and artistic flair in every stroke of the crayon or marker.This book isn't just about coloring; it's a passport to imaginative realms, a canvas for dreams, and a celebration of the joy found in every hue of the rainbow. As children immerse themselves in this vibrant journey, they'll discover a world where creativity knows no bounds.

  • - Coloring Book
    av Ashwani Kumar

    "Vivid Adventures: A Coloring Journey" invites you into a world of imagination and creativity. This enchanting coloring book is a kaleidoscope of intricate designs and whimsical scenes, ready to be brought to life with your personal touch. From captivating landscapes to fantastical creatures, each page offers a unique canvas for your creativity to flourish. Let your imagination roam free as you add vibrant colors and create your own stories within these beautifully crafted illustrations. Embark on a colorful adventure and discover the joy of bringing art to life with "Vivid Adventures: A Coloring Journey."

  • - Journey from Your Delusions to Your Reality
    av Ashwani Kumar

    Open Your Full Perspective with " Turning Daydreams into Dollars " by Ashwani Kumar: Your Personalized Roadmap to Getting Dreams In a world filled with daydreamers and visionaries, "Turning Daydreams into Dollars" by Ashwani Kumar becomes the definitive guide for transforming desires right into tangible, real-world success. This non-fiction work of art is not just a book; it's a customized roadmap for those who risk to dream, authored by the brilliant and insightful Ashwani.Meet the Author: Ashwani Kumar.Ashwani Kumar, an author, is the directing light behind this transformative book. With a wealth of experience as well as an unsinkable interest in individual growth, Ashwani is the ideal coach on your journey from dreamer to achiever. His words are not mere advice; they are an engaging contact for us to action, rooted in his own experiences as well as an extensive understanding of human potential.Transforming Delusions into Reality"Turning Daydreams into Dollars" does not simply discover the power of desires; it celebrates their transformative potential. Ashwani acknowledges that the line in between visions and truth can be blurry, yet he provides a plan to bridge that space.This book is even more than simply inspirational fluff; it's a functional overview that reveals to you how to transform those seemingly evasive visions right into tangible, real-world achievements. Ashwani's technique is as based as it is inspiring, making this journey available to everybody, no matter their starting point.Personalized SupportAmong the standout attributes of this book is its customized approach. Ashwani understands that every person's desires and scenarios are distinct. He customizes his guidance to resonate with your certain aspirations, enabling you to craft a customized preparation for success.With relatable narratives, sensible instances, and interesting stories, Ashwani browses you through the intricacies of transforming dreams into truth. You won't simply read concerning success; you'll witness it through the experiences of those who have adhered to Ashwani Kumar's wisdom as well as seen their desires materialize.A Journey With Possibilities" Turning Daydreams into Dollars " isn't just regarding functioning and setting objectives in their direction. It has to do with discovering the large landscape of opportunities that your dreams unlock. Ashwani takes you beyond the world of conventional thinking, prompting you to dream big and also welcome the adventurous.He unravels the mindset shifts, approaches, and practices that successful daydreamers have understood. By drawing from their experiences, Ashwani gives a detailed toolkit to aid you in browsing obstacles, overcoming insecurity, as well as persisting in the face of difficulty.Open Your Complete PotentialAs you begin on your trip from daydreamer to up-and-comer, you'll uncover the transformative power of " Turning Daydreams into Dollars " This publication is your compass, your incentive, as well as your overview to opening your complete potential.Whether you aim to launch a business, excel in your profession, or bring a long-held dream to fulfilment, Ashwani's insights, sensible examples, as well as personalized guidance will empower you to take that very first step as well as proceed walk the course to success.Don't miss this chance to transform your life, follow your desires, as well as bridge the gap between your visions and your fact. "Trip from Your Daydreams to Your Fact" by Ashwani Kumar is the key that opens the door to a future where your desires are your reality. Begin your transformative journey today!

  • - Let's Crack the Formula of Quality Sleep
    av Ashwani Kumar

    Ashwani Kumar's " A Sleep That Will Awake Success And Joy" Will Reveal the Keys to Success, Joy, and Health.The desire for success, satisfaction, as well as health is often put front as well as centre in the modern-day, busy society in which we live. What if there was an essential key that could open up any type of one of these locks? The well-respected author Ashwani has written an article titled " A Sleep That Will Awake Success And Joy." This fascinating non-fiction work of art is your roadmap to modifying your life, one night of refreshing sleep each time, as well as it will certainly alter the way you believe regarding sleep for life.Meet Ashwani Kumar, Your Sleep Expert: Let's be familiar with Ashwani, the imaginative brilliant behind the publication before we take place this life-altering adventure together so that we can maximize the experience. Ashwani is a male author, consequently, he has a distinct point of view on the subject of rest, as well as a riches of information about both the art and the scientific research of resting. He is the excellent excursion guide for this academic journey given that he is driven by a solid desire to see other individuals know their complete potential.The writing of Ashwani is not just educational but additionally really customised, making it feasible for every and also viewer to delight in the experience of having a practical guide by their side. His years of experience and effort are apparent on every web page, making one of the most challenging elements of sleep study understandable to anybody.The capacity to obtain excellent sleep is a hidden superpower.Ashwani Kumar discusses just how to obtain terrific sleep in his short article " A Sleep That Will Awake Success And Joy," which exposes several typical misconceptions about rest as well as its benefits. It's not just regarding going to sleep as well as standing up the following morning; it's also concerning the revitalization, makeover, as well as healing that happens throughout those priceless hours invested in resting.This book embraces an extra individualised method, identifying that different individuals have differing demands for their rest. Ashwani Kumar assists you in acknowledging your very own sleep habits, preferences, and issues, and after that offers you individualised referrals that are adapted to your lifestyle.This book is greater than just a collection of information about rest; rather, it is an enthralling voyage right into the realm of sleep, highlighted by real-life circumstances and involving anecdotes. Ashwani Kumar interweaves stories from reality into his story, which makes the topic of sleep scientific research more friendly as well as intriguing. You will certainly see the transformational potential of sound sleep in the lives of those who have discovered how to harness it using personal stories that are included in the book. These tales are not just concerning getting a far better night's sleep; instead, they are about living better lives that contain health, joy, as well as achievement.Ashwani Kumar shows just how, by outfitting yourself with the present of sufficient rest, you may face challenges with a newly uncovered strength, choose that are better notified, as well as inevitably achieve your objectives with even more quality and focus.You'll discover sensible methods and techniques to optimize your sleep atmosphere, kind nighttime routines that signal to your body that it's time to remainder, and also produce routines that motivate deeply. If you wish to take a fee of your life, you should not pass up the possibility of doing so by using the power of audio sleep. Get a duplicate of "A Sleep That Will Awake Success And Joy" right now and also prepare to start on a life-changing adventure that will certainly result in a future that is much better, healthier, and also a lot more successful for you.

  • av Ashwani Kumar
    2 485,-

    This book is a collection of information about applying CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing in plants. The main focus of this book is to address the recent advances and future prospects of CRISPR-Cas technology in crops.Genome editing technology is important because it can be used to improve plant traits. The earlier genome-engineering tools, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) are complicated to design and not flexible. The novel genome editor, CRISPR-Cas systems, has advantages over ZFNs and TALENs. The advantages are simple and easy to design precision in targeting and efficiency. Due to its precision and simplicity, the CRISPR-Cas technology has rapidly become the most popular genome-editing platform in life-science fields. CRISPR-Cas technology has been used widely for human gene therapy to treat diseases and for plant breeding programs for crop improvement.This book is of interest and useful to genome-editing professionals, plant breeders, horticulturists, field-level extension workers, nurserymen, planters, ecologists, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers.

  • av Ashwani (Technical Educational Department Kumar
    1 335 - 3 169,-

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