Best New African Poets 2020 Anthology, which can be in part titled the Covid Diaries is the 6th volume of the yearly anthology of contemporary African poets, Best New African Poets (BNAP). In this anthology the poets tackle the covid pandemic, some with fear, some with pain, some with anger, some with forebodings of danger; you sense the feeling of insecurity in all of the entries around this issue. This is understandable. As a humanity we have had to go, and we are still going, through one of the most terrible times in our existence, as millions get swept away in this tidal danger. But we will vanquish this monster, we will come out stronger, in the meanwhile as we fight this monster we continue celebrating our humanity in love poems, in spiritual poetry, in politics and governance, in developmental agendas, in foods, in day to day connections, which will outstay this menaceBest New African Poets 2020 Anthology has over 352 pieces from 140 African poets from among other African countries: Nigeria, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Comoros, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Cameroun, Namibia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana etc, and those of African Diasporas in Portugal, Brazil, the UK, USA, China, etc...