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Chapter 1: Introduction, by Gene Callahan and Kenneth McIntyreChapter 2: Burke on Rationalism, Prudence and Reason of State, by Ferenc H├╢rcherChapter 3: Alexis de Tocqueville and the Uneasy Friendship between Reason and Freedom, by Travis D. Smith and Jin JinChapter 4: Kierkegaard''s Later Critique of Political Rationalism, by Robert Wyllie Chapter 5: Friedrich Nietzsche: The Hammer Goes to Monticello, by Justin GarrisonChapter 6: Pagans, Christians, Poets, by Corey AbelChapter 7: Wittgenstein on Rationalism, by Daniel SportielloChapter 8: Heidegger''s Critique of Rationalism and Modernity, by Jack SimmonsChapter 9: Gabriel Marcel: Mystery in an Age of Problems, by Steven KnepperChapter 10: Michael Polanyi: A Scientist Against Scientism, by Charles LowneyChapter 11: C.S. Lewis: Reason, Imagination, and the Abolition of Man, by Luke C. SheahanChapter 12: Hayek: Postatomic Liberal, Nick CowenChapter 13: Anti-rationalism, Relativism, and the Metaphysical Tradition: Situating Gadamer''s Philosophical Hermeneutics, by Ryan HolstonChapter 14: Eric Voegelin and Enlightenment Rationalism, by Michael P. FedericiChapter 15: Michael Oakeshott''s Critique of Modern Rationalism, by Wendell John Coats Jr. Chapter 16: Isaiah Berlin on Monism, by Jason FerrellChapter 17: Russell Kirk: The Mystery of Human Existence, by Nathanael BlakeChapter 18: Jane Jacobs and the Knowledge Problem in Cities, by Sanford IkedaChapter 19: Practical Reason and Teleology: MacIntyre''s Critique of Modern Moral Philosophy, by Kenneth McIntyre