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Böcker av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

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  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

    This volume examines Argentina's military history during the 1970s, focusing on the insurgency, government operations, and the Dirty War.Following the death of Juan Domingo Perón in 1974, the presidency of Argentina was assumed by his widow Isabel Martínez de Perón. Far from ceasing their opposition to the government, the People's Revolutionary Army (Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo/ERP) and Montoneros stepped up their armed campaign to overthrow the government and replace it with a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist regime. Despite authorising Operativo Independencia (Operation Independence) Isabel Perón would ultimately be deposed by her own generals and the anti-guerilla campaign would descend into the so-called Dirty War.The campaign against anti-government and revolutionary groups in Argentina during the 1970s has become infamous for the notorious methods employed by government forces to ruthlessly suppress any form of opposition, and terms such as 'dirty war' and 'disappeared' have been added to the global lexicon as a result. Volume 2 of Operativo Independencia offers a military history of this insurgency and the campaign to suppress it, the telling of which to date has been highly politicised. Far from being only a movement of radical students and intellectuals, the opposition to Argentina's government included armed organisations that engaged in a bloody, if ineffective and ultimately futile, campaign of murder to achieve its aims. While Isabel Martínez de Perón authorised the launch of Operativo Independencia to suppress the armed insurgency, failure to take firm control of Argentina would lead to her overthrow by her own generals who would go on to establish a series of military juntas to rule Argentina until the return of democracy in the aftermath of the Falklands/Malvinas War of 1982.Operativo Independencia Volume 2 examines the military history of events between Isabel Martínez de Perón's assumption of the presidency of Argentina and the conclusion of the Dirty War. This volume details the motivation, operations and methods of government and opposition forces in this violent period of the history of Argentina.Operativo Independencia Volume 2: Guerilla War, the 1976 Coup D'état, and The Dirty War in Argentina is illustrated throughout with over 300 original photographs of the events in Argentina during the 1970s, along with specially commissioned maps and colour artworks.

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

    "This book does a great job of making sense of what initially seems like a confusion of political groups. The major events of the time help to weave the story of a nation trying to find the best way to govern itself during the period of 1955 until 1974. Very much worth picking up." - ModelingMadness.ComOperativo Independencia Volume 1 covers the lengthy background of Operation Independence between 1955 and 1974, with a brief description of all subversive guerrilla groups, the Argentine Security Forces organization, and the ERP and Montoneros organizations.International Marxist terrorism won the sympathy of many university students, Catholic movements and intellectuals in Argentina in the 1960s and 1970s, using terms such as 'dependency, imperialism, subjugation, colonialism and dictatorship'. Many of these young people had been catechists linked to Third World priests, but instead of taking the peaceful path of Christian preaching, they chose the bloody path of arms. Marxism-Leninism managed to penetrate the minds of socially well-off young people, convincing them that armed struggle was the only valid alternative against military dictatorships and Yankee imperialism. This is how they recruited hundreds of young people who later saw their lives and dreams cut short by a useless fight against a well-armed and highly professional Army.Although the first groups began to appear after the overthrow of General Juan Domingo Perón in 1955, the main guerrilla groups would only appear towards the end of the 1960s. They would 'prepare' the ground for Perón to return to the country and be President again. Perón called them 'Wonderful Youth', but he had created a monster he could not handle in his last years of life.All these groups were inspired by the successful Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro in 1959 with an Argentine, Ernesto Guevara, aka Che, and unrealistically thought that they could seize power and turn Argentina into a 'socialist homeland' in the best Cuban style. But Argentina was not Cuba, and the Argentine Armed Forces, despite suffering deep divisions and internal conflicts, were powerful, well-armed and well-trained. Their members were highly motivated to defend the political model at the time.The subversive bands aimed to produce chaos in the country, infiltrating the Peronist mass, destroying institutions, and supporting violence against the state. To achieve their objectives, the guerrilla groups resorted to the most despicable acts: kidnapping politicians, police and military officers, diplomats, and national or foreign businessmen or their relatives for ransom; hijackings; taking prisons to free their fellow terrorists; bombing politicians' or military officers' houses, foreign factories, police stations and military bases; to the assassination of politicians, police and army officers, including even a former president, General Aramburu.Everything had an objective: to create chaos in the country to prepare for the coming of Perón. When the military governments gave way to free elections, with the Peronist candidate Héctor Cámpora winning in 1973, guerrilla activity did not decrease but instead increased significantly. Cámpora belonged to the Peronist left and was greatly influenced by his two Montonero sons, so Montoneros held crucial government positions. That cost him a severe reprimand from the Peronist leader, and when General Perón assumed the presidency, he declared these groups illegal and began to fight them. But there was also the Peronist right wing in the CGT (General Confederation of Labor) and later the so-called Triple A (Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance) led by José López Rega, which would be in charge of avenging those murders and kidnappings of trade unionists by Marxist groups, especially between 1973 and 1976.General Perón did not live much longer, and it was his wife, the vice president, who, upon assuming the presidency, had to face the severe problem of the guerrillas. Although her government ordered Operation Independence, she would not see the end of this story either, which would occur in another military government led by Lieutenant General Videla towards the end of the 1970s.Operativo Independencia Volume 1 covers the long period that began after the overthrow of the government of Perón in 1955 until 1974, the year before the launch of Operativo Independencia. All the subversive groups that appeared in that period, their prominent leaders and actions are covered. Of all of them, only two would be protagonists of the most violent crimes in the mid-1970s in Argentina, the People's Revolutionary Army (ERP) and the Montoneros, whose organization is detailed in this volume.

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

    Covers the origins of the disputes and border clashes between Chile and Argentina from independence until early 1978.The Beagle conflict was a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile over the determination of the layout of the eastern mouth of the Beagle Channel, which affected the sovereignty of the islands located south of the channel, and east of Cape Horn and its adjacent maritime spaces.The first antecedents of the conflict date back to 1888, seven years after the signing of the Treaty of Limits. In 1901, the first Argentine map appeared in which some of the islands in question were drawn as within Argentina's control. Despite the small size of the islands, their strategic value between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans caused a long conflict between the two South American states that went on for much of the 20th century, causing a number of 'minor' incidents, and almost culminating in a major war.The conflict focused on the dispute over the sovereignty of the islands and the oceanic rights generated by them to Chile, but it was not limited exclusively to these islands.Volume 1 of The Beagle Conflict mini-series covers the origins of the dispute and border clashes between the two countries from the time of the independence of Chile and Argentina from the Spanish Crown, until early 1978, and is illustrated with original photographs, custom-drawn artworks and maps.

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

    This book covers the intense preparations for the coup of September 1955 and the conflict itself, described day by day in detail, along with the subsequent exile and return of President Perón.

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

    Azules versus Colorados is the name given to a series of armed confrontations between two factions of the Argentine Armed Forces in 1962 and 1963, during the de facto presidency of José María Guido.

  • av Antonio Luis Sapienza Fracchia

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