- The Only Self-Help Guide You Will Ever Need to Attract Success, Abundance and Good Health Into Your Life
av Ann Parker
Do you want SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE? Do you want to MANIFEST THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS? Fed up with paying for expensive therapy sessions - why not become your own therapist? Want your children to be intelligent and pass their exams with flying colours? This book contains all the information you need to know to attract ABUNDANCE, HEALTH, GREAT RELATIONSHIPS, SUCCESS AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT!These Self-Help techniques can be used for the entire family, including your pets! They are ideal for children as they are very receptive - and wouldn't you like your children to pass their exams effortlessly, be naturally confident, find studying easy and get every job they go for? Yes of course you would! Don't you want to have a pay rise, sell your house immediately for the right price, be promoted and find your soul mate? Yes of course you do!This book is packed with the most interesting and information information that will help you be the best version you can be: - Find out who you truly are - not just a by product of your ancestors or childhood- How to learn how to write goals and put them into action and become your own life coach- How to identify and eliminate negative patterns and beliefs and replace with positive ones- How to heal your fears and blocks- How to increase your self confidence, worth, value and esteem- How to de-stress your life FOREVER!- How to help your children pass their exams simply, easily, with minimum effort and top marks- How to 'fake it until you make it' so you are vibrating with confidence and success- Learn why you hold onto trauma, anxiety and PTSD and how to eliminate it from your life FOREVER!- How nutrition, diet and exercise is important in self development- How to use homeopathy, herbs and Bach flower remedies to increase intelligence, self confidence and turn on your success markers- How to use techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique to remove trauma, blocks, fears and anything else that is stopping you manifesting the life of your dreams- Learn how to muscle test or use a pendulum to ask '"Yes" or "No" answers so you never make a mistake a again- Learn how to ask your Angels for help and discover how your karma and past lives may be keeping you stuck- Learn how to program crystals to bring you the career and money you want!- Learn about other techniques and treatments that really work for self development- Learn to be your own therapist and save money on expensive sessions- And if you are 'up for it', have some fun and learn how to cast a spell for money and success!!