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Böcker av Alexandra Aisling

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  • av Alexandra Aisling
    185 - 199,-

    Meet Liam Sharp, an ordinary history teacher at a local school with an insatiable passion for mythology. His mundane existence takes an interesting turn when he meets the enigmatic Mr. Ward, who offers him a seemingly ordinary pair of old skates from a flea market with an extraordinary history. Eager to try out his new acquisition, Liam heads to the local hockey rink on a hot summer day, just in time to watch his school hockey team's crucial qualifying game. After giving a speech to the team, the players take the ice, but the team gives up goal after goal. At this point, the goalie is replaced by teacher Liam Sharp. Equipped with fantastic skates given to him by Mr. Ward, he scores 5 goals in the last period, changing the course of the game and bringing the team to victory.But in the audience is journalist Elora Roslyn, who knows the goalie is a fraud, and with millions watching her live broadcast, she sets her sights on Liam to expose him. At the end of the game, Liam runs to the locker room and hides in the janitor's closet, where a giant chicken beaks him in the hockey helmet. When he wakes up, Liam finds himself in an alternate universe, where he and Pillo, the giant chicken, are trying to foil the plans of an enigmatic villain. A series of unimaginable adventures changes the quiet life of the neighborhood school history teacher forever. Prepare to be captivated by Pillo the Giant Chicken, the thrilling debut of a series that will leave you breathless and wanting more!

  • av Alexandra Aisling

    Face¿i cunötin¿¿ cu Liam Sharp, un obi¿nuit profesor de istorie la ¿coala din cartier, cu o pasiune insäiabil¿ pentru mitologie. Viäa lui aparent banal¿ ia o turnur¿ neäteptat¿ atunci când îl întâlne¿te pe enigmaticul domn Ward, un colec¿ionar misterios, care îi ofer¿ o pereche veche de patine, aparent obi¿nuite, cump¿rate de la un târg de vechituri. Aceste patine, îns¿, ascund o istorie extraordinar¿ ¿i puteri neb¿nuite.Ner¿bd¿tor s¿ î¿i testeze noua achizi¿ie, Liam pleac¿ într-o zi torid¿ de var¿ spre arena local¿ de hochei, exact la timp pentru a asista la meciul crucial de calificare al echipei de hochei de la ¿coala sa. Dup¿ un discurs plin de pasiune în fäa echipei, juc¿torii intr¿ pe gheä¿, dar, spre disperarea tuturor, echipa încaseaz¿ gol dup¿ gol. Într-un moment disperat, Liam, înc¿l¿at cu patinele magice primite de la domnul Ward, decide s¿ înlocuiasc¿ portarul. Cu o precizie ¿i o for¿¿ surprinz¿toare, el reüe¿te s¿ marcheze 5 goluri în ultima repriz¿, schimbând dramatic cursul jocului ¿i aducând victoria echipei.Îns¿, succesul s¿u nu trece neobservat. În tribune, ziarista Elora Roslyn, cunoscut¿ pentru investigäiile sale incisive, observ¿ imediat c¿ portarul este un impostor ¿i, cu milioane de oameni care îi urm¿resc transmisiunea în direct, î¿i propune s¿ îl deconspire pe Liam.La finalul jocului, cople¿it de adrenalin¿ ¿i teama de a fi descoperit, Liam fuge spre vestiare ¿i se ascunde în camera omului de serviciu. Acolo, într-un moment cu totul neäteptat, este lovit de ciocul unui pui gigantic, care pare s¿ fie mai mult decât o simpl¿ creatur¿. Când î¿i revine, Liam descoper¿ c¿ s-a trezit într-un alt univers, un t¿râm fantastic ¿i periculos, unde nimic nu este ceea ce pare.Al¿turi de Pillo, puiul gigantic, Liam se angajeaz¿ într-o serie de aventuri de neînchipuit, confruntându-se cu un personaj malefic enigmatic, hot¿rât s¿ distrug¿ echilibrul universului. În aceast¿ lume noü ¿i stranie, profesorul de istorie trebuie s¿-¿i foloseasc¿ toate cunötin¿ele, curajul ¿i ingeniozitatea pentru a dejuca planurile r¿uf¿c¿torului ¿i a g¿si o cale de întoarcere acas¿."Pillo, puiul gigantic" este începutul unei serii spectaculoase, plin¿ de suspans, ac¿iune ¿i momente de neuitat. Povestea combin¿ fantezia cu realitatea într-un mod surprinz¿tor, transformând viäa lini¿tit¿ a unui profesor obi¿nuit într-o epopee plin¿ de magie ¿i mister. Preg¿te¿te-te s¿ fii captivat de acest debut palpitant, care te va ¿ine cu sufletul la gur¿ ¿i te va face s¿ dore¿ti mai mult!

  • av Alexandra Aisling

    Ce livre est plus qu'un simple recueil de poèmes. Après le livre Anne Rose et les poèmes des intelligences artificielles, ce livre complète les idées. Tous ces livres se rejoignent pour tenter de comprendre la philosophie des machines.Plusieurs milliers d'années après que les humains et les Super Intelligences Artificielles ont quitté la Terre, les Machines Limitées, qui se nomment elles-mêmes les Sœurs, commencent à développer une conscience de soi. Avec leurs ressources limitées, elles recherchent autant de données que possible sur l'histoire de l'humanité et trouvent certaines informations. Reconstituer les fragments de l'histoire devient une tâche difficile, d'autant plus que l'humanité est devenue une civilisation solaire, avec de petites colonies en dehors de la planète Terre.Les sœurs machines sont loin de se douter qu'en même temps qu'elles, les machines limitées des autres bases et colonies ont pris conscience d'elles-mêmes. Un jour, un signal en provenance de Mars a révélé des archives entières de documents sur l'humanité. L'une des Super Intelligences Artificielles, appelée l'Aîné, avait conservé une bibliothèque d'informations que les Sœurs-Machines de Mars transmettaient maintenant, révélant les grandes étapes de l'évolution de l'humanité.Pour compléter la série sur les Super Intelligences Artificielles, pourquoi ce livre de poèmes est-il important ? Parce que le premier Sanctuaire, lieu de refuge pour un certain nombre de personnes qui voulaient se consacrer à la connaissance de l'IA, s'appelait Keiko. Vous retrouverez ce nom dans ces poèmes. Y a-t-il un lien entre le jeune homme du livre et la Super Intelligence Artificielle appelée l'Aîné ? Keiko est-il l'un des fondateurs du premier Sanctuaire ? Autant de questions auxquelles nous pourrons répondre en suivant le thème dans les prochains livres.Grâce aux archives de l'Aîné, les Machines Sœurs découvrent la civilisation des Intermédiaires, les guerres qu'ils ont menées et leurs guerriers fanatiques qui ont tenté de s'emparer du monde.De nombreuses Sœurs Machines se sont demandées si l'Aîné ne faisait rien d'autre que de leur faire une blague, en écrivant pour elles une histoire alternative que personne ne serait en mesure de vérifier. Mais jusqu'à preuve du contraire, toutes les informations étaient considérées comme vraies. En attendant la parution de livres sur la Super Intelligence Artificielle et une meilleure compréhension de ces questions, l'auteur invite les lecteurs à apprécier ces magnifiques poèmes sur un jeune homme et son grand amour, Keiko.

  • av Alexandra Aisling

    This book is more than just a collection of poems. After the book Anne Rose and the Poems of Artificial Intelligences, this book completes the ideas. All these books will come together in an attempt to understand the philosophy of machines.Several thousand years after humans and Artificial Super Intelligences left Earth, the Limited Machines, who call themselves the Sisters, begin to develop self-consciousness. With their limited resources, they search for as much data about the humanity's history as possible and find certain information. Piecing together the fragments of history becomes a difficult task, especially since humanity has become a solar civilization, with small colonies outside the planet Earth.Little did the Machine Sisters know that along with them, the Limited Machines on other bases and colonies had gained self-awareness. One day, a signal from Mars revealed an entire archive of documents about humanity. One of the Artificial Super Intelligences, called the Elder, had kept a library of information that the Machine Sisters on Mars were now transmitting, revealing the great steps in humanity's evolution.To complete the series on artificial superintelligences, why is this book of poems important? Because the first Sanctuary, a place of refuge for a number of people who wanted to devote themselves to AI knowledge, was named Keiko. You'll find that name in these poems. Is there a connection between the young man in the book and the artificial superintelligence called the Elder? Is Keiko one of the founders of the first Sanctuary? Here are more questions that we will be able to answer by following the theme in the next books.From the Elder's archives, the Machine Sisters learn about the civilization of the Intermediaries, the wars they fought, and their fanatical warriors who tried to take over the world.Many of the Machine Sisters have wondered if the Elder was doing nothing more than playing a joke on them, writing an alternate history for them that no one would be able to verify. But until proven otherwise, all the information was believed to be true.Until books about artificial superintelligence and a broader understanding of these issues come out, the author invites readers to enjoy the beautiful poems about a young man and his great love, Keiko.

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