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Böcker i Schriften zum deutschen, europaischen und internationalen Insolvenzrecht-serien

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  • - Anspruche aus gegenseitigen "schwebenden" Vertragen gem. 103 InsO nach vollzogener Schlussverteilung ( 200 Abs. 1 InsO) und rechtskraftig bestatigtem Insolvenzplan ( 258 Abs. 1 InsO)
    av Thomas Ruhle
    1 605,-

    Aims to investigate the legal position existing between the parties to the contract after the insolvency proceeding is cancelled either after complete final distribution or after an insolvency plan comes into effect. This book presents the problems that arise with the application of the BGH [German Federal Supreme Court] judicature.

  • - Synopsen - Gesetzesmaterialien - Stellungnahmen - Kritik
    1 609,-

    The German Government intends to enact a fundamental reform of the insolvency code. Effected are stipulations regarding bankruptcy and reorganization of companies. This book gives a comprehensive introduction and also contains detailed materials (synopses, draft laws) as well as statements by scholars and well-established insolvency practitioners.

  • - Systematische Darstellung
    av Stefan Smid & Rainer M. Bahr
    1 659

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 10./11. Juni 2005
    1 605,-

    Based on lectures presented at the symposium of the Hanns-Martin Schleyer Foundation in Kiel dealing with German and international insolvency law. Modern German and European insolvency law (cross-border insolvencies) is aimed towards creating room for legal negotiation for the parties involved in order to facilitate dealing with economic crises.

  • av Arndt Moeser
    1 605,-

    Anliegen der Studie ist es, den Zusammenhang des neuen Eroffnungsgrundes der drohenden Zahlungsunfahigkeit einerseits und den neuen Instrumenten der InsO.

  • - Am Beispiel der Prozessfuhrung durch Insolvenzverwalter
    av Dirk Böttger
    1 469,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 8./9. Juni 2007
    1 469,-

    Der vorliegende Tagungsband beruht auf Vorträgen, die am 8./9. Juni 2007 auf dem 3. Kieler insolvenzrechtlichen Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel zu aktuellen Fragen des deutschen und internationalen Insolvenzrechts gehalten worden sind. Dabei wurden Fragen zur Auswahl des Insolvenzverwalters, zum Gläubigerschutz im österreichischen Insolvenzverfahren, zur aktuellen Rechtsprechung des BGH, zur Zwangsvollstreckungshandlung, zu neuen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet des Eigenkapitalersatzrechts und zu Praxisproblemen des Insolvenzplans untersucht.

  • av Robert Guther
    1 605,-

    The work deals with the relationship of temporary bankruptcy administration to the bankruptcy dispute in the opened proceeding. This theme generally receives great attention in case law and literature. However, the particular questions to which the work is dedicated have not been previously addressed at the center of academic discourse, although they are of great practical relevance both for the temporary bankruptcy administrator and the creditors. In fact, a circular argument exists between the security of the assets and the equal treatment of creditors in the temporary bankruptcy proceeding. This clearly emerges if not only the debtor, but also the temporary bankruptcy administrator is involved in the disputed legal action, and if the opposing party refers to his confidence in the legally validity of the legal action. Both decisions of the BGH [German Federal Supreme Court] from March 13, 2003, which are the focus of the work, deal with this combination.

  • - Verhinderung des Sonderkundigungsrechts nach 111 InsO / 57a ZVG
    av Hans-Gerd Boker
    1 359

    Das Interesse eines Mieters von Gewerbeflachen am Erhalt seiner Mietsache kann von uberragender Bedeutung sein. Seine Verbundenheit mit einem Gewerbebetrieb, in den er zu investieren bereit ist und der ihm Grundlage seiner wirtschaftlichen Existenz ist, starkt seinen Wunsch nach einer langfristigen Sicherung. Im Falle einer Insolvenz des Vermieters ruckt aber dessen Interesse in den Hintergrund, und die Anspruche seiner Glaubiger treten nach vorn. Die Insolvenzordnung gibt mit 111 dem Erwerber eines Mietobjektes das Recht zur Kundigung des Vertrages zum nachstmoglichen Termin. Diese fur den Mieter nicht vorhersehbare Entwicklung kann seine Existenz durch Entzug der Mietsache, d. h. seines Geschaftes/Ladens oder Betriebes bedrohen. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die typischen Fallkonstellationen und beantwortet die Frage, ob das Sonderkundigungsrecht nach 111 InsO wirksam verhindert werden kann. Im ersten Teil wird die mietvertragliche Ausgangssituation dargestellt, der zweite befasst sich mit der Vorschrift des 111 InsO, der dritte mit der Kundigung des Erstehers in der Zwangsversteigerung ( 57a ZVG). Daran anknupfend widmen sich die nachsten Kapitel der Mietsicherungsdienstbarkeit in der Praxis sowie dem Thema Sicherungszweck. Schlielich wird der Sicherungsvertrag behandelt. Der Anhang enthalt Musterformulierungen aus der Praxis.

  • av Stefan Smid
    1 255,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des deutschen und russischen Rechts
    av Andrey Shatelyuk
    1 609,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • av Hubertus Schröder
    1 435

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Risiken covenant-gesicherter Kreditgeber im Falle der Insolvenz des Kreditnehmers
    av Maximilian Majic
    1 335,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Aktuelle Rechtsfragen im Kontext deutscher und europaisch-grenzuberschreitender Konzerninsolvenzen
    av Christoph Jensen
    1 759

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - Zugleich zur Dogmatik gesetzlich geschaffener Glaubigerprivilegien am Beispiel des 32 DepotG, 13c UStG und des Entwurfs der (vorigen) Bundesregierung eines Gesetzes zum Pfandungsschutz der Altersvorsorge und zur Anpassung des Rechts ...
    av Joachim Bauer
    1 605,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

  • - 2012 - 2014
    av Stefan Smid & Hans-Peter Rechel
    1 745 - 2 035,-

    The insolvency law is one of the core components of the comprehensive body of legislation that ensures the confidence of the legal community in a legal system. It regulates the conditions of widespread debtor liability and at the same time defines the framework within which creditors can expect their rights to be preserved through a reorganization and recapitalization of the indebted company. The actual effect of the insolvency law does not end at a country's borders. Insolvency proceedings are structured according to the right to have universally applicable validity. Joint legislation on cross-border insolvency proceedings is now in effect in the form of intrastate legislation in almost all member states of the European Union. This shared European legislation is impacting intrastate reform processes and influencing the insolvency legislation. Furthermore, the intrastate legislation is being influenced by the UNCITRAL-Model law. Academic debate is increasingly concerned with the convergence movement that has been triggered as a result. Practical applications require legal dogmatic clarification of the increasingly complex regulations of insolvency legislation, and information on structures and problems of foreign European and extra-European insolvency laws, as well as and in particular with regard to its interaction with German laws. The DZWIR publication series is a forum of these discussions. It is being published as a series of monographic examinations of fundamental questions on German, European and international insolvency legislation. As such, this series contributes to the legal dogmatic clarification of disputes as well as to the promotion of European integration of national insolvency legislation.

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