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  • av Mark Barnett

    Generations of missionaries affirm Paul's words and calling to preach Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:1-2). That message has always provoked strong responses in the world, yet the pushback was often muted during the era of Christendom. Today, globalization and postmodernity have ushered in an atmosphere of universal, politically correct toleration and plurality. Our contemporary setting rejects biblical absolutes and denies the claim that Jesus Christ is Lord and God, the sole way to salvation and fulfillment. Therefore, The Centrality of Christ in Contemporary considers on a series of vital questions that underlie the Christian mission. Is Jesus really the only way? What is unique about Christ and missions? What difference can Jesus make as the source of salvation in our twenty-first-century missions task? Where does Jesus Christ fit into this globalizing world? The book's contributors come from diverse backgrounds and specializations. They offer answers based on biblical exegesis, philosophy, cultural anthropology, and church history. This volume of the EMS series will equip readers for the task of preaching Christ among the nations.

  • av Dwight P. Baker

    Lifting Up a Vision of HolinessThe Missionary Family delves into the complex role that missionary families play in the Protestant missionary movement. The presence of families in mission fields has both enabled and restricted the outreach of Protestant missions, raising unique concerns for the conduct of mission workers. Part 1 explores the significance of missionary families and their impact on missionary outreach, including the role of missionary children, their status, education, settlement, and contributions to the mission field.However, the book also addresses a darker side of missionary work that has come to light in recent years: sexual abuse in mission settings. Part 2 examines difficult and pressing questions surrounding this issue, including how to understand allegations of abuse based on recovered memories. Through legal, historical, and psychological perspectives, the book offers insight into how the mission community can address this urgent issue. In addition, Part 3 features a forum on sexual orientation and mission. Fourteen evangelical scholars participate in a discussion that invites ongoing missiological conversation about a timely topic. The Missionary Family offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted role of families in missionary work and provides valuable insights into addressing the serious concerns that have arisen within the mission community.

  • av Rochelle Scheuermann

    Historical Precedents and a Promising ProposalControversies in Mission reflects on how mission is done in light of the new layers of complexity that globalization brings. The contributors highlight how communication and travel make us more aware of controversies in mission. While controversies are not new, globalization gives us tools to become more aware of our surroundings and to interact with others in unprecedented ways. Part one examines theological issues that arise in mission, including how we interact with others, mission priorities, and the role of ethics within missiological practice. The chapters engage with age-old topics that have been debated throughout history, such as power struggles, perspectives on cultural others, and contextualization. They suggest new ways of thinking about these topics and how to apply them in contemporary missions.The second part shifts focus from the biblical and theological grounding of mission to the people involved in mission. The chapters in this section discuss tensions that arise between people, such as church splits within multi-generational Korean American churches and conflicts between missionaries. The contributors offer suggestions for resolving these conflicts, such as engaging in a conversation on servant leadership and adopting a model of cooperation and compassion.This volume hits the pause button on the rapid-paced world of contemporary missions to consider how better to join in God's mission. It encourages readers to consider the complexity of mission in the twenty-first century and to have thoughtful reflection and dialogue to improve mission practices.

  • av Dwight P. Baker

    Living in Shalom as a MissionaryServing Jesus with Integrity delves into the complex and often perplexing ethical issues that confront evangelical missionaries and mission agencies. While personal morality is certainly a concern, the scope of ethical engagement in evangelical mission extends far beyond the avoidance of compromising sexual situations and financial impropriety. The issues surrounding ethics in missionary work are often multifaceted, overlapping, and uncertain, and the book acknowledges the seductive attractions that accompany discussions about such issues.The contributors raise thought-provoking questions about how to talk about others' beliefs and practices, how to represent oneself to others, the role of tolerance for ambiguity in mental preparation, how to structure accountability in intercultural partnerships, and how to foster organizational justice in mission institutions. The book also addresses the role of care for creation in mission, the importance of a code of ethics for missionary practice, and what integrity in short-term mission outreach looks like.Drawing on Christian principles and the belief that all people are limited and fallible, this compendium provides guidance and admonition, along with deep reflection on the conduct of evangelical mission, so that missionaries can serve Jesus with true integrity. By grappling with these challenging ethical issues, Serving Jesus with Integrity is a valuable resource for those engaged in missionary work, and for anyone interested in exploring the complex interplay between ethics, faith, and cross-cultural engagement.

  • av Gary Fujino

    Opportunities of UrbanizationRapid urbanization and globalization have transformed our world. With over half of the world's population residing in cities, the implications for mission work in urban contexts are significant. Reaching the City: Reflections on Urban Mission for the 21st Century addresses the missiological challenges associated with this new world order. This collection of essays features authors who build upon the seminal writings of Ray Bakke, Jacques Ellul, Basil of Caesarea, and others while providing new and creative proposals for urban mission. The book first explores the global challenges of urbanization and then moves through theological, historical, and educational perspectives. The volume concludes with case studies that engage with the realities of North American and international cities, offering inspiration for missional efforts to reach these communities. With the United Nations reporting that the number of urban dwellers in Asia and Africa is increasing by an average of one million per week, this book is particularly relevant. The authors recognize the urgent need to address the missiological challenges of urbanization and offer thoughtful and practical suggestions for how mission work can effectively engage with these communities. Reaching the City is an essential resource for anyone interested in urban mission and mission work in general.

  • av Scott Moreau

    The Church Is Everywhere to EveryoneReflecting God's Glory Together is a compelling book that sheds light on the diversity and richness of the global mission landscape. It challenges the common misconception that missions is dominated by a small slice of humanity who shares certain demographic, economic, educational, and gender characteristics. Through a collection of case studies, personal perspectives, and social science perspectives, the book paints a composite sketch of the mosaic reality of mission today. The contributors analyze numerous ways diversity impacts mission, from the engagement of global immigrants to North America to the role of generational diversity in mobilizing efforts. They also delve into the challenges of diversity in teams, exploring how leadership, partnership, and member care need to be rethought in multicultural settings. The book is also a reminder of the biblical call to Christian unity. The chapters examine how agencies and institutions can grow in diversity and how to balance the reality of ethnic diversity with the call for unity. They also explore the missional challenges for minority populations who face marginalization as part of their heritage. Read Reflecting God's Glory Togethers if you want to be encouraged to appreciate diversity in mission and engage in God's ongoing redemptive story.

  • av Michael Pocock

    ?Reaching To? and ?Reaching Through? People on the MoveMissions from the Majority World showcases the growing involvement of non-Western churches and missionaries in global missions. While Western missionaries still constitute a significant portion of the missions workforce, the rate of growth of missionaries from the majority world far surpasses that of the West. It highlights the contributions, progress, and challenges faced by majority world missionaries. The chapters draw insights from 14 majority world mission scholars and 10 Westerners with extensive experience in missions, providing a comprehensive view of the changing landscape of global missions. While Western missionary forces are declining, missions from the majority world are proliferating, bringing about remarkable advances and some challenges in the missionary enterprise.The book is divided into six parts. Part one features four chapters that cover broad aspects of missions from the majority world. Parts 2-4 consist of seven chapters focusing on Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Part five features three chapters covering topics such as the use of narrative in missions movements from the majority world. The final section includes three case studies that demonstrate the progress and challenges of missions from the majority world.The book is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the current state of missionary work in majority world countries. The case studies provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by Christian missionaries in these contexts and the innovative ways in which they are engaging the mission task.

  • av Edward Rommen

    The essays in this book take a fresh look at the biblical data and address the contemporary questions raised by religious pluralism. The reader will gain a greater understanding of different religions and gain an increased confidence in the majesty and greatness of the one true God.

  • av Manuel Böhm

    Reconciling Practice and TheologyWhat does reconciliation have to do with the work of missions? In today's conflict-ridden world, the concept of reconciliation has gained traction, and Christian missions is being rethought. The whole world cries out for holistic transformation with eternal value, and God's people are called to be his ambassadors. Ambassadors of Reconciliation lays the groundwork for exploring a new paradigm for missions. Divided into three parts, the book first establishes the theological foundations of reconciliation. The second part then shows how theory and practice go hand in hand. Finally, the third part uses case studies to highlight the importance of understanding brokenness, conflict, and culture for effective ministry in reconciliation. The contributors challenge readers to consider the church's role in God's mission and how every Christian can become an envoy of his restoration work. They emphasize the spiritual dimension of reconciliation and offer practical guidance for effectively engaging in ministry. Whether you are a missionary, pastor, or someone interested in promoting restoration in the world, this book provides valuable insights and tools for your journey.

  • av Keith E. Eitel

    God's mission often takes his people into contexts of violence. The internet has spread awareness and increased concerns for many people about this type of missionary work. Accordingly, the church needs to hear from those that have reflected on the multifaceted elements related to martyrdom, persecution, and violence. Jesus warned that these things would come to countless followers who retell the gospel story. The contributors of Missions in Contexts of Violence help readers to understand the many layered and complex issues related to violence and the missionary task. The introductory section contextualizes the problem historically and culturally. Section two presents biblical and theological foundations for engaging in ministry amid real and potential violence. The lion's share of the book considers various ways that violence has influenced and continues to shape the church's mission in the world. The final section looks at specific cultural settings, particularly within Africa and Europe. This volume equips readers to reflect intentionally on their lifestyles, strategies, and practices as they serve in physically risky settings.

  • av Robert J. Priest

    This book represents the single most ambitious effort to date to understand and improve upon patterns of ministry in short term missions (STM). In six sections, the authors explore topics such as the links between STM and older patterns of long-term missions; engagement with people of other cultures; international partnerships; specialized ministries such as medical missions; legal and financial liabilities and, finally, the impact of STM on participants.The goal of Effective Engagement in Short-term Missions is to improve the ways in which STM is carried out and to develop the understandings needed on the part of all who engage in the ministry. In short, this book attempts to provide a knowledge base for those who provide leadership within the STM movement. Among the authors are anthropologists, sociologists, missiologists, and representatives of various other fields, such as education, law, business, and medicine. Six authors are women. Two are Chinese, one Korean, and one Peruvian.The authors in this book consistently adopt an approach which is positive and constructive. While there are criticisms in the book, these criticisms are not directed against STM per se, but against particular ways of doing STM. Youth pastors, mission pastors, lay leaders, college and seminary students, and missiologists will all find information that is helpful and relevant to their concerns.

  • av Mike Barnette

    Over the past several decades, scholars and practitioners have increasingly discussed the relationship between missions and business. For some people, business exists to fund the mission enterprise. However, others see business as a legitimate vehicle for missions itself. The debate surrounding Business as Mission (BAM) underlines many important issues with practical implications. In this volume of the EMS annual series, contributors address several critical questions. For example, what are the marks of integrity in business conducted with mission objectives in a cross-cultural context? Which business models make the greatest impact on the communities they serve? Do we need to change how we train business personnel? How will missionary training need to be adjusted? While this book does not provide an exhaustive list of answers, it does seek to provide much-needed definition, theological clarity, and missiological focus. The contributors disagree with each other at times. This is a welcome feature of Business as Mission, because it enables people to understand a variety of concerns and approaches related to the topic. Readers will also benefit from actual case studies from different parts of the world. Accordingly, this volume demonstrates how holistic ministry can move people from poverty to empowerment.

  • av Enoch Wan

    When missionaries encounter other religions, they often face ?religious shock.? They learn to know deeply committed Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists who defend their faiths with strong arguments and raise questions the missionaries have not faced. The missionaries are forced to reconsider old stereotypes and to think more deeply about the foundations of their own faith.Likewise, Christians in ?Christian countries? increasingly meet people from different religious backgrounds. They, too, are challenged to rethink often simplistic stereotypes of other religions and how to bear witness to the gospel. Accordingly, churches must help their members respond faithfully to religious pluralism, laying biblical foundations for a bold witness, one that speaks the truth in love.Christian Witness in Pluralistic Contexts in the Twenty-First Century is not a set of textbook answers on how to witness to Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and others with simple formulas. It contains the wrestlings, affirmations, and testimonies of people who have been deeply involved in ministering to people of other religious faiths. The contributors have thought deeply about the issues that religious pluralism raises. As they testify to their experience and the lessons they've learned, readers will be encouraged and gain wisdom to faithfully navigate the pluralistic contexts.

  • av Jonathan J. Bonk

    God has worked through the church over the course of history. It is a story of tragedy and triumph, success and failure. Learning to draw from the past is crucial for the work of the future. Harvard philosopher George Santayana's oft quoted "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it" applies as much to missiology as it does anything else.Therefore, the contributors in this volume remind us of the past in ways that are helpful for evangelical mission in the present and future. From ecumenism to Pentecostalism, from activism to education, from the local church to William Carey, this book provides important missiological "bricks" with which the future will be built.

  • av F. Douglas P. Pennoyer

    Missionaries pour their lives into the task of loving others, sharing hope, and laboring for the sake of Christ. While their deep commitment bears much kingdom fruit, it can be easy for them to neglect their own emotional and spiritual well-being. For this reason, Caring for the Harvest Force in the New Millennium contains essays on various topics related to caring for missionaries and those they serve. Member care is a broad subject encompassing many disciplines and so the contributors do not intend to cover the entire gamut of such an expansive, evolving topic. The chapters in this book are arranged into three sections: Theological Foundations for Care Giving, Challenges for Care Giving, and Contexts for Care Giving.The local church is learning not only to provide money but to encourage, mentor, and provide emotional support. Mission agencies are now aware of the complexities of selection, training, sending, and supporting missionary families. While there is room for improvement all around, the mission workforce is better educated, trained, and finally, better cared for in the field. With years of foundational experience behind us, how do we care for the harvest force in the new millennium? This volume helps readers answer that question.

  • av Gary Corwin

    Sound missiology responds to changing cultural and social dynamics that affect the church's global mission. It requires flexibility and collaboration. For this reason, the Evangelical Missiological Society Conference of 1999 convened to address the challenges and opportunities facing the church with the new millennium.In Working Together with God to Shape the New Millennium, conference participants contributed essays to discuss a range of ways God's people can work together for His kingdom. For example, what practical models and examples exist to show how effective mission can be carried out? How do evangelicals work with others who identify with the Conciliar Movement, Orthodox Churches, or the Roman Catholic Church? This volume also explores the centrality of worship and the type of leadership needed for the work ahead of us.Shaping a new millennium is no mere human task; it is a divine initiative, and we're invited to join Him. Working together isn't always easy, even when we like each other. Yet we are called to a grand and glorious endeavor. This book reminds readers that what is impossible with us is still possible with God.

  • av Edgar J. Elliston

    The seventh installment in the EMS series provides presentations originally given at meetings held in November 1998. Topics include the biblical and missiological foundations for training evangelical pastors and missionaries, contextualization of curriculum, Christian higher education, and case studies in both postmodern settings as well as traditional ones.

  • av J. Dudley Woodberry

    The lands where Muslims, Jews, and Christians have encountered each other are littered with the ruins of fortresses. Each faith community built barriers to keep out the enemies of their faith. The present studies look at the barriers erected by peoples considered resistant to the gospel, and the bridges God is using to carry the gospel to them.

  • av C. Douglas McConnell

    The Holy Spirit and Mission DynamicsWhat role does the Holy Spirit play in church growth and missions? This question has stimulated much conversation among theologians and missiologists. Without reflecting on the matter, practitioners are ill-equipped to engage in spiritual warfare or discern the hand of God from counterfeit works of human strategy.The ten chapters in The Holy Spirit and Mission Dynamics attempt to reflect on the most critical and controversial aspects of the debate. The contributors draw from numerous specialties, including philosophy, hermeneutics, historiography, and theology. Part one provides a biblical theological perspective that helps readers assess phenomena observed in both history and contemporary mission practice. Part two gives multiple historical accounts of the Holy Spirit's ministry in various mission contexts. Finally, the five chapters in part three examine several contemporary concerns raised by Peter Wagner and four respondents. This book prepares readers to reflect on their experience in light of theology and exegesis. Ultimately, they will better understand the Holy Spirit's ministry in diverse missions contexts.C. Douglas McConnell (MA, PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the Provost Emeritus and Senior Professor of Leadership and Leadership and Intercultural Studies at Fuller. He and his wife, Janna, spent fifteen years as missionaries in Australia and Papua New Guinea with Asia Pacific Christian Mission with APCM (now Pioneers). McConnell served as the first international director of Pioneers, from 1998 to 2003.

  • av Gary Corwin

    Contributions, Cautions, and ConclusionsMissiology draws from several sources. These include God's revelation in Holy Scripture, historical creeds and theology, past and present missionary experiences, and various social sciences that help us to understand diverse cultural and religious dynamics. But how exactly do these sources relate to one another? How do we balance and prioritize the contributions of each?Missiology and the Social Sciences answer these questions with scholarly care. On the one hand, it's unthinkable that missionaries would not use the social sciences such as anthropology and linguistics. How else would we translate the Bible and learn about other cultures? On the other hand, some writers warn of the subtle danger that social sciences could undermine biblical authority. Cultural bias also might affect social science research and hinder our ability to discern what God is doing around us.The contributors in this book help readers understand the debate and its many practical implications. It equips missionaries to engage the social sciences in more thoughtful ways that can bear gospel fruit.

  • av Edward Rommen

    Spiritual Power and Missions: Raising the Issues This third volume in the EMS series represents a conversation between five renowned missiologists who raise important questions about spiritual powers in missions. In chapter one, the authors examine specific ideas commonly found in missiological literature concerning spiritual warfare. They contend that several popular assumptions are based on animism and magic rather than biblical teaching. In chapter two, Charles Kraft offers a counterargument, explaining how Christians can exercise their God-given authority in the spirit realm. He addresses key methodological issues, such as the role of experience and its relationship to biblical interpretation. Finally, Patrick Johnstone reflects on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He explores how intercessory prayer contributes to the task of world evangelization. His chapter brings balance to people's common tendency only to focus on demonic powers. Overall, Spiritual Power and Missions presents a balanced and engaging debate that will spur fresh missiological conversations.

  • av David J. Hesselgrave

    Scripture and Strategy: The Use of the Bible in Postmodern Church and MissionScripture should occupy a central place in the future strategy of churches and their mission. But what does that mean practically? Amid the many voices in the church, who should we listen to? What wisdom can we glean from those who've gone before us?In Scripture and Strategy, David Hesselgrave serves the church by bringing together ten renowned church leaders and missions visionaries. They advise us not to give in to a simplistic understanding and use of Scripture. Collectively, the contributors emphasize a critical idea that often gets overlooked. In short, the Bible should not only inform our message; it should shape our methods.Scripture and Strategy brings diverse issues into conversation. It explores topics like contextualization, church planting, and spiritual warfare in light of biblical interpretation, postmodernism, and biblical authority. This book presses us to look ahead to the future of missions by looking back to God's revelation in the past.

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