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  • av Gunnar Strom

    Velkomin í "Matreiðslubók fyrir bjórinnrennsli." Innan þessara síðna munt þú leggja af stað í bragðmikið ævintýri sem sameinar heim handverksbjórs og list innrennslis matreiðslu. Áhugamenn um handverksbjór og matarunnendur munu uppgötva fjársjóð af uppskriftum sem fagna einstöku dýpt og margbreytileika sem bjór getur fært réttunum þínum. Allt frá bragðmiklum stouts til hoppuðra IPA, við munum kanna hvernig ýmsir bjórstílar geta aukið bragðið af uppáhalds matnum þínum. Hvort sem þú ert vanur matreiðslumaður eða ert bara að dýfa tánum inn í heim matargerðar með bjór, taktu þátt í að uppgötva hvernig bjór getur lyft matargerð þinni upp á nýjar hæðir. Svo skulum við lyfta glasi og skála fyrir dýrindis ferðinni framundan!

  • av Einar Sveinsson

    Velkomin í heim Mixology galdrar! Á þessum síðum muntu leggja af stað í bragðmikið ferðalag inn í listina að búa til stórkostlega kokteila heima hjá þér. Hvort sem þú ert vanur kokteilaáhugamaður eða algjör nýliði, þá er þessi bók vegabréfið þitt til spennandi sviðs blöndunarfræðinnar. Allt frá klassískum samsuðu til nýstárlegra nútíma ívafi, við höfum safnað saman fjölda uppskrifta sem munu gleðja bragðlaukana þína og heilla gestina. Svo skulum við hrista, hræra og sopa okkur í gegnum yndislegan heim kokteila

  • av Sarah Meijer

    Welkom in de wereld van Mixologie magie! Op deze pagina's begin je aan een smaakvolle reis naar de kunst van het maken van voortreffelijke cocktails, gewoon in het comfort van je eigen huis. Of je nu een doorgewinterde cocktailliefhebber bent of een complete beginneling, dit boek is je paspoort naar het opwindende rijk van de mixologie. Van klassieke brouwsels tot innovatieve moderne twists, we hebben een scala aan recepten verzameld die uw smaakpapillen zullen prikkelen en indruk zullen maken op uw gasten. Dus laten we ons een weg banen door de heerlijke wereld van cocktails

  • av Julija Sokolnikien¿

    Sveiki atvyk¿ ¿ Mixologijos magija pasaul¿! ¿iuose puslapiuose leisit¿s ¿ kvapni¿ kelion¿ ¿ i¿skirtini¿ kokteili¿ k¿rimo men¿ patogiai savo namuose. Nesvarbu, ar esate patyr¿s kokteili¿ entuziastas, ar visi¿kas naujokas, ¿i knyga yra j¿s¿ pasas ¿ ¿domi¿ miksologijos srit¿. Nuo klasikini¿ mi¿ini¿ iki naujovi¿k¿ moderni¿ pos¿ki¿ - surinkome daugyb¿ recept¿, kurie süav¿s j¿s¿ skonio receptorius ir süav¿s sve¿ius. Taigi, purtykime, mai¿ykime ir gurk¿nokime keli¿ ¿ nuostab¿ kokteili¿ pasaul¿

  • av Zoe L¿mboiu

    Mâncarea din Caraibe reprezint¿ o fuziune fascinant¿ de culturi. Insulele se laud¿ cu influen¿e din Africa, India de Est, China, America de Sud, Europa, Asia de Sud-Est, Siria ¿i Liban. Fiecare dintre aceste culturi ¿i-a l¿sat amprenta unic¿ asupra mânc¿rurilor din regiune, evoluând în felul s¿u pentru a produce un nou tip de buc¿t¿rie de fuziune, care este delicioas¿, condimentat¿ ¿i delicioas¿. ¿i despre asta se refer¿ Caribbean Flavours.Aici ve¿i g¿si re¿ete care reflect¿ mânc¿rurile autentice ¿i indigene ale diferitelor insule, dar ve¿i experimenta ¿i un nou tip de

  • av Lan Tuy¿t

    Chào m¿ng ¿¿n v¿i th¿ gi¿i c¿a Phép thüt Mixology! Trong nh¿ng trang này, b¿n s¿ b¿t ¿¿u m¿t cüc hành trình ¿¿y h¿¿ng v¿ ¿¿n v¿i ngh¿ thüt pha ch¿ nh¿ng löi cocktail tinh t¿ ngay trong s¿ thöi mái t¿i nhà riêng c¿a b¿n. Cho dù b¿n là m¿t ng¿¿i ¿am mê cocktail dày d¿n hay m¿t ng¿¿i m¿i hoàn toàn, cün sách này là t¿m h¿ chi¿u ¿¿ b¿n b¿¿c vào l¿nh v¿c pha ch¿ thú v¿. T¿ cách pha ch¿ c¿ ¿i¿n cho ¿¿n cách pha ch¿ hi¿n ¿¿i ¿¿y sáng t¿o, chúng tôi ¿ã t¿p h¿p m¿t löt công th¿c n¿u ¿n s¿ kích thích v¿ giác c¿a b¿n và gây ¿n t¿¿ng v¿i khách hàng. Vì v¿y, hãy l¿c, khüy và nhâm nhi ¿¿ khám phá th¿ gi¿i thú v¿ c¿a cocktail

  • av John Zuwairi

    Selamat datang ke dunia Sihir Mixology! Dalam halaman ini, anda akan memulakan perjalanan berperisa ke dalam seni mencipta koktel yang indah dalam keselesaan rumah anda sendiri. Sama ada anda seorang peminat koktel yang berpengalaman atau orang baru yang lengkap, buku ini adalah pasport anda ke alam mixology yang menarik. Daripada ramuan klasik kepada kelainan moden yang inovatif, kami telah mengumpulkan pelbagai resipi yang akan memikat selera anda dan menarik perhatian tetamu anda. Jadi, mari kita goncang, kacau dan sedut melalui dunia koktel yang menggembirakan

  • av Maria Vacca

    Benvenuti in "Un libro di ricette sull'infusione della birra". All'interno di queste pagine ti imbarcherai in un'avventura gustosa che unisce il mondo della birra artigianale con l'arte dell'infusione culinaria. Gli appassionati di birra artigianale e gli amanti del cibo scopriranno un tesoro di ricette che celebrano la profondità e la complessità uniche che la birra può portare ai tuoi piatti. Dalle gustose stout alle IPA luppolate, esploreremo come i vari stili di birra possono esaltare i sapori dei tuoi cibi preferiti. Che tu sia uno chef esperto o che tu stia semplicemente immergendo i piedi nel mondo della cucina a base di birra, unisciti a noi per scoprire come la birra può elevare la tua cucina a nuovi livelli. Quindi, alziamo il bicchiere e brindiamo al delizioso viaggio che ci aspetta!

  • av Eugen Evelina

    Bun venit la ¿Cartea de bucate cu infuzie de bere". În aceste pagini, v¿ ve¿i porni într-o aventur¿ aromat¿ care combin¿ lumea berii artizanale cu arta infuziei culinare. Pasionäii de bere artizanal¿ ¿i iubitorii de mâncare deopotriv¿ vor descoperi o comoar¿ de re¿ete care celebreaz¿ profunzimea ¿i complexitatea unic¿ pe care berea le poate aduce preparatelor tale. De la stouts savuroase la IPA cu hamei, vom explora modul în care diferite stiluri de bere pot îmbun¿t¿¿i aromele mânc¿rurilor tale preferate. Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un buc¿tar experimentat sau doar v¿ scufundäi degetele în lumea buc¿t¿riei cu infuzie de bere, al¿turäi-v¿ noü pentru a descoperi cum berea v¿ poate ridica g¿titul la noi culmi. A¿adar, s¿ ridic¿m un pahar ¿i s¿ pr¿jim pentru c¿l¿toria delicioas¿ care urmeaz¿!

  • av Nicolás Reyes

    Bienvenido a "Un libro de cocina sobre infusión de cerveza". En estas páginas te embarcarás en una sabrosa aventura que combina el mundo de la cerveza artesanal con el arte de la infusión culinaria. Tanto los entusiastas de la cerveza artesanal como los amantes de la comida descubrirán un tesoro escondido de recetas que celebran la profundidad y complejidad únicas que la cerveza puede aportar a sus platos. Desde sabrosas stout hasta IPA con lúpulo, exploraremos cómo varios estilos de cerveza pueden realzar los sabores de sus comidas favoritas. Ya sea que sea un chef experimentado o simplemente esté inmerso en el mundo de la cocina con cerveza, únase a nosotros para descubrir cómo la cerveza puede llevar su cocina a nuevas alturas. Entonces, ¡levantemos una copa y brindemos por el delicioso viaje que nos espera!

  • av Tymon Duda

    Witamy w ¿Ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej naparu z piwa". Na tych stronach wyruszysz w pe¿n¿ aromatów przygod¿, która ¿¿czy ¿wiat piwa rzemie¿lniczego ze sztuk¿ kulinarnego naparu. Zarówno mi¿önicy piwa rzemie¿lniczego, jak i mi¿önicy jedzenia odkryj¿ skarbnic¿ przepisów, które celebruj¿ wyj¿tkow¿ g¿¿bi¿ i z¿öonö¿, jak¿ piwo möe wnie¿¿ do Twoich potraw. Od pikantnych stoutów po chmielowe IPA - odkryjemy, jak ró¿ne style piwa mog¿ poprawi¿ smak Twoich ulubionych potraw. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym szefem kuchni, czy dopiero zanurzasz si¿ w ¿wiecie kuchni nasyconej piwem, dö¿cz do nas i odkryj, jak piwo möe wynie¿¿ Twoje gotowanie na nowy poziom. Wznie¿my wi¿c toast za pyszn¿ podró¿, która nas czeka!

  • av Kristi Kõiv

    Nii et olete otsustanud oma õlut kodus valmistada. Palju õnne! Olete tegemas imelist ja rahuldust pakkuvat ülesannet, mis on peaaegu sama vana kui inimkond ise. Kuid hirmutamiseks pole põhjust. Kuigi inimesed on õlut pruulinud aastatuhandeid, on põhiprotsess läbi aegade jäänud samaks. See e-raamat käsitleb mõningaid lihtsamaid õlusid, mida kodus proovida.Kas sulle meeldib õlut juua? Kas soovite, et saaksite ise teha? Kas olete kunagi mõelnud ka ise kodus õlle tegemisele? No ärge kartke! See raamat loodi selleks, et teid aidata. Selles raamatus antakse teile vajalike koostisosade loend ja samm-sammult juhised selle kohta, kuidas muuta need koostisosad omatehtud õlleks, mis kindlasti muljet avaldab!See raamat loodi selleks, et aidata kõiki neid, kes soovivad, et nad saaksid oma armastuse õlle vastu võtta ja luua oma õlle. Sellest raamatust leiate kõige põhilisemad koostisosad ja juhised, mis on vajalikud omatehtud õlle valmistamise protsessi alustamiseks. Saate teada õlle valmistamise ajaloost ja sellest, mis see täpselt on.Õpid, kuidas oma kodupruuli õigesti valmistada kõikjal, kus soovite ja mis tahes koguses, nagu soovite. Te ei naudi mitte ainult omatehtud õlut, vaid selles raamatus on ka mõned retseptid, mis aitavad teil pruulimisalaseid teadmisi täiendada!

  • av 921, &945, &940, m.fl.

    Καλώς ήρθατε στο ΑΦΟΓΚΆΤΟ ΠΑΓΚΌΣΜΙΟ ΒΙΒΛΊΟ ΜΑΓΕΙΡΙΚΉΣ, ένα βασίλειο εξαιρετικών απολαύσεων που δημιουργήθηκε ειδικά για τους λάτρεις του καφέ και του gelato. Σε αυτόν τον μαγευτικό κόσμο, το αρμονικό πάντρεμα του πλούσιου, βελούδινου gelato και της αναζωογονητικής ουσίας του φρεσκοκομμένου καφέ βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο. Το Αφογκάτο, μια ιταλική λέξη που σημαίνει πνιγμένος, αποτυπώνει τέλεια την ουσία αυτού του θεϊκού παρασκευάσματος, όπου μια μπάλα λαχταριστού gelato βυθίζεται σε μια θάλασσα αρωματικού εσπρέσο.Το να επιδοθείς σε ένα affogato είναι μια εμπειρία που ξεπερνά τα όρια της γεύσης, συνδυάζοντας τα αντιθετικά στοιχεία του ζεστού και του κρύου, του πικρού και του γλυκού, για να δημιουργήσεις μια συμφωνία γεύσεων που χορεύουν στον ουρανίσκο σου. Είναι μια απόλαυση που δελεάζει όλες τις αισθήσεις, ξυπνώντας μια αίσθηση ευδαιμονίας και γαστρονομικής έκστασης.Σε αυτήν την εξερεύνηση του ΑΦΟΓΚΆΤΟ ΠΑΓΚΌΣΜΙΟ ΒΙΒΛΊΟ ΜΑΓΕΙΡΙΚΉΣ, θα ξεκινήσουμε ένα ταξίδι μέσα από την προέλευση, τις παραλλαγές και τα μυστικά αυτής της απολαυστικής σύντηξης. Από τα παραδοσιακά κλασικά έως τις καινοτόμες ανατροπές, θα αποκαλύψουμε τις ατελείωτες δυνατότητες και τις καλλιτεχνικές εκφράσεις που ζωντανεύουν όταν ο καφές συναντά το gelato. Ετοιμαστείτε, λοιπόν, για μια δελεαστική περιπέτεια που θα σας αφήσει να λαχταρείτε για περισσότερα.

  • av &1575, &1593, &1587, m.fl.

    مرحبًا بكم في كتاب الطبخ العالمي أفوجاتو، عالم من المسرات الرائعة التي تم إنشاؤها خصيصًا لعشاق القهوة والجيلاتو. في هذا العالم الساحر، يحتل التزاوج المتناغم بين الجيلاتي المخملي الغني والجوهر المنعش للقهوة الطازجة مركز الصدارة. أفوجاتو، كلمة إيطالية تعني "الغرق"، تجسد بشكل مثالي جوهر هذا الخليط الإلهي، حيث يتم غمر مغرفة من الجيلاتو اللذيذ في بحر من قهوة الإسبريسو العطرية. إن الانغماس في أفوجاتو هو تجربة تتجاوز حدود الذوق، وتجمع بين العناصر المتناقضة من الساخن والبارد، والمر والحلو، لخلق سيمفونية من النكهات التي تتراقص على ذوقك. إنها علاج يثير جميع الحواس، ويثير إحساسًا بالنعيم والنشوة الطهوية. في هذا الاستكشاف لعالم أفوجاتو، سنبدأ في رحلة عبر أصول هذا الاندماج المبهج وتنوعاته وأسراره. من الكلاسيكيات التقليدية إلى التقلبات المبتكرة، سوف نكتشف الإمكانيات التي لا نهاية لها والتعبيرات الفنية التي تنبض بالحياة عندما تجتمع القهوة مع الجيلاتو. لذا، جهز نفسك لمغامرة مثيرة ستجعلك متشوقًا للمزيد.

  • av &917, &923, 913, m.fl.

    Τι είναι το Detox;Η αποτοξίνωση είναι ουσιαστικά ο καθαρισμός των εντέρων καθώς και των εσωτερικών οργάνων με αλλαγή διατροφής.Το σώμα μας αποτοξινώνεται με φυσικό τρόπο κάθε μέρα. Το σώμα έχει το δικό του σύστημα καθαρισμού που λειτουργεί συνεχώς-με ούρα, κόπρανα, ιδρώτα και με την αναπνοή μας, αποτοξινώνουμε συνεχώς.Λαμβάνουμε τοξίνες από τη ρύπανση, τις χημικές ουσίες και τα πρόσθετα τροφίμων, αλλά και από τα φάρμακα και τον καπνό. Αλλά η χειρότερη ρύπανση προκαλείται από τον εαυτό μας με την κατανάλωση πρόχειρου φαγητού ή συνδυασμούς τροφίμων που δεν μας κάνουν καλό. Η τροφή παραμένει άπεπτη στο έντερο, γεγονός που προκαλεί σήψη, επιτρέποντας στις τοξίνες να εξαπλωθούν στην κυκλοφορία του αίματος μέσω του εντερικού τοιχώματος. Επιβαρύνει τα νεφρά και το συκώτι, δουλειά των οποίων είναι να μας αποτοξινώνουν και να καθαρίζουν αυτές τις ουσίες.Όταν τα έντερα και τα εσωτερικά όργανα συμφορούνται, εμφανίζονται διάφορες ανισορροπίες στο σώμα και μπορεί να αισθάνεστε εξαντλημένοι, κουρασμένοι, να έχετε πόνους στις αρθρώσεις και να υποφέρετε από αϋπνία. Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, οι διατροφοθεραπευτές συνιστούν να κάνετε πρώτα μια αποτοξίνωση πριν προσδιορίσετε μια διάγνωση, απλώς για να είναι πιο εύκολο να δείτε ποιο είναι το πραγματικό πρόβλημα.

  • av &1488, &1491, 1500 & m.fl.
    525 - 549,-

  • av 50689, &49888 & &52384

    와인을 주입하는 것은 즐거움이 될 수 있으며 좋은 음식, 음료 및 훌륭한 식사를 향상시킬 수 있습니다! 와인을 가열하면 알코올 성분과 아황산염은 사라지고 에센스만 남고 은은한 향이 납니다. 첫 번째이자 가장 중요한 규칙은 요리할 때나 마실 음료에만 와인을 사용하는 것입니다. 마시지 않을 와인은 절대 사용하지 마세요! 와인의 맛이 마음에 들지 않으면 와인을 사용하기로 선택한 요리와 음료도 마음에 들지 않을 것입니다.소위 "요리용 와인"을 사용하지 마십시오! 이 와인은 일반적으로 짠맛이 있으며 선택한 요리와 메뉴의 맛에 영향을 미치는 기타 첨가물을 포함합니다. 요리/줄이기 과정은 품질이 낮은 와인의 최악의 결과를 낳게 됩니다.와인은 주방에서 세 가지 주요 용도로 사용됩니다. 매리네이드 재료로, 조리용 액체로, 완성된 요리의 향료로 사용됩니다.요리에서 와인의 기능은 음식의 맛과 향을 강화하고 강화하고 강조하는 것입니다. 요리하는 음식의 맛을 가리는 것이 아니라 오히려 강화하는 것입니다.최상의 결과를 얻으려면 서빙 직전에 와인을 접시에 추가하지 마십시오. 와인은 음식이나 소스와 함께 끓여서 풍미를 높여야 합니다. 요리하는 동안 음식과 함께 또는 소스와 함께 끓여야 합니다. 와인이 요리되면서 맛이 줄어들고 추출물이 됩니다.와인이 모든 요리에 어울리는 것은 아니라는 점을 기억하세요. 한 끼에 두 가지 이상의 와인 기반 소스가 단조로울 수 있습니다. 와인을 사용하는 것은 완성된 요리에 기여할 만한 것이 있을 때만 요리하는 것입니다.

  • av 1044, &106, &1052, m.fl.
    525 - 599,-

  • av Maxwell J. Aromano

    Indulge in a sensory journey through the heart of Paris as we unravel the captivating tale of "Café de Paris: A Love Story with French Coffee." This enchanting non-fiction masterpiece invites you to explore the rich tapestry of French coffee culture, where every sip is a sip of history, art, and social connection.Discover the allure of the Parisian café, where tradition meets innovation in a seductive dance of aromas and flavors. From the elegant salons of the Enlightenment to the birth of café au lait and café noir, we dive into a world where coffee is not just a beverage but a muse for writers, a catalyst for intellectual exchange, and a symbol of sophistication.Journey through the cobblestone streets of Paris and find yourself at the bustling café terraces, where the past meets the present in a harmonious blend. French coffee culture is more than a drink; it's a way of life, a cultural treasure that has left an indelible mark on the world.In "Café de Paris," we raise a toast to the enduring traditions, the tantalizing culinary innovations, and the timeless charm of café life. This is a love story, a celebration of French coffee that will transport you to the heart of Paris, where every cup tells a story and every moment is a sip forward in time.

  • av M And Jay Designs

    In "Floating Teapot Castle in the Sky," embark on an extraordinary adventure that transcends the boundaries of imagination.This charming tale celebrates the power of imagination, reminding us all that with a little magic, anything is possible. "Floating Teapot Castle in the Sky" is an enchanting journey that will captivate readers of all ages and ignite the spark of wonder within their hearts.¿¿¿¿Includes:¿¿¿¿50 high-quality line art images¿¿¿¿Dimensions: 8.5 x11 inches¿¿¿¿Single sided print¿¿¿¿102 Pages

  • av Designs

    The Teapot Castle is a sanctuary for dreamers, a place where imagination flourishes and the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. It is a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding all who encounter it that magic exists in the world, waiting to be embraced. The Teapot Castle stands as a testament to the power of imagination, inviting you to step inside and create your own unforgettable story within its enchanting walls.¿Includes:¿¿¿¿51 high-quality line art images¿¿¿¿Dimensions: 8.5 x11 inches¿¿¿¿Single sided print¿¿¿¿102 Pages

  • av Maxwell J. Aromano

    Dive into the intoxicating world of Turkish coffee with 'Turkish Treasures: The Journey of Coffee in Turkey.' This mesmerizing book is your passport to an ancient tradition that continues to captivate hearts and taste buds around the globe.Embark on a sensory voyage through time as we unravel the fascinating tale of Turkish coffee - a beverage that's more than just a drink; it's an enduring cultural treasure. From its mystical origins in the Ottoman Empire to the bustling coffee bazaars of Istanbul, each chapter reveals a new layer of its rich history and traditions.Explore the legendary coffeehouses of Istanbul, where centuries of intellectual exchange, art, and music have thrived. Discover the time-honored ritual of preparing Turkish coffee, an art form in itself, and the mesmerizing practice of fortune telling from coffee grounds.As we sip our way into modern times, witness the challenges and innovations that have shaped Turkish coffee culture. From digital-age advancements to global recognition, Turkish coffee's influence is far-reaching.This book is not just a story; it's an invitation to savor the allure of Turkish coffee. With every page, you'll be drawn deeper into a world of connection, community, and cultural richness. 'Turkish Treasures' is your guide to preserving tradition and embracing innovation, ensuring that Turkish coffee remains a symbol of timeless allure. Don't miss this captivating journey into the heart and soul of Turkey's coffee culture.

  • av Maxwell J. Aromano

    Step into a world where coffee is not just a beverage, but an enchanting cultural treasure. In "Ethiopian Coffee Odyssey: A Gift to Humanity," we invite you to explore the heart and soul of coffee, tracing its remarkable journey from the ancient highlands of Ethiopia to the global stage.Uncover the legends and myths that shroud the origins of coffee, from the mystical tales of Kaldi and his dancing goats to the birth of coffee as a beloved beverage in Ethiopian daily life. Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing Ethiopian coffee ceremony, a timeless tradition that reflects a deep connection to community and culture.As the coffee odyssey unfolds, you'll witness the worldwide impact of Ethiopian coffee, from its spread across the Arab world to the coffeehouses of Europe during the Renaissance. Discover how this extraordinary beverage fueled the age of exploration, inspiring adventurers and scholars alike.But the journey doesn't stop there. Enter the modern Ethiopian coffee industry, where you'll learn about the diverse coffee varieties, the role of cooperatives in production, and the sustainability challenges coffee faces in the 21st century.Dive into the global influence of Ethiopian coffee, where its distinctive flavors and specialty status have transformed the coffee landscape. And explore how Ethiopian coffee continues to thrive, bridging cultures, preserving traditions, and empowering communities.With "Ethiopian Coffee Odyssey," we invite you to savor every chapter of this cultural gift to humanity. It's a captivating journey that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the timeless legacy of coffee and its enduring power to unite and inspire.

  • av Jane Peyton

    In addition to explaining cider's links to champagne and why we are enjoying a renaissance of both cider- and perry-making, Jane provides tasting tips and food pairings to help any aspiring cider drinker. Welcome to Ciderland.

  • av Annamma Joy

    The art, fashion and wine industries are currently at various stages in their efforts to embrace and transition towards sustainability. While sustainability commitments are a necessary condition for progress, they are not sufficient. Instead, there is a need for sweeping transformative change that includes giving serious consideration to indigenous worldviews without recolonizing them. Sustainability in Art, Fashion and Wine includes findings from recent research and contributes to a new understanding of familiar concepts such as sustainability, (de)colonization and corporate responsibility in the art, fashion and wine industries by adopting critical lenses and incorporating them with innovative perspectives on circular business models and digitalization. It endeavors to present remedies for effectively combating climate change and promoting social good. While discussing specific issues such as sub-contracted labor, safe working conditions, living wages, environmental degradation, mismanaged waste, and more, the book argues that recognizing the significant role western colonization has played - and continues to play - in the developing world in our current conception of capitalism is itself unsustainable. To understand the true meaning of sustainability - to fully recognize the looming deadlines we face in combating the climate crisis and instituting sustainability as a new normal - the acceptance of a new conception of capitalism, one antithetical to colonization and exploitation, is required. Contributors to this book address these issues by applying a critical studies approach to their respective chapters, allowing the book to set out what real sustainability could and should look like in the art, fashion and wine industries.

  • av Nejc Klemen¿i¿

    Dobrodöli v PIÑA COLADA. Ta kuharska knjiga je namenjena vsem, ki imate radi sladke in osve¿ilne okuse tropov. V tej knjigi boste näli razli¿ne recepte, ki se zgledujejo po klasi¿nem koktajlu Piña colada. Od smutijev do tort, vsak recept je bil oblikovan tako, da v väo kuhinjo prinese tropski raj.V to kuharsko knjigo smo vkljüili tudi nekaj zabavnih dejstev in nasvetov o zgodovini piña colade, uporabljenih sestavinah in o tem, kako pripraviti popolno pijäo. Upamo, da vas bo ta kuharska knjiga navdihnila za eksperimentiranje z novimi okusi in ustvarjanje väega tropskega raja.

  • av Ph¿ng Chiêu

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i PIÑA COLADA. Cün sách d¿y n¿u ¿n này dành riêng cho t¿t c¿ nh¿ng ai yêu thích h¿¿ng v¿ ng¿t ngào và s¿ng khoái c¿a vùng nhi¿t ¿¿i. Trong cün sách này, b¿n s¿ tìm th¿y nhi¿u công th¿c n¿u ¿n ¿¿¿c l¿y c¿m h¿ng t¿ löi cocktail Piña colada c¿ ¿i¿n. T¿ sinh t¿ ¿¿n bánh ng¿t, m¿i công th¿c ¿¿u ¿¿¿c t¿o ra ¿¿ mang thiên ¿¿¿ng nhi¿t ¿¿i vào c¿n b¿p c¿a b¿n.Trong cün sách n¿u ¿n này, chúng tôi c¿ng ¿¿a ra m¿t s¿ thông tin thú v¿ và l¿i khuyên v¿ l¿ch s¿ c¿a Piña colada, nguyên li¿u ¿¿¿c s¿ d¿ng và cách pha ch¿ th¿c üng hoàn h¿o. Chúng tôi hy v¿ng cün sách n¿u ¿n này s¿ truy¿n c¿m h¿ng cho b¿n ¿¿ th¿ nghi¿m nh¿ng h¿¿ng v¿ m¿i và t¿o ra thiên ¿¿¿ng nhi¿t ¿¿i c¿a b¿n.

  • av Irena Luke¿ová

    Vítejte v PIÑA COLADA. Tato kuchäka je v¿nována v¿em, kte¿í milují sladké a osv¿¿ující chut¿ trop¿. V této knize najdete r¿zné recepty, které jsou inspirovány klasickým koktejlem Piña colada. Od smoothies po dorty, kädý recept byl vytvöen tak, aby p¿inesl tropický ráj do väí kuchyn¿.V této kuchäce jsme také zahrnuli n¿kolik zábavných fakt¿ a tip¿ o historii Piña colady, poüitých ingrediencích a o tom, jak vyrobit dokonalý nápoj. Doufáme, ¿e vás tato kuchäka inspiruje k experimentování s novými chut¿mi a vytvöení väeho tropického ráje.

  • av Stanislav ¿A¿O

    Detox je v bistvu ¿i¿¿enje ¿revesja in notranjih organov s spremembo prehrane.Näe telo se vsak dan naravno razstruplja. Telo ima svoj sistem ¿i¿¿enja, ki nenehno deluje - z urinom, blatom , znojem in z dihom se nenehno razstrupljamo.Vnäamo toksine zaradi onesnäenosti, kemikalij in aditivov za ¿ivila, pa tudi zaradi zdravil in tobaka. Toda najhuj¿e onesnäenje si povzröimo sami z üivanjem nezdrave hrane ali kombinacij hrane, ki nam niso dobre. Hrana ostane neprebavljena v ¿revesju, kar povzröi njeno gnitje, kar omogöi ¿irjenje toksinov v krvni obtok skozi ¿revesno steno. Obremenjuje ledvice in jetra, katerih naloga je, da nas razstrupljajo in ¿istijo te snovi.Ko se ¿revesje in notranji organi preobremenijo, pride do razli¿nih neravnovesij v telesu lahko se pöutite iz¿rpani, utrujeni, imate bole¿e sklepe intrpite za nespe¿nostjo. V mnogih primerih prehranski terapevti priporöajo najprej razstrupljanje, preden postavijo diagnozo, da bi läje videli, kaj je resni¿na te¿ava.

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