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Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- List of contributors -- Adjectival compounds in Dutch / Backhuys, Kees-Jan -- PRO and the Binding Theory / Bennis, Hans / Hoekstra, Teun -- Evaluation of an algorithm for the automatic assignment of sentence accents / Bezooijen, Renée van -- Left branch extractions and DP / Corver, Norbert -- How to digitalize phonology / Gilbers, Dicky -- Particle-verbs and adjunction / Groos, Ameke -- Morphological parsing and lexical morphology / Heemskerk, Josée -- Binding, objects and the structure of the English VP / Hoekstra, Eric -- Some implications of I-to-C-movement in Frisian / Hoekstra, Jarich / Marâcz, Lâszlô -- A representational theory of empty categories / Hoekstra, Tern / Bennis, Hans -- A sentence accentuation algorithm for a Dutch text-to-speech system / Kager, René / Quené, Hugo -- Locational verbs as unaccusatives / Mulder, René / Wehrmann, Pim -- Voiced-voiceless distinction in Dutch fricatives / Slis, I.H. / Heugten, M. van -- Apropos of the Dutch vowel system 21 years on / Smith, Norval / Bolognesi, Roberto / Leeuw, Frank van der / Rutten, Jean / Wit, Heleen de -- Stress, diphthongs, r in Dutch / Trommelen, Mieke / Zonneveld, Wim -- Acquisition of clause linking in Turkish / Verhoeven, Ludo -- (Un)specified NPs and scope / Vries, Gertrud de -- Sonority, major class features, syllable structure, manner features: How much of the same? The case of Yakut / Wetzels, W. Leo -- Scope and movement in Bengali negation / Wurff, Wim van der