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Böcker av Anita Woolfolk

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  • av Anita Woolfolk
    1 165,-

    Pedagogisk psykologi handlar om barns och ungdomars utveckling, larande och motivation, men aven social och kulturell paverkan pa larande, larare och deras undervisning samt bedomning. Pedagogisk psykologi ar den perfekta introduktionen i amnet. Den ar anvandbar for alla som utbildar sig till larare, om det sa ar inom forskola, grundskola, gymnasium eller universitet. Boken har en teoretisk utgangspunkt, men ocksa en tydlig praktisk inriktning, och ger lasaren en grundlaggande insikt i amnet under lararutbildningen. Boken innehaller avsnitt om larande och undervisning idag. Den behandlar olika forskningsmetoder och forskningstraditioner, elevernas fysiska, sociala och moraliska utveckling samt teorier och forskning om kultur, mangfald och genus. Vidare presenteras kognitiva, behavioristiska, konstruktivistiska och socialkognitiva perspektiv pa larande och motivation. Lasaren far en grundlig introduktion till framstaende teoretiker som Albert Bandura, Urie Bronfenbrenner, Erik H. Erikson, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Burrhus Frederic Skinner och Lev Vygotskij. Boken avslutas med ett kapitel om bedomning. Lasaren far, baserat pa de teorier och de forskningsresultat som presenteras i boken, hundratals konkreta rad om hur man kan arbeta for att skapa motivation i klassrummet, hantera disciplinproblem, undervisa elever med kognitiv funktionsnedsattning, hjalpa elever att forsta och minnas, organisera larandet, uppmuntra kreativitet, framja elevernas sjalvstandighet och mycket mer. Pedagogisk psykologi ar en utmarkt foljeslagare genom hela studietiden! Anita Woolfolk ar professor i pedagogisk psykologi vid Ohio State University och Martin Karlberg ar lektor i didaktik vid Uppsala universitet.

  • av Anita Woolfolk
    1 179,-

    For Educational Psychology courses The most current, comprehensive view of educational psychology todayThe Thirteenth Edition of Educational Psychology continues to emphasize the educational implications and applications of research on child development, cognitive science, learning, motivation, teaching, and assessment. Theory and practice are considered together, showing how information and ideas drawn from educational psychology research can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching. The text reflects the field as it offers unique and crucial knowledge to any who dare to teach, and to all who love to learn.

  • av Anita Woolfolk & Nancy E. Perry
    1 139,-

    Child and Adolescent Development is an exciting, first edition that offers teacher education a new child development text organized with a chronological approach. This means that descriptions of the physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development of children and adolescents are spiraled throughout the text as discussions examine the characteristics of and the developmental milestones of four major stages of development; infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescents. Each text part investigates the significant changes that happen during that developmental period and discusses what may influence body growth, brain and motor development, language, intelligence, parent and peer relationships, and self identity. Unique to this text is how the discussions are written from a global perspective, not only illustrating the universal and diverse contexts in which children and adolescents grow up but also demonstrating how cultural contexts cultivate the development of language and impact children's and adolescent's world views and their growth. In Child and Adolescent Development, knowledgeable and revered authors, Anita Woolfolk and Nancy Perry, explore the implications and applications of the best research in child development. They provide reliable and practical guidelines to help prospective teachers, and other professionals who intend to work with children and adolescents, recognize typical and atypical development and learn how to support the development of children and adolescents in positive ways.

  • av Malcolm Hughes, Vivienne Walkup & Anita E. Woolfolk
    1 195,-

    This new edition of the European adaptation of Anita Woolfolks market-leading US text, Educational Psychology, is essential reading for anyone studying or interested in education and learning from a psychology perspective. The second edition includes new work in the areas of Assessment for Learning and Attachment Theory, as well as reflecting recent changes in Special Educational Needs provision. The text shows how information and ideas drawn from cutting-edge research in educational psychology can be applied to solve the everyday problems of teaching and child development. 'This wide-ranging and theoretically grounded text is set to become a classic in the psychology of education.'Alec Webster, Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Bristol 'This is an exceptionally strong book that explains the psychology in education in a clear and vivid way. I also appreciated the European approach of the book I would certainly recommend educators to use this book.'Sofie Loyens, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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