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Här kan du utforska spännande böcker om poesi, där tusentals böcker inom ämnet har samlats. Älskar du också ordkonst, som sätts ihop för att förmedla en känsla, attityd eller berättelse? Då är vi säkra på att det förmodligen kommer att finnas en diktsamling som faller dig i smaken. Vi erbjuder bland annat ett urval dikter om kärlek, liv och vänskap. Du hittar också de populära dikterna av Karin Boye, Kristina Lugn, Edith Södergran, Dan Andersson och Gustaf Fröding, där deras diktsamlingar naturligtvis återfinns nedan. Som alltid hittar du dikter till de lägsta priserna här hos oss.
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  • av &1072, &1091, &108, m.fl.

    Михаи́л Афана́сьевич Булга́ков (дореф. Михаилъ Аѳанасьевичъ Булгаковъ; 3 мая 1891, Киев, Российская империя - 10 марта 1940, Москва, СССР) - русский писатель, драматург, театральный режиссёр и актёр. Автор романов, повестей и рассказов, множества фельетонов, пьес, инсценировок, киносценариев, оперных либретто. Известные произведения Булгакова Собачье сердце, Записки юного врача, Театральный роман, Белая гвардия, Роковые яйца, Дьяволиада, Иван Васильевич и роман, принесший писателю мировую известность, - Мастер и Маргарита, который был несколько раз экранизирован как в России, так и в других странах. (

  • av Raymond Queneau

  • av Qambar Naqvi

  • av Morgan Harper Nichols

  • av Rainer Maria Rilke

    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) is one of Germany's major Modernist poets, notable for the lyric intensity of his work. He considered the Duino Elegies - a cycle of ten poems written in inspirational bursts between 1912 and 1922 - to be his major achievement. The restless movement of these poems reflects his lifelong struggle to reconcile the dichotomies of joy and suffering, life and death, masculine and feminine, that ruled his life. They remain powerful testaments to Rilke's struggles with the mysteries of existence and the endlessly opening miracle of the everyday. Alison Croggon's radical new translation captures the energies of the German poems with an urgent, acute clarity. As she says in her introductory essay: 'The turbulent currents that make the Elegies so enthralling are generated by the dynamic contradictions of a mind acutely conscious of its own movements.... The poems are not "about" life: rather, they are a startling mimesis of its instability and transience.' 'Alison Croggon's transformative and impassioned translation of Rilke's Duino Elegies attempt the extraordinary... Signature, regret, pain, trauma, wonder, euphoria, wonder, rapture and an immersion in the senses are all contained in the crispness and experiential sensibility that guides Croggon's relationship with the original poems. Croggon lives in the wild beauty of these elegies and makes them glow in translation... This is an incendiary work.' - John KinsellaPrinted en face with the German text and with an afterword and notes by the translator. Preface by John Kinsella.Shortlisted for the 2023 NSW Premier's Literary Awards Translation Prize'Alison Croggon's poems offer something intense, difficult and fragile, but simultaneously intimate and hugely rewarding in the reading.' - Cordite Poetry Review'Alison Croggon is one of the most powerful lyric poets writing today.' - Australian Book Review

  • av William Shakespeare

    This edition features an attractive bonded-leather binding, distinctive gilt edging and decorative endpapers.

  • av Kae Tempest

    A powerful new collection of poems from one of the UK's most dynamic performers

  • av Casper Morten

    The concept behind the book, is to provide the world with evidence of my existence. An attempt to create some art that will have the potential to live forever. To leave a mark here on earth. Like when you carve your initials into a tree,It's the same mindset. You're allowing the future generations to know that you were here. That's what i'm trying to do. That's the purpose of this book. I'm simply trying to live forever. Or the memory of me to be immortalized. Hoping that I can be considered worthy of this. I just wanna be heard. I just want the future to know I was here. That's the simple concept of this book. Achieving my purpose.

  • av Edward Hirsch

    100 of the most moving and inspiring poems of the last 200 years from around the world, a collection that will comfort and enthrall anyone trapped by grief or loneliness, selected by the award-winning, best-selling, and beloved author of How to Read a PoemImplicit in poetry is the idea that we are enriched by heartbreaks, by the recognition and understanding of suffering?not just our own suffering but also the pain of others. We are not so much diminished as enlarged by grief, by our refusal to vanish, or to let others vanish, without leaving a record. And poets are people who are determined to leave a trace in words, to transform oceanic depths of feeling into art that speaks to others.In 100 Poems to Break Your Heart, poet and advocate Edward Hirsch selects 100 poems, from the nineteenth century to the present, and illuminates them, unpacking context and references to help the reader fully experience the range of emotion and wisdom within these poems. For anyone trying to process grief, loneliness, or fear, this collection of poetry will be your guide in trying times.

  • av Earl Trotter

  • av Lord Dunsany & Mandy Holley
    275 - 379

  • av Zahra Naji

    The poem cycle Iniquity tells a tale of unfulfilled love as seen through the eyes of a teenager, taking the reader on a heartfelt journey of hope, trust, desire and dreams which will finally be crushed by the bitter iniquity of life. Written when the author was sixteen years old, Iniquity's haphazard jumble of emotions are embedded in every line of every poem. Taken as a whole, the book represents an authentic record of each emotional stage of a love story. Readers are sure to recognise the feelings these poems evoke, whether they experienced them in the past or continue to battle against them even now.

  • av Rumi

    "Love is a boundless ocean, in which the heavens are but a flake of foam." For more than eight hundred years, the poetry of Jalalu'l-Din Rumi has touched and inspired people of all faiths and cultures. Considered the greatest mystical poet of Iran, Rumi is also known as "the Sufi poet of love." His stirring and mesmerizing words have gained a new appreciation in the western world, influencing celebrities and musicians from Deepak Chopra to Coldplay and Madonna. Rumi produced an enormous body of work--as many as 2,500 mystical odes; 25,000 rhyming couplets; and 1,600 quatrains--each reflecting his fervent belief in the transformative powers of longing, love, and spirituality. This beautifully designed hardcover volume presents more than one hundred of Rumi's finest verses, including "The Marriage of True Minds," "The Children of Light," "The Man Who Looked Back on His Way to Hell," "The Ascending Soul," "The Pear-Tree of Illusion," "The Riddles of God," and many more.

  • av Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
    255 - 309,-

  • av Sana Abuleil

    A moving poetry collection touching on themes of forgiveness, reflection, and self-love. letters to the person i was is a poetry collection about the past, the present, and the future. It is a compilation of every word Sana wishes someone had said to her when she was a young girl. When she was struggling. Falling. Breaking. Bleeding. It is a reflection of the responsibility she feels to say these words to everyone waiting to hear them. Consisting of four chapters titled "e;the innocence,"e; "e;the refusing,"e; "e;the understanding,"e; and "e;the growing,"e; the collection is meant to take the reader on a journey of pain and hope, reinforcing the idea that life is still worth living. That life is always worth living. An excellent choice for fans of poets like Rupi Kaur and Amanda Lovelace.

  • av David Whyte

  • av Sara Teasdale

    Flame and Shadow (1920) is a poetry collection by Sara Teasdale. The poet's fifth collection, published two years after she won the 1918 Pulitzer Prize, is a masterful collection of lyric poems meditating on life, death, and the natural world. Somber and celebratory, symbolic and grounded in experience, Flame and Shadow revels in the mystery of existence itself. "What do I care, in the dreams and the languor of spring, / That my songs do not show me at all?" Content to depict the rhythms of nature, the songs of birds, and "the silver light after a storm," Teasdale's poetry dissolves the poet's ego in order to access a deeper well of creative energy: "For my mind is proud and strong enough to be silent, / It is my heart that makes my songs, not I." In "There Will Come Soft Rains," a poem born from a decade of war and widespread disease, Teasdale imagines a posthuman world where beauty and harmony continue despite our disappearance: "Robins will wear their feathery fire / Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; And not one will know of the war..." For Teasdale, a poet who merges an abiding affection for flora and fauna with a critical distance from human affairs, the belief in the life of the world, with or without us, is enough. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Sara Teasdale's Flame and Shadow is a classic work of American poetry reimagined for modern readers.

  • av Leonard Cohen

  • av Gwendolyn Brooks

    Discover the most enduring works of legendary poet Gwendolyn Brooks-the first black author to win a Pulitzer Prize-in one collectible volume"If you wanted a poem," wrote Gwendolyn Brooks, "you only had to look out of a window. There was material always, walking or running, fighting or screaming or singing." From the life of Chicago's South Side she made a forceful and passionate poetry that fused Modernist aesthetics with African-American cultural tradition, a poetry that registered the life of the streets and the upheavals of the 20th century. Starting with A Street in Bronzeville (1945), her epoch-making debut volume, The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks traces the full arc of her career in all its ambitious scope and unexpected stylistic shifts."Her formal range," writes editor Elizabeth Alexander, "is most impressive, as she experiments with sonnets, ballads, spirituals, blues, full and off-rhymes. She is nothing short of a technical virtuoso." That technical virtuosity was matched by a restless curiosity about the life around her in all its explosive variety. By turns compassionate, angry, satiric, and psychologically penetrating, Gwendolyn Brooks's poetry retains its power to move and surprise.About the American Poets ProjectElegantly designed in compact editions, printed on acid-free paper, and textually authoritative, the American Poets Project makes available the full range of the American poetic accomplishment, selected and introduced by today's most discerning poets and critics.

  • av Irving Layton

    A Wild Peculiar Joy is Irving Layton's poetic testament. Hailed as the great lyric poet, Irving Layton has come to be known as one of Canada's most powerful, groundbreaking voices, an important and influential writer whose distinguished career spanned almost forty-five years. By turns passionate and grave, joyous and apocalyptic, his beautifully crafted poems are illuminated by a strong social and political conscience, and an intensely humanistic view of the world. This is poetry that is timeless and universal. Drawn from his entire body of work, and now reissued in this handsomely redesigned volume, this edition includes a new introduction by Sam Solecki, and selected short excerpts from Irving Layton's writings on the craft of poetry. A Wild Peculiar Joy once again makes available to readers the poetry of Irving Layton and stands as the author's definitive selected.

  • av Zaishah

  • av Robert Walser

    The first complete publication of Robert Walser's poems translated into English. Admired by the likes of Kafka, Musil, and Walter Benjamin and acclaimed "unforgettable, heart-rending" by J. M. Coetzee, Swiss writer Robert Walser (1878-1956) remains one of the most influential authors of modern literature. Walser left school at fourteen and led a wandering and precarious existence while producing poems, stories, essays, and novels. In 1933, he abandoned writing and entered a sanatorium, where he remained for the rest of his life. "I am not here to write," Walser said, "but to be mad." This first collection of Walser's poems in English translation allows English-speaking readers to experience the author as he saw himself at the beginning and the end of his literary career--as a poet. The book also includes notes on dates of composition, draft versions of the printed poems, and brief biographical information on characters and locations that appear in the poems and may not be known to readers. Few writers have ever experienced such a steady rise in their reputation and public profile as Walser has seen in recent years, and this collection of his poems will help readers discover a unique writer whose off-kilter sensibility and innovations in form are perfectly suited to our fragmented, distracted, bewildering era.

  • av Clive James

    In the last book he completed before he died, Clive James offers a personal guide to the poems he found it impossible to forget.

  • av Doble Janet Doble

    This selection of poems paints a personal picture of Cornwall, the author's much loved county of birth. In these often light-hearted poems, we look at Cornwall past and present. We explore some of the author's favourite places, its culture and, of course, the beach.

  • av Imelda May

    A Lick and a Promise is the debut poetry collection of one of Irelands most famed female musicians, Imelda May. Following the release of her first poetry EP Slip Of The Tongue in 2020, this collection contains 100 poems, including two each from both her father and young daughter. Using the themes of Breast, Below, Blood, Eyes, Tongue and Temple, the poems are written in Mays absorbing, visceral style and encapsulate heartbreak, sex, nature and womanhood. Included in the collection is You Dont Get to be Racist and Irish, the powerful poem which was written in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and was recently used by Rethink Ireland

  • av Marit Kapla

    A SUNDAY TELEGRAPH AND GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE YEARWINNER OF SWEDEN'S AUGUST PRIZE'Osebol is a magnificent success; it is hard to imagine it better ... Kapla is a magician ... mesmerizing' Sara Wheeler, TLS'A simple, pared-back and down-to-earth masterpiece' James Rebanks'We listen to them like something caught on the wind ... so moving and so strangely beckoning' Nicci Gerrard, Observer'Fascinating ... I was riveted' Lydia Davis'Like standing outside an open window on a warm summer evening and listening to a piece of contemporary history' L nstidningen'What a wonderful book . . . You want to move into it' ExpressenNear the river Klar lven, snug in the dense forest landscape of northern V rmland, lies the secluded village of Osebol. It is a quiet place: one where relationships take root over decades, and where the bustle of city life is replaced by the sound of wind in the trees.In this extraordinary and engrossing book, an unexpected cultural phenomenon in its native Sweden, the stories of Osebol's residents are brought to life in their own words. Over the last half-century, the automation of the lumber industry and the steady relocations to the cities have seen the village's adult population fall to roughly forty. But still, life goes on; heirlooms are passed from hand to hand, and memories from mouth to mouth, while new arrivals come from near and far.Marit Kapla has interviewed nearly every villager between the ages of 18 and 92, recording their stories verbatim. What emerges is at once a familiar chronicle of great social metamorphosis, told from the inside, and a beautifully microcosmic portrait of a place and its people. To read Osebol is to lose oneself in its gentle rhythms of simple language and open space, and to emerge feeling like one has really grown to know the inhabitants of this varied community, nestled among the trees in a changing world.

  • - Romantic Poetry
    av N R Hart
    279 - 359,-

  • av Enne Zale

    Convalesce (Kaan-vuh-les)Relationships are about an exchange of trust. This trust can be romantic, carnal, or familial. What do we do when this trust is placed with the wrong person? What do we do when that trust is twisted and abused for the benefit of another, at the expense of our innocence?We will fight to justify what happened and make peace with our demons. We will re-play in our heads "he's a nice guy," or "she didn't mean it like that," until we believe the lie ourselves. But to truly heal and become resilient, we must acknowledge our truth.With Convalesce by Enne Zale, you are challenged to acknowledge your truth. You are challenged to revisit your demons and become resilient. You are challenged to create peace from trauma and find wisdom through your experiences.Find a cozy place to sit. It's time to whisper your confessions.

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