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Böcker i Trends in Mathematics-serien

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  • av Sandeep Singh
    1 405 - 1 475

  • - Bedlewo, Poland, September 2015
    2 129

    This volume consists of invited lecture notes, survey papers and original research papers from the AAGADE school and conference held in Bedlewo, Poland in September 2015. The contributions provide an overview of the current level of interaction between algebra, geometry and analysis and demonstrate the manifold aspects of the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations, while also pointing out the highly fruitful interrelations between those aspects. These interactions continue to yield new developments, not only in the theory of differential equations but also in several related areas of mathematics and physics such as differential geometry, representation theory, number theory and mathematical physics.The main goal of the volume is to introduce basic concepts, techniques, detailed and illustrative examples and theorems (in a manner suitable for non-specialists), and to present recent developments in the field, together with open problems for more advanced and experienced readers. It will be of interest to graduate students, early-career researchers and specialists in analysis, geometry, algebra and related areas, as well as anyone interested in learning new methods and techniques.

    2 265

    This collaborative book presents recent trends on the study of sequences, including combinatorics on words and symbolic dynamics, and new interdisciplinary links to group theory and number theory.

  • - New Trends and Open Problems
    1 775,-

    This book focuses on developments in complex dynamical systems and geometric function theory over the past decade, showing strong links with other areas of mathematics and the natural sciences.Traditional methods and approaches surface in physics and in the life and engineering sciences with increasing frequency ¿ the Schramm¿Loewner evolution, Laplacian growth, and quadratic differentials are just a few typical examples. This book provides a representative overview of these processes and collects open problems in the various areas, while at the same time showing where and how each particular topic evolves. This volume is dedicated to the memory of Alexander Vasiliev.

  • - International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Vellore, India, December 2017 - Volume I
    1 999

    This volume is the first of two containing selected papers from the International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Vellore, India, December 2017 - Volume I. This meeting brought together researchers from around the world to share their work, with the aim of promoting collaboration as a means of solving various problems in modern science and engineering. The authors of each chapter present a research problem, techniques suitable for solving it, and a discussion of the results obtained. These volumes will be of interest to both theoretical- and application-oriented individuals in academia and industry.Papers in Volume I are dedicated to active and open areas of research in algebra, analysis, operations research, and statistics, and those of Volume II consider differential equations, fluid mechanics, and graph theory.

  • - Automorphisms of Free Groups

    This volume features seventeen extended conference abstracts corresponding to selected talks given by participants at the CRM research program "Automorphisms of Free Groups: Algorithms, Geometry and Dynamics", which took place at the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Barcelona in fall 2012.

  • - Geometrical Analysis; Type Theory, Homotopy Theory and Univalent Foundations

  • - Nonsmooth Dynamics

    This volume contains extended abstracts outlining selected talks and other selected presentations given by participants throughout the "Intensive Research Program on Advances in Nonsmooth Dynamics 2016", held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona from February 1st to April 29th, 2016. They include brief research articles reporting new results, descriptions of preliminary work or open problems, and outlines of prominent discussion sessions. The articles are all the result of direct collaborations initiated during the research program.The topic is the theory and applications of Nonsmooth Dynamics. This includes systems involving elements of: impacting, switching, on/off control, hybrid discrete-continuous dynamics, jumps in physical properties, and many others. Applications include: electronics, climate modeling, life sciences, mechanics, ecology, and more. Numerous new results are reported concerning the dimensionality and robustness of nonsmooth models, shadowing variables, numbers of limit cycles, discontinuity-induced bifurcations and chaos, determinacy-breaking, stability criteria, and the classification of attractors and other singularities. This material offers a variety of new exciting problems to mathematicians, but also a diverse range of new tools and insights for scientists and engineers making use of mathematical modeling and analysis.The book is intended for established researchers, as well as for PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in these highly active areas of research.

  • - Workshop and Summer School, Bialowieza, Poland, 2017
    1 685

    This book collects papers based on the XXXVI Bialowieza Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2017.

  • - Festschrift in Honour of Ben de Pagter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
    1 499

    Capturing the state of the art of the interplay between positivity, noncommutative analysis, and related areas including partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and operator theory, this volume was initiated on the occasion of the Delft conference in honour of Ben de Pagter's 65th birthday. It will be of interest to researchers in positivity, noncommutative analysis, and related fields. Contributions by Shavkat Ayupov, Amine Ben Amor, Karim Boulabiar, Qingying Bu, Gerard Buskes, Martijn Caspers, Jurie Conradie, Garth Dales, Marcel de Jeu, Peter Dodds, Theresa Dodds, Julio Flores, Jochen Glück, Jacobus Grobler, Wolter Groenevelt, Markus Haase, Klaas Pieter Hart, Francisco Hernández, Jamel Jaber, Rien Kaashoek, Turabay Kalandarov, Anke Kalauch, Arkady Kitover, Erik Koelink, Karimbergen Kudaybergenov, Louis Labuschagne, Yongjin Li, Nick Lindemulder, Emiel Lorist, Qi Lü, Miek Messerschmidt, Susumu Okada, Mehmet Orhon, Denis Potapov, Werner Ricker, Stephan Roberts, Pablo Román, Anton Schep, Claud Steyn, Fedor Sukochev, James Sweeney, Guido Sweers, Pedro Tradacete, Jan Harm van der Walt, Onno van Gaans, Jan van Neerven, Arnoud van Rooij, Freek van Schagen, Dominic Vella, Mark Veraar, Anthony Wickstead, Marten Wortel, Ivan Yaroslavtsev, and Dmitriy Zanin.

    1 999

    This book features a collection of papers devoted to recent results in nonlinear partial differential equations and applications.

  • - The Serguei Shimorin Memorial Volume
    1 359

    This book contains both expository articles and original research in the areas of function theory and operator theory. The book is intended for all researchers in the fields of function theory, operator theory and complex analysis in one or several variables.

    1 775,-

    This collaborative book presents recent trends on the study of sequences, including combinatorics on words and symbolic dynamics, and new interdisciplinary links to group theory and number theory.

  • - Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization

    The papers presented in this open access book address diverse challenges in decarbonizing energy systems, ranging from operational to investment planning problems, from market economics to technical and environmental considerations, from distribution grids to transmission grids, and from theoretical considerations to data provision concerns and applied case studies. While most papers have a clear methodological focus, they address policy-relevant questions at the same time. The target audience therefore includes academics and experts in industry as well as policy makers, who are interested in state-of-the-art quantitative modelling of policy relevant problems in energy systems. The 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization (ISESO 2018) was held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) under the symposium theme ¿Bridging the Gap Between Mathematical Modelling and Policy Support¿ on October 10th and 11th 2018. ISESO 2018 was organized by the KIT, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), the Heidelberg University, the German Aerospace Center and the University of Stuttgart.

  • - Interactions between Representation Theory, Algebraic Topology and Commutative Algebra
    1 359

  • - Biomedical Big Data; Statistics for Low Dose Radiation Research
    1 065

    This book is intended for established researchers, as well as for PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in these highly active areas of research.The two parts of the present volume contain extended conference abstracts corresponding to selected talks from the "Biostatnet workshop on Biomedical (Big) Data" and from the "DoReMi LD-RadStats: Workshop for statisticians interested in contributing to EU low dose radiation research", the first held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona from November 26th to 27th, 2015, and the second held at the Institut de Salut Global ISGlobal (former CREAL) from October 26th to 28th, 2015. Most of them are brief articles, containing preliminary presentations of new results not yet published in regular research journals.The first part is devoted to the challenges of analyzing the so called "Biomedical Big Data", large amounts of biomedical and health data that are generated every day due to the use of recent technological advances such as massive genomic sequencing, electronic health records or high-resolution medical imaging, among others. The analysis of this information poses significant challenges to researchers in the field of biostatistics, bioinformatics, and signal processing. Furthermore, other relevant challenges of biostatistical research, not necessarily involving big data, are also discussed. The second part is dedicated to low dose radiation research, where there is a need to fully understand sources of uncertainty and how to characterise them before they can be reduced. Further, formal uncertainty analysis has the potential to provide a common platform for multidisciplinary research in this field.

  • - Strategic Behavior in Combinatorial Structures; Quantitative Finance
    1 359

    The main research theme explores how atomic agents that act locally and microscopically lead to discontinuous macroscopic changes. In turn, the book's second part is devoted to mathematical and computational methods applied to the pricing of financial contracts and the measurement of financial risks.

  • - A Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Jose Seade, Merida, Mexico, December 2014
    2 265

    This book features state-of-the-art research on singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics and provides an overview of the current state of singularity theory in these settings. Singularity theory is at the crossroad of various branches of mathematics and science in general.


    Microlocal analysis is a field of mathematics that was invented in the mid-20th century for the detailed investigation of problems from partial differential equations, which incorporated and made rigorous many ideas that originated in physics.

  • - A Collection of Articles on Geometry and Representation Theory
    1 475,-

    To mark this occasion, a symposium was held in Chennai, India, where some of his colleagues gave expository talks highlighting Seshadri's contributions to mathematics. This volume includes expanded texts of these talks as well as research and expository papers on geometry and representation theory.

  • - XXXII Workshop, Bialowieza, Poland, June 30-July 6, 2013

    The Bialowieza Workshops on Geometric Methods in Physics, which are hosted in the unique setting of the Bialowieza natural forest in Poland, are among the most important meetings in the field.

  • - Complex Systems; Control of Infectious Diseases
    1 065

    The two parts of this volume feature seventeen and six extended conference abstracts corresponding to selected talks given by participants at "Joint CRM-Imperial College Workshop in Complex Systems" and "Emergence, Spread and Control of Infectious Diseases" respectively, both held at the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Barcelona in spring 2013.

    2 079,-

    This book collects various perspectives, contributed by both mathematicians and physicists, on the B-model and its role in mirror symmetry.

    1 999

    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the session "Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis" at the 10th ISAAC Congress held in Macau in August 2015. The covered topics represent the state-of-the-art as well as new trends in hypercomplex analysis and its applications.

    1 475,-

    This volumepresents a collection of papers covering applications from a wide range ofsystems with infinitely many degrees of freedom studied using techniques fromstochastic and infinite dimensional analysis, e.g.

  • - Positivity VII (Zaanen Centennial Conference), 22-26 July 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands
    1 999

    This book presents the proceedings of Positivity VII, held from 22-26 July 2013, in Leiden, the Netherlands. Positivity is the mathematical field concerned with ordered structures and their applications in the broadest sense of the word. A biyearly series of conferences is devoted to presenting the latest developments in this lively and growing discipline. The lectures at the conference covered a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from order-theoretic approaches to stochastic processes, positive solutions of evolution equations and positive operators on vector lattices, to order structures in the context of algebras of operators on Hilbert spaces. The contributions in the book reflect this variety and appeal to university researchers in functional analysis, operator theory, measure and integration theory and operator algebras.Positivity VII was also the Zaanen Centennial Conference to mark the 100th birth year of Adriaan Cornelis Zaanen, who held the chair of Analysis in Leiden for more than 25 years and was one of the leaders in the field during his lifetime.

    1 339

    This volume consists of papers inspired by the special session on pseudo-differential operators at the 10th ISAAC Congress held at the University of Macau, August 3-8, 2015 and the mini-symposium on pseudo-differential operators in industries and technologies at the 8th ICIAM held at the National Convention Center in Beijing, August 10-14, 2015.The twelve papers included present cutting-edge trends in pseudo-differential operators and applications from the perspectives of Lie groups (Chapters 1-2), geometry (Chapters 3-5) and applications (Chapters 6-12). Many contributions cover applications in probability, differential equations and time-frequency analysis. A focus on the synergies of pseudo-differential operators with applications, especially real-life applications, enhances understanding of the analysis and the usefulness of these operators.

  • - Course Notes from a Summer School

    This collection of course notes from a number theory summer school focus on aspects of Diophantine Analysis, addressed to Master and doctoral students as well as everyone who wants to learn the subject.

    1 339

    This book discusses a variety of topics in mathematics and engineering as well as their applications, clearly explaining the mathematical concepts in the simplest possible way and illustrating them with a number of solved examples. The topics include real and complex analysis, special functions and analytic number theory, q-series, Ramanujan's mathematics, fractional calculus, Clifford and harmonic analysis, graph theory, complex analysis, complex dynamical systems, complex function spaces and operator theory, geometric analysis of complex manifolds, geometric function theory, Riemannian surfaces, Teichmüller spaces and Kleinian groups, engineering applications of complex analytic methods, nonlinear analysis, inequality theory, potential theory, partial differential equations, numerical analysis , fixed-point theory, variational inequality, equilibrium problems, optimization problems, stability of functional equations, and mathematical physics. It includes papers presented at the 24th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (24ICFIDCAA), held at the Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur, 22-26 August 2016. The book is a valuable resource for researchers in real and complex analysis.

    1 065

    This book features a collection of recent findings in Applied Real and Complex Analysis that were presented at the 3rd International Conference "Boundary Value Problems, Functional Equations and Applications" (BAF-3), held in Rzeszow, Poland on 20-23 April 2016. The contributions presented here develop a technique related to the scope of the workshop and touching on the fields of differential and functional equations, complex and real analysis, with a special emphasis on topics related to boundary value problems. Further, the papers discuss various applications of the technique, mainly in solid mechanics (crack propagation, conductivity of composite materials), biomechanics (viscoelastic behavior of the periodontal ligament, modeling of swarms) and fluid dynamics (Stokes and Brinkman type flows, Hele-Shaw type flows). The book is addressed to all readers who are interested in the development and application of innovative research results that can help solve theoretical and real-world problems.

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