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  • - Cien sonetos de amor
    av Pablo Neruda
    249 - 299,-

    Pablo Neruda wrote these sonnets for his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda

  • - 1798 and 1802
    av William Wordsworth

    Wordsworth and Coleridge's joint collection of poems has often been singled out as the founding text of English Romanticism. This is the only edition to print both the original 1798 collection and the expanded 1802 edition, with Wordsworth's famous Preface. It includes important letters, a wide-ranging introduction and generous notes.

  • av Arthur Rimbaud

    New Directions is pleased to announce the relaunch of the long-celebrated bilingual edition of Rimbaud's A Season In Hell & The Drunken Boat - a personal poem of damnation as well as a plea to be released from "the examination of his own depths."Rimbaud originally distributed A Season In Hell to friends as a self-published booklet, and soon afterward, at the age of nineteen, quit poetry altogether. New Directions's edition was among the first to be published in the U.S., and it quickly became a classic. Rimbaud's famous poem "The Drunken Boat" was subsequently added to the first paperbook printing. Allen Ginsberg proclaimed Arthur Rimbaud as "the first punk" - a visionary mentor to the Beats for both his recklessness and his fiery poetry.This new edition proudly dons the original Alvin Lustig-designed cover, and a introduction by another famous rebel - and now National Book Award-winner - Patti Smith.

  • av Mervin Peake

  • av William Shakespeare

    Presents a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets. This book contains poetry and themes such as love and infidelity, memory and mortality. It is a pocket-sized volume.

  • av Norman Bissell

    Presents a combination of poems and photography that creates a fresh soundscape and vision of Glasgow and of a land far beyond its crowded streets. From the screech of buses to the crash of waves on a windswept Hebridean shore, this work features poems that take us on a journey from the city to an island, between two very different worlds.

  • - with parallel German text
    av Rainer Maria Rilke

    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is one of the leading poets of European Modernism, whose poetry explores themes of death, love, and loss. This bilingual edition fully reflects Rilke's poetic development and includes the full text of the Duino Elegies and the Sonnets to Orpheus in accurate and sensitive new translations.

  • - The Subtle Art of Dissent
    av Alfreda Murck

    During the Song dynasty (960-1278), some of China's elite found an elegant and subtle means of dissent: landscape painting. By examining literary archetypes, painting titles, contemporary inscriptions, and the historical context, Murck shows that certain paintings expressed strong political opinions-some transparent, others deliberately concealed.

  • av Snorri Sturluson

    The only English translation to include the complete work - a must-have for all students of early Norse literature.

  • av Alfred Lord Tennyson

    One of the nation's favourite poems in a beautifully illustrated edition for children.

  • av Theocritus

    Theocritus (early third century BCE) was the inventor of the bucolic genre, also known as pastoral. The present edition of his work, along with that of his successors Moschus (fl. mid-second century BCE) and Bion (fl. around 100 BCE), replaces the earlier Loeb Classical Library volume of Greek Bucolic Poets by J. M. Edmonds (1912).

  • av William Carlos Williams

    Spring and All is a manifesto of the imagination - a hybrid of alternating sections of prose and free verse that coalesce in dramatic, energetic, and beautifully cryptic statements of how language re-creates the world. Spring and All contains some of Williams's best-known poetry, including Section I, which opens, "By the road to the contagious hospital," and Section XXII, where Williams penned his most famous poem, "The Red Wheelbarrow." Now, almost 90 years since its first publiction, New Directions publishes this facsimile of the original 1923 Contact Press edition, featuring a new introduction by C. D. Wright.

  • - Poems
    av Thomas Lynch

    In Still Life in Milford Thomas Lynch tenders poems on life and death, history and memory, the local and the larger geographies. "[Thomas Lynch's] poems . . . are as stark and graceful as geese lifting off backwater. The poems trace from the rural midwest to London and County Clare, a quiet elegy of loss and testament. But then Lynch is by trade a mortician, and by craft a bard." "[Lynch] evinces a steady wisdom drawn from years of passionate attention to daily experience."-Seattle Weekly

  • - And Other Poems by Dogs
    av Francesco Marciuliano

    This poetry collection humorously and faithfully depicts the inner thoughts of dogs.

  • av Walt Whitman

    Features a great American poem. This book includes an afterword by Whitman authority David Reynolds, in which he discusses the 1855 edition, in its social and cultural contexts. It also includes an appendix. It is useful for fans of Whitman and lovers of American poetry.

  • av Andre Breton

    Offers an adulation of love as both mystery and revelation. This book is dedicated to defying "the widespread opinion that love wears out, like the diamond, in its own dust."

  • av Louise Gluck

    From a fountain where 'all the roads in the village unite', concentric circles expand into the distance: the young and old, fields, a river, a mountain - the fountain's stone counterpart, where the roads end, human time superimposed on geological time. This title evokes a Mediterranean world with luminous precision.

  • av Ernest Farres

    Includes poems that are based on a painting by the American artist.

  • av Anna Akhmatova

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CAROL ANN DUFFYAnna Akhmatova is one of the most accomplished and well loved poets Russia has ever produced. This selection, beautifully translated by poet and novelist D.M. It covers both her earlier work and the poems she produced during her persecution by the Russian authorities.

  • av Harry Graham

    When Grandmama Fell off the Boat is an anthology of the humorous verse of Harry Graham, one of the early 20th century's wittiest writers. Published in England and America, he was credited with introducing 'sick' verse. His obituary in The Times compared him to Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll and W. S. Gilbert, an epitaph that has stood the test of time.


    The Tale of Sinuhe, from c.1875 BC, has been acclaimed as the supreme masterpiece of Ancient Egyptian poetry, a perfect fusion of monumental, dramatic, and lyrical styles, and a passionate probing of its culture's ideals and anxieties. This anthology contains all the substantial surviving works from the golden age of Egyptian fictional literature. Composed by an anonymous author in the form of a funerary autobiography the Tale tells how the courtier Sinuhe flees Egypt at the death of his king. Other works from the Middle Kingdom (c.1940-1640 BC) include a poetic dialogue between a man and his soul on the problem of suffering and death, a teaching about the nature of wisdom spoken by the ghost of the assassinated King Amenemhat I, and a series of light-hearted tales of wonder from the court of the builder of the Great Pyramid. These new translations draw on recent and innovative advances in Egyptology, and together with contextualizing introductions and notes to each work provide for the first time a literary reading of these ambiguous and fascinating poems to enable the modern reader to experience them as much as their original audience did, three thousand years ago.

  • av John Ashbery

    A landmark gathering of the first three decades of work by America's preeminent living poet.

  • av George Gordon Byron

    This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Byron's poetry and prose - all the major poems, complemented by important letters, journals, and conversations - to give the essence of his work and thinking.

  • av Guillaume de Lorris

    `If any man or woman should ask what I wish this romance... to be called, it is the Romance of the Rose, in which the whole art of love is contained'.Guillaume de Lorris's own introduction to his allegorical account of the progress of a courtly love affair gives no indication of the eventual scale and scope of the work, which became the most popular and influential of all medieval romances. In the hands of Jean de Meun, who continued de Lorris's work, it assumed vast proportions and embraced almost every aspect of medieval life, from predestination to the right way to deal with premature hair-loss. This new translation into modern English, based on the French edition by Félix Lecoy, is intended as much for the general reader as for students of French and English literature.

  • av Stephane Mallarme

    Stephane Mallarme was the most radically innovative of nineteenth-century poets. This is the fullest collection of Mallarme's poetry ever published in English, and the only edition in any language that presents his Poesies in the last arrangement known to have been approved by the author. It includes all the prose poems and the unique, unclassifiable Un Coup de des... (A Dice Throw...)

  • av Kevin Crossley-Holland

    The ninety-six Anglo-Saxon riddles in the eleventh-century "Exeter Book" are poems of great charm, zest, and subtlety. This volume contains the author's translations of seventy-five riddles while a further sixteen are translated in the notes.

  • av Percy Bysshe Shelley

    A major new edition, freshly edited in many cases from manuscripts, of Shelley's poetry and prose. It contains the longer poems from Queen Mab to The Triumph of Life, including generous selections from Laon and Cythna, a wide range of his shorter poems, and much of his major prose, including A Defence of Poetry.

  • av Torquato Tasso

    Tasso's epic poem concerns the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099, and combines the theme of war with romantic and magical tales of love between pagan and Christian. This is the first modern translation that faithfully reflects the sense and verse form of Tasso's hugely infuential masterpiece.

  • av Laura Quinney

    It has been clear from the beginning that William Blake was both a political radical and a radical psychologist. In William Blake on Self and Soul, Laura Quinney uses her sensitive, surprising readings of the poet to reveal his innovative ideas about the experience of subjectivity.

  • av Jalal al-Din Rumi

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