- The Global Trade in Human Beings
av Alexis A. Aronowitz
The scourge of human trafficking affects virtually all countries, which serve as a source, transit point, or destination, or a combination of these. While countries have long focused on international trafficking, internal movement and exploitation within countries may be even more prevalent than trans-border trafficking. Patterns of trafficking vary across countries and regions and are in a constant state of flux. Countries have long focused on trafficking solely for the purpose of sexual exploitation, yet exploitation in agriculture, construction, fishing, manufacturing, and the domestic and food service industries are common in many countries. Here, Aronowitz takes a global perspective in examining the nefarious underworld of human trafficking, revealing the nature and extent of the harm caused by this hideous criminal practice.Taking a victims-oriented approach, Human Trafficking, Human Misery examines the criminals and criminal organizations that traffic and exploit their victims. The author focuses on the different groups of victims as well as the various forms of and markets for trafficking, many of which remain overlooked because of the emphasis on sex trafficking. She also explores less frequently discussed forms of traffickingΓÇöin organs, child soldiers, mail-order brides, and adoption, as well as the use of the Internet in trafficking. Drawing on her field experiences from various parts of the world, the author deepens our understanding of this issue through descriptions of cases in which she was involved or about which she learned in the course of her travels. Together with insightful analysis, these stories reveal the true nature of human trafficking and illustrate the extent of its reach and harm.