av Ivy Shih
What can a microbial gravesite on a moon teach us? Why are a group of scientists risking their life to safeguard a seed bank? How does a virus detective story show us why we need to be vigilant about the next disease outbreak? Great science writing compels us to pay attention to parts of the world often unseen, from a dusty gold mine which could help answer one of the biggest questions in astrophysics to a delightful date with the misunderstood blobfish.This acclaimed anthology - now in its twelfth year - selects the most riveting, entertaining, poignant and fascinating science stories and essays from Australian writers, poets and scientists.With a foreword by health broadcaster and commentator Dr Norman Swan, this collection covers another remarkable year, not only filled with seismic moments in science, but also shining a light on important work that would otherwise be overlooked.FEATURINGJackson Ryan, Olivia Willis, Nick Kilvert, Jacinta Bowler, Elizabeth Finkel, Amanda Anastasi, Alice Gorman, Kate Cole-Adams, Angus Dalton, Bianca Nogrady, Kate Crawford, Helen Sullivan, Tabitha Carvan, Clare Watson, Jane McCredie, John Pickrell, Alicia Sometimes, Lauren Fuge, Kelly Wong, Dyani Lewis, Suzannah Lyons, Robyn Arianrhod, Louise Wakeling, Michelle Starr, Kate Evans, Zoe Kean, Christine Kenneallv, Angela Heathcote, Lydia Hales, Drew Rooke