av Angelo (Formerly Professor of Physical Chemistry Gavezzotti
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The Crystalline States of Organic Compounds, Volume 22 provides a concise, objective survey of how molecular crystals are theoretically described, modeled, and applied, covering both foundational and fast-growing areas ranging from chemical bonding and crystallographic database use, to polymorphism, co-crystallization, crystal structure prediction, and molecular dynamics simulation. Drawing on the extensive experience of its expert author, the book provides authoritative insight into the key knowledge, methods, and future directions in the field for researchers interested in crystal chemistry across academia and industry. Part 1 introduces the key information needed to understand the formation, structure, and properties of crystals in organic compounds, beginning with a guide to electron densities and chemical bonding, intermolecular bonds, and multi-molecular asymmetric units. Chapters go on to discuss organic crystal potentials, crystal polymorphism, and organic crystal nucleation, before Part 2 goes on to explore methods and approaches in more detail. X-ray analysis of crystals, crystal structure prediction from molecular structure, dynamic simulation of aggregate chemical systems, and nonconventional techniques are all discussed in detail. Distills key theoretical information and practical methods in a single resource Describes effective use of such tools as X-ray analysis, dynamic simulations, and databases Provides additional clarity through a high number of carefully selected visuals, multimedia elements and a crystallography tutorial