- Cultivating the Green Path, Volume 5
VERDANT GNOSIS is a poetic rendering of the Latin expression, Viridis Genii, which refers to the collective spiritual intelligence of our botanical environment. Viridis means 'green, verdant, growing'--all that is lush and nourishing; while genii is the origin of the words 'genius' and 'genie'--the spirit, daemon, or guiding intelligence of an entity. Viridis Genii--the verdant gnosis--is thus the spiritual path of working with the intelligence of living nature. Within this fifth volume you will find a rich selection of international authorities on the Green Way, ranging from professional plant alchemists, shamanic herb-masters, to bioregional animists. Herein you will learn the ways in which you can communicate deeply with the mysterious intelligence of the plant kingdom, breaking down the barriers of anthropocentric thinking that separate humanity from nature. Volume five presents a thread of material focusing on plant alchemy, magical lamps in conjure, querencia, shapeshifting, second sight, funeral rites, thorn magic, and phytognosis.With contributions by: Vex Blòðstjarna, Corinne Boyer, Day Host-Jablonski, Julia Semproniana, Karin Di Giacomo, Marcus McCoy, Professor Charles Porterfield, Catamara Rosarium, Daniel A. Schulke, Ella von Cosel, Brandon Weston & Jenn Zahrt, PhD. Featuring art by K Lenore Siner.