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  • av Bruno Mocciati

    Guida Pratica per Principianti - Liquori e Distillati Fatti in CasaPrincipi Base, Ingredienti, Ricette e Conservazione di Distillati e Liquori Scopri l'affascinante mondo di distillati e liquori fatti in casa con la fantastica 'Guida Pratica per Principianti'.Con principi di base, dettagli sugli ingredienti e 20 ricette esclusive, questo libro è la chiave per creare distillati e liquori artigianali che sorprenderanno anche un palato sopraffino.Le sue pagine ti guideranno passo dopo passo attraverso il processo di preparazione, dalla selezione degli ingredienti al processo di distillazione, fornendo informazioni chiare e accessibili anche per chi si avvicina per la prima volta a questa arte affascinante.Le nostre ricette ti consentiranno di creare versioni casalinghe di celebri distillati, offrendoti l'opportunità di personalizzare i tuoi gusti preferiti. La 'Guida Pratica per Principianti' è una compagna indispensabile per gli appassionati di liquori fatti in casa. Con questo libro, avrai tra le mani le conoscenze e imparerai le abilità necessarie per stupire amici e familiari con distillati e liquori unici.Inizia il tuo viaggio nel mondo affascinante e delizioso dei liquori e dei distillati fatti in casa.

  • av Pavel Popa

    Bun venit, pasionäi ¿i cunosc¿tori de cafea, într-o c¿l¿torie care transcende obi¿nuitul ¿i se cufund¿ adânc în lumea bogat¿ ¿i îndr¿zneä¿ a aromelor machiatto. În t¿râmul cafelei, unde fiecare ceäc¿ este o pânz¿ care äteapt¿ s¿ fie pictat¿ cu nuan¿e de arom¿ ¿i gust, machiatto este un simbol al simplit¿¿ii ¿i elegan¿ei. ¿cartea de bucate perfect¿ în stil machiatto" v¿ invit¿ s¿ v¿ îmbun¿t¿¿i¿i experien¿a de cafea, deblocând poten¿ialul acestei b¿uturi clasice, dar versatile, prin 100 de re¿ete creative ¿i delicioase.Imagineaz¿-¿i scena: ¿uieratul espressorului, parfumul îmb¿t¿tor al boabelor de cafea proasp¿t m¿cinate ¿i anticiparea care umple aerul în timp ce porne¿ti într-o c¿l¿torie pentru a crea machiatto-ul perfect. În aceste pagini, trecem dincolo de rutin¿ ¿i ne adâncim în arta confec¿ion¿rii machiatto-ului. Fiecare re¿et¿ este o simfonie atent lucrat¿, îmbinând intensitatea espresso-ului cu bog¿¿ia catifelat¿ a laptelui spumos, oferind o palet¿ de arome care dep¿¿esc limitele tradi¿ionale ale acestei îndr¿gite b¿uturi de cafea.Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un pasionat de cafea experimentat, un barista în preg¿tire sau cineva care tocmai începe s¿ exploreze lumea espresso-ului, aceast¿ carte de bucate este conceput¿ pentru a fi însöitorul dvs. Împreun¿, vom explora tehnicile, ingredientele ¿i r¿sturn¿rile creative care transform¿ un simplu machiatto într-o experien¿¿ aromat¿ ¿i îng¿duitoare.A¿adar, în timp ce porni¿i în aceast¿ odisee a cafelei, ceäca dvs. s¿ dep¿¿easc¿ bog¿¿ia, îndr¿zneala ¿i creativitatea care definesc lumea machiatto-ului. Iat¿ bucuria de a explora noi arome, arta de a crea ceäca perfect¿ ¿i pl¿cerea simpl¿ care vine la fiecare înghi¿itur¿. Luäi cana preferat¿, porni¿i espressorul ¿i haide¿i s¿ ne arunc¿m în ¿ele mai bune pr¿jituri naturale carte de bucate. Fie ca momentele tale de cafea s¿ fie extraordinare!

  • av Angostura Limited

    Celebrate 200 years of timeless mixology with Angostura BittersStep into the world of classic cocktails with Angostura Bitters. Celebrating its 200th anniversary, Anostura Bitters is essential in timeless drinks such as the Old Fashioned, Manhattan and Champagne Cocktail. This iconic ingredient has not only helped shape the history of cocktails, but has truly stood the test of time. Now readers can explore a range of classic cocktails and fancy drinks specially designed to showcase its distinct and versatile flavour. Find simple three-ingredient cocktails such as a sweet Stone Fence, an elegant Star and a savoury Tuxedo, or cool off on a summer's day with a refreshing Queen's Park Swizzle, the iconic Singapore Sling or a zesty Daiquiri. Go heavy on the liquor with a sophisticated Martini, the fresh Fitzgerald or spiced Mandarin Sazerac, or go for a low alcohol option such as a tangy Lemon Lime and Bitters, a herbal Green Mind Collins and a fruity Sober Summer Cup. As you explore these classic drinks, delve into the rich history of Angostura Bitters to find out how it was originally created as a medicine, how nineteenth century sailors used the bitters to invent the Pink Gin cocktail and why the label is too big for the bottle. Beautifully photographed and designed with a host of timeless recipes and twisted takes on classic drinks, this is the perfect book for any cocktail lover.

  • - The Definitive 21st-Century Reference to the World's Greatest Distilleries and their Whiskies
    av DK

    Now in PDF.From Banffshire to Bangalore, take a look at the expanding world of whisky with The Whisky Opus. Find out all about the major whisky-producing countries and 175 of the world's best distilleries. Explore every whisky style from single malt to poteen, their history and the fascinating stories behind the distilleries that make them plus learn how to train your palate with the help of 500 evocative tasting notes. Whether new to the wonders of whisky or on the road to becoming a connoisseur, whisky fans will find this book tells them everything they want to know. Elegant, classy and written by 3 renowned whisky writers, make The Whisky Opus your tipple of choice.

  • av Ward Glundub

    Fáilte, díograiseoirí caife agus connoisseurs, chuig turas a sháraíonn an gnáth agus a théann go domhain isteach i saol saibhir agus dána blasanna machiato. I réimse an chaife, áit a bhfuil gach cupán ina chanbhás ag fanacht le bheith péinteáilte le dathanna aroma agus blas, seasann an machiatto mar shampla de shimplíocht agus de elegance. Tugann "An leabhar cócaireachta foirfe i stíl machiatto" cuireadh duit do thaithí caife a ardú, ag scaoileadh acmhainneacht an dí clasaiceach ach ilúsáideach seo trí 100 oideas cruthaitheach agus sobhlasta.Pictiúr an radharc: hiss an mheaisín espresso, cumhráin mheisciúil pónairí caife úrnua, agus an t-ionchas a líonann an t-aer agus tú ag dul ar thuras chun an machiatto foirfe a chruthú. Sna leathanaigh seo, téann muid níos faide ná an gnáthamh agus scrúdaíonn muid ealaín na déanamh machiato. Is siansa atá déanta go cúramach gach oideas, a chumasc déine an espresso le saibhreas velvety an bhainne frothy, ag tairiscint pailéad blasanna a théann thar theorainneacha traidisiúnta an deoch chaife seo.Cibé an bhfuil fonn caife seasoned thú, barista i ndéanamh, nó duine éigin díreach ag tosú ar iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar shaol na espresso, tá an leabhar cócaireachta deartha le bheith i do chompánach. Le chéile, déanfaimid iniúchadh ar na teicníochtaí, na comhábhair, agus na cineálacha cruthaitheacha a iompaíonn machiato simplí ina eispéireas blaistithe agus taitneamhach.Mar sin, agus tú ag tabhairt faoin odyssey caife seo, b'fhéidir go mbeadh do chupán ag cur thar maoil leis an saibhreas, an dána agus an chruthaitheacht a shainíonn saol na machiato. Seo an t-áthas a bhaineann le blasanna nua a iniúchadh, an ealaín a bhaineann le cupán foirfe a dhéanamh, agus an pléisiúr simplí a thagann le gach sip. Grab do mug is fearr leat, tine suas an meaisín espresso, agus a ligean ar Léim isteach An leabhar cócaireachta foirfe i stíl machiatto. Bíodh do chuimhneacháin caife gan aon rud neamhghnách

  • av Margarita Blanco

    Pagbati, kapwa brewer, mahilig, at naghahanap ng kahusayan sa paggawa ng serbesa! Maligayang pagdating sa makulay na mundo ng " Ang Magkapanabay Serbesa Paggawa Hanbuk" isang compendium na idinisenyo upang baguhin ang iyong karanasan sa paggawa ng serbesa. Sa isang tanawin kung saan ang paggawa ng serbesa ay parehong sining at agham, ang hanbuk na ito ay nagsisilbing iyong pasaporte sa isang lugar kung saan ang tradisyon ay nakakatugon sa pagbabago, at ang klasikong serbesa ay nabago sa isang kontemporaryong obra maestra.Sa pagsisimula namin sa paglalakbay na ito, isipin ang isang serbeserya na puno ng hugong ng pagkamalikhain, halimuyak ng mga hops, at ang pag-asam ng paggawa ng mga serbesa na hindi inaasahan. Ang " Ang Magkapanabay Serbesa Paggawa Hanbuk" ay hindi lamang isang manwal; ito ay isang paggalugad ng mga diskarte na nagpapataas ng iyong mga brews at isang pagdiriwang ng mga lasa na sumasalamin sa mga dynamic na panlasa ng mga mahilig sa serbesa ngayon.Sa mga susunod na pahina, sumisid kami nang malalim sa gitna ng modernong paggawa ng serbesa, kung saan tinatanggap ang mga sariwang diskarte, at karaniwan ang mga matapang na lasa. Ang bawat kabanata ay isang imbitasyon na lumabas sa ginhawa ng tradisyon at makipagsapalaran sa isang mundo kung saan ang mga serbesa ay nagbabago, umaangkop, at nakakaakit ng mga pakiramdam sa mga bago at kapana-panabik na paraan.Isa ka mang batikang brewmaster na naghahanap ng inspirasyon o isang homebrewer na sabik na itulak ang mga hangganan ng iyong kagalingan, ang hanbuk na ito ay iyong kasama. Sama-sama, magsimula tayo sa isang brewing odyssey, tuklasin ang malawak na tanawin ng kontemporaryong serbesa paggawa-isang tanawin na puno ng inobasyon, pagkamalikhain, at paghahanap ng kahusayan sa paggawa ng serbesa.Nawa'y bulalas ng pananabik ang iyong mga initan ng serbesa, ang iyong mga sisidlan ng fermentation ay umugong nang may pag-asa, at ang iyong mga huling pagbuhos ay maging isang patunay sa kasiningan at pagkakayari na nakapaloob sa bawat paghigop. Narito ang kontemporaryong rebolusyon sa paggawa ng serbesa-kung saan ang bawat serbesa ay isang pakikipagsapalaran, at ang bawat baso ay isang pagdiriwang ng matatapang na lasa at mga sariwang diskarte. Cheers sa kagalingan at ang kagalakan ng pagtulak sa mga hangganan ng serbesa paggawa!

  • av Valentina ¿u¿ea

    Salut¿ri, colegi bere, entuziäti ¿i c¿ut¿tori de excelen¿¿ în fabricarea berii! Bine äi venit în lumea vibrant¿ a ¿Manualului Contemporary Bere tare Me¿te¿ug¿rit", un compendiu conceput pentru a v¿ revolüiona experien¿a de fabricare a berii. Într-un peisaj în care fabricarea berii este atât o art¿, cât ¿i o ¿tiin¿¿, acest manual v¿ serve¿te drept päaport c¿tre un t¿râm în care tradi¿ia se întâlne¿te cu inoväia, iar berea clasic¿ este transformat¿ într-o capodopera contemporan¿.În timp ce pornim în aceast¿ c¿l¿torie, imaginäi-v¿ o fabric¿ de bere plin¿ de zumzetul creativit¿¿ii, parfumul de hamei ¿i anticiparea fabric¿rii de bere tarei care sfideaz¿ ätept¿rile. ¿Manualul Contemporary Bere tare Me¿te¿ug¿rit" nu este doar un manual; este o explorare a tehnicilor care v¿ ridic¿ berile ¿i o s¿rb¿toare a aromelor care rezoneaz¿ cu palatele dinamice ale pasionäilor de bere de ast¿zi.În paginile care urmeaz¿, ne cufund¿m adânc în inima fabric¿rii moderne a berii, unde tehnicile proaspete sunt îmbr¿¿i¿ate, iar aromele îndr¿zne¿e sunt norma. Fiecare capitol este o invitäie de a ie¿i din confortul tradi¿iei ¿i de a v¿ aventura într-o lume în care bere tareile evolueaz¿, se adapteaz¿ ¿i captiveaz¿ sim¿urile în moduri noi ¿i interesante.Fie c¿ e¿ti un maestru de bere experimentat care caut¿ inspiräie sau un produc¿tor de bere casnic dornic s¿ dep¿¿easc¿ limitele me¿te¿ugului t¿u, acest manual este însöitorul t¿u. Împreun¿, s¿ ne îmbarc¿m într-o odisee a berii, explorând peisajul vast al fabric¿rii de bere contemporan¿ - un peisaj plin de inoväie, creativitate ¿i c¿utarea excelen¿ei în fabricarea berii.Fie ca ibricurile voastre de bere s¿ clocoteasc¿ de emöie, vasele de fermentäie s¿ zumzeze de anticipare, iar turn¿rile voastre finale s¿ fie o dovad¿ a m¿iestriei ¿i m¿iestriei încorporate în fiecare înghi¿itur¿. Iat¿ revolüia contemporan¿ a berii - unde fiecare bere este o aventur¿, iar fiecare pahar este o s¿rb¿toare a aromelor îndr¿zne¿e ¿i a tehnicilor proaspete. Noroc pentru me¿te¿ug ¿i bucuria de a dep¿¿i limitele fabric¿rii bere tareului!

  • av Joey Maggiore

    Decadent daytime dishes to keep the party goingJoey Maggiore is the force behind the Maggiore Group and Hash Kitchen, the restaurant empire launched in Arizona in 2015 that has become the go-to destination for the most audacious brunch around. With his epic DIY Bloody Mary Bar and Instagram-famous dishes like Carnitas Hash and Billionaire Bacon, Chef Joey is all about serving up a good time.In his debut cookbook, the King of Brunch shares 70 of his favorite flavor-forward recipes for pulling off the best meal of the week at home, including a Ten-Layer Breakfast Lasagna recipe, Crème Brulée French Toast Sticks, and nostalgic cereal-infused cocktails. Call your friends over, turn up the tunes–courtesy of a bumpin’ playlist by DJ Ice–and stake your claim to the brunch crown."When your motto is 'The Brunch Life,' your late-morning meal game better be strong and Chef Joey’s Hash Kitchen absolutely lives up to the mantra."—Thrillist

  • av Jennifer Browne

    Powerfully healing recipes for herbal teas, broths, tonics, juices, smoothies, and more! Food—and drink—has always proven to be the best medicine, and in The Good Living Guide to Healing Drinks, Jennifer Browne provides the building blocks to help soothe, restore, and strengthen our bodies from the inside out. From medicinal broths and herbal tonics to nutrient-dense smoothies and botanical-infused waters, Browne takes us through a delicious journey that finds us holding the answers to a lengthy list of common ailments. In these pages you'll find fifty delicious recipes to combat fifty common health woes, plus information on a variety of particularly healing vegetables, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, and other foods.  Also included are tips for preservation of herbs and a list of helpful kitchen equipment. Discover delicious healing drinks including: Lavender Lemon Cooler for anxiety Honey Ginseng Tea for asthma Lemongrass Tonic for blood pressure Nut Butter Cacao Smoothie for depression Almond Mylk Espresso Affagato for fatigue Traditional Miso Broth for gut health Frozen Watermelon Cooler for joint pain Lemon Cayenne Tonic for weight management If you love to care for and nourish your body naturally and easily, this book is for you.

  • av Erik Verdonck

    Belgian beer styles & beer types with 133 beer descriptions. A comprehensive drink, food & travel guide with suggested beer restaurants & cafés and introductions to beer cuisine, serving temperatures & food pairing.

  • av Professor Christine Folch

    The untold story of South America's most interesting beverageBrewed from the dried leaves and tender shoots of an evergreen tree native to South America, yerba mate gives its drinkers the jolt of liquid effervescence many of us get from coffee or tea. In Argentina, southern "gaúcho" Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, mate is the stimulating brew of choice, famously quaffed by the Argentine national football team en route to its 2022 FIFA World Cup victory. In The Book of Yerba Mate, Christine Folch offers a wide-ranging exploration of the world's third-most popular naturally stimulating beverage. Folch discusses who drinks mate, and why, and whether this earthier caffeinated drink with its promise of a different buzz and a more authentic, spiritual connection to place can find a market niche beyond South America. Folch traces yerba mate's odysseys across the globe, from South America to the Middle East and North America. She discovers that mate inspired the world's first written tango, powered early Jesuit and German nationalist utopias, ignited one of modern history's most devastating wars, and fueled Catholic conspiracies. And, Folch reports, mate is currently starring in puppet shows put on by Syrian dissidents. By tracing yerba mate production and consumption as they change over time and place, from precolonial Indigenous beginnings to the present, Folch unravels the processes of commodification and their countervailing forces to show how accidents of botany intersect with political economic systems and personal taste. The stories behind the caffeinated infusions we prefer, she finds, are nothing less than the story of how the modern world is put together.

  • av Ted Bruning

    Where once Scotland dominated the world of whisky, that's no longer the case. England is just one of many countries now challenging Scotland's historic lead.

  • av Bruno Mocciati

    Guida Pratica per Principianti - Ricettario Mocktail AnalcoliciContiene 50 Ricette dei Cocktail Analcolici più Famosi "Ricettario Mocktail Analcolici" - un viaggio irresistibile nel mondo dei cocktail senza alcol. Questo libro di oltre 160 pagine, è il compagno perfetto per chiunque voglia scoprire il fascino dei mocktail e imparare a creare le proprie bevande analcoliche con facilità. Scritto appositamente per i principianti, questo ricettario presenta 50 delle migliori ricette di cocktail analcolici, fornendo istruzioni chiare e dettagliate per ogni singola preparazione. Ogni pagina è un invito a sperimentare nuovi sapori, a esplorare combinazioni uniche di ingredienti freschi e a creare bevande straordinarie direttamente dalla comodità di casa vostra. Che tu sia un appassionato di cocktail o un neofita, questo libro ti guiderà attraverso ogni fase, dalla selezione degli ingredienti alla presentazione finale. Imparerai a creare mocktail che soddisferanno il tuo palato e impressioneranno gli ospiti durante ogni occasione. Con la descrizione delle tecniche, la guida all'abbinamento con il cibo e i consigli sulle guarnizioni, questa guida pratica sarà la tua fonte affidabile per diventare un esperto dei cocktail analcolici. Scopri il mondo dei sapori senza alcol, e preparati a deliziare i tuoi sensi con ogni sorso. "Ricettario Mocktail Analcolici" - Inizia il tuo viaggio verso l'eccellenza nella mixology analcolica. Delizia il tuo palato con le irresistibili creazioni che renderanno ogni momento un'occasione speciale. Cerca tutti i libri di Bruno Mocciati ed impara tutti i segreti della Mixologia e del Beverage.

  • av Jerry Thomas

    "How to Mix Drinks" by Jerry Thomas, also known as "The Bon Vivant's Companion," is a classic and pioneering cocktail book that holds a special place in the history of mixology. Jerry Thomas, a legendary bartender of the 19th century, is often considered the father of American bartending, and this book, first published in 1862, is one of the earliest and most influential cocktail guides.Key Features:Historical Significance: "How to Mix Drinks" is a historic treasure, representing a crucial moment in the evolution of cocktail culture. Jerry Thomas played a pivotal role in popularizing and codifying the art of mixing drinks during the Golden Age of Cocktails.Pioneer of Mixology: Jerry Thomas is credited with being one of the first bartenders to showcase flair and showmanship in mixing drinks. His book is not just a collection of recipes but a demonstration of the theatrical aspects of bartending that have influenced the profession to this day.Classic Cocktails: The book features an array of classic cocktails that have stood the test of time. Many of these cocktails, including the Tom Collins and the Blue Blazer, are still enjoyed today and have become staples in bars around the world.Cocktail Techniques: Thomas provides insights into essential cocktail techniques, including the proper way to shake, stir, and garnish drinks. His instructions are practical and have laid the foundation for modern bartending practices.Elegance and Style: The book reflects the elegance and style of the Victorian era, with elaborate illustrations and a tone that captures the sophistication of the time. The language used in the recipes and anecdotes adds a touch of charm and nostalgia.Anecdotes and Stories: Interspersed with the cocktail recipes are anecdotes, stories, and entertaining narratives that provide a glimpse into the social and cultural context of the 19th-century bar scene. These stories contribute to the overall charm of the book.Innovative Presentation: Jerry Thomas was known for his innovative and theatrical presentation of cocktails, and this is evident in the book. The Blue Blazer, a flaming whiskey cocktail, is a notable example that showcases his showmanship.Legacy and Influence: "How to Mix Drinks" has had a lasting impact on the world of cocktails. Jerry Thomas's legacy as a pioneer in mixology endures, and his book continues to inspire both professional bartenders and home enthusiasts.For anyone passionate about mixology, cocktail history, or the art of bartending, "How to Mix Drinks" is a captivating journey into the roots of modern cocktail culture. It not only provides a collection of timeless recipes but also offers a glimpse into the charisma and skill of one of the industry's founding figures, Jerry Thomas.

  • av Teresa Ramos

    Maligayang pagdating sa Ang sining ng pagluluto na may mga cocktail, isang culinary journey kung saan tinutuklasan namin ang fusion ng mixology at gastronomy. Sa cookbook na ito, ipapakita namin sa iyo kung paano gawing entablado ang iyong kusina para sa isang kahanga-hangang pagganap ng mga lasa, kung saan ang mga cocktail ay hindi lamang mga inumin kundi ang mga lihim na sangkap na nagpapalit ng mga ordinaryong pagkain sa hindi pangkaraniwang mga karanasan sa pagluluto.Ang mundo ng mga cocktail ay isang larangan ng pagkamalikhain, pagiging sopistikado, at indulhensya. Ito ay hindi lamang tungkol sa paghigop ng inumin; ito ay tungkol sa pagtikim ng mga lasa, aroma, at mga kwento sa likod ng bawat libation. Sa pamamagitan ng pagsasama ng mga kahanga-hangang concoction na ito sa iyong pagluluto, malapit ka nang magsimula sa isang epicurean adventure na magpapakilig sa iyong panlasa at magpapasiklab sa iyong pagkahilig para sa parehong pagkain at cocktail.Ang cookbook na ito ay nagtatanghal ng isang na-curate na koleksyon ng 100 mga recipe, ang bawat isa ay maingat na ginawa upang umayon sa makulay at magkakaibang mundo ng mga cocktail. Mula sa masasarap na pagkain na may kasamang lalim ng whisky at ang sarap ng citrus hanggang sa mga matatamis na pagkain na pinahusay ng mga banayad na nuances ng gin at herbs, tinalakay namin ang lahat. Isa ka mang batikang chef o isang naghahangad na lutuin sa bahay, ang mga recipe na ito ay magbibigay inspirasyon sa iyong pagkamalikhain sa pagluluto at itataas ang iyong mga pagkain sa bagong taas.Kaya, pumunta tayo sa kusina, isuot ang ating mga apron, at itaas ang ating baso bilang isang toast sa kahanga-hangang paglalakbay sa hinaharap. Oras na para i-infuse ang iyong pagluluto ng talino at pagkapino ng bar.

  • av Jimson Lewis

  • av Lucy Abbott

    Welcome to "Coffee Making Recipes: Brewing Perfection," your go-to resource for learning how to make exceptional coffee at home. A great cup of coffee is more than just a beverage in the busy world we live in daily; it's a ritual, an inspiration, and an opportunity to relish life.This extensive electronic book is your pass to the world of coffee expertise. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a beginner coffee lover, come along on an extraordinary adventure where we explore the art and science that goes into each brew. We explore the subtleties of coffee beans, explain the tools, and offer detailed instructions to improve your coffee-making process.You will thoroughly understand the nuances involved in crafting the ideal cup of coffee as you embark on your journey. We consider coffee beans when choosing the best and learning different brewing techniques. Explore the fragrant world of coffee, where each cup reveals a tale of origin, roasting method, and individuality.

  • av Editors of Cider Mill Press

    Make over 100 quick and easy tequila and mezcal cocktails with only four ingredients or less!

  • av Tim Rayborn

    Raise a glass to iconic character and toast to their timeless tales in this charming cocktail book that masterfully blends classic literature with exquisite drinks.

  • av Rosa Martha Marquez Oropeza

    Journey through the bustling bars and hidden gems of one of the world's most dynamic cities.

  • av Harper Celebrate

    In United We Drink, you're invited to celebrate the nation one presidential-themed cocktail at a time. Featuring 50 easy recipes, this book is the go-to cocktail book for home bartenders on election night, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and beyond.

  • av Dr Christina Wade

    The rise of women in Britain's brewing trade including interviews with women working in today's beer industries. Meticulously researched by beer historian Dr Christina Wade it tells us the whole story, explaining the real reasons why women brewers became marginalised, while also debunking some tired old myths along the way.

  • av Volker Schneider

    Cool-Climate White Wine Oenology is dedicated exclusively to the technology and science of white still wines and sparkling base wines, as they are produced by the rapidly growing British wine industry and in countries with a similar climate

  • av Martyn Routledge

    A beautifully illustrated alternative history book, tracing the history of the British Isles through its landmark pubs with recreations of their pub signs in stunning colour.

  • av Emel Utku

    Miksoloji ve gastronominin birle¿imini ke¿fetti¿imiz bir mutfak yolculüu olan Kokteyllerle Yemek Pi¿irme Sanat¿'na hö geldiniz. Bu yemek kitab¿nda, kokteyllerin sadece içecekler de¿il, s¿radan yemekleri oläanüstü mutfak deneyimlerine dönü¿türen gizli malzemeler oldüu oläanüstü bir lezzet performans¿ için mutfä¿n¿z¿ nas¿l bir sahneye dönü¿türece¿inizi gösterece¿iz.Kokteyl dünyas¿ yarat¿c¿l¿¿¿n, ince zevkin ve högörünün diyar¿d¿r. Bu sadece bir içkiyi yudumlamakla ilgili de¿il; tatlar¿n, aromalar¿n ve her bir içkinin arkas¿ndaki hikayelerin tad¿n¿ ç¿karmakla ilgilidir. Bu harika kar¿¿¿mlar¿ yemeklerinize entegre ederek, damak tad¿n¿z¿ tatmin edecek ve hem yemek hem de kokteyl tutkunuzu ate¿leyecek epik bir maceraya at¿lmak üzeresiniz.Bu yemek kitab¿, her biri kokteyllerin canl¿ ve çe¿itli dünyas¿yla uyum sälamak üzere titizlikle haz¿rlanm¿¿ 100 tariften olüan küratörlü bir koleksiyon sunuyor. Viski derinli¿ini ve narenciye aromas¿n¿ birle¿tiren i¿tah aç¿c¿ yemeklerden, cin ve ¿ifal¿ otlar¿n ince nüanslar¿yla zenginle¿tirilmi¿ tatl¿ ikramlara kadar her ¿eyi ele ald¿k. ¿ster deneyimli bir ¿ef, ister ev äç¿s¿ olmak isteyen biri olun, bu tarifler mutfak yarat¿c¿l¿¿¿n¿za ilham verecek ve yemeklerinizi yeni boyutlara tä¿yacak.O halde gelin mutfäa girelim, önlüklerimizi giyelim ve önümüzdeki muhte¿em yolculüa kadehlerimizi kald¿ral¿m. Yemeklerinize bar¿n zarafetini ve inceli¿ini ä¿laman¿n zaman¿ geldi.

  • av Olivia Taylor

    'The Hibiscus Retreat: A Companion for Home, Wellness and Joy' is your guide to a world where vibrant flavors meet relaxation and thoughtful gifting. Dive into a collection of tantalizing hibiscus-based beverage recipes that redefine refreshment, from invigorating smoothies to captivating mocktails and spirited cocktails. But it doesn't stop there - immerse yourself in DIY home spa treatments, unlocking the beauty secrets of hibiscus for a pampering experience like no other. Finally, elevate your gift-giving game with creative and personalized DIY gifts that celebrate the power of hibiscus. 'The Hibiscus Retreat' isn't just a book; it's an invitation to a lifestyle where indulgence meets wellness, and every sip and gesture tells a story of botanical bliss. Transform your moments with hibiscus - sip, spa, and share the harmony!

  • av Blend Tea Co & Bird

    60 recipes to spark happiness and reimagine tea, from the experts in tea mixologyEmbark on a tea-rrific adventure with The Tea Cookbook from Bird & Blend, with recipes that will show you how to infuse your favourite drinks and dishes with your most-loved flavours of tea. Experience the magic of tea beyond the teacup through bakes, cocktails, lattes, milkshakes, and cold brews. Discover mouth-watering recipes that showcase the versatility of tea, with twists on classics plus more unusual tea-infused sweet and savoury recipes. From Green Tea Miso Soup and Earl Grey Yoghurt Loaf to Chai & Coconut Ice Lollies and Eton Mess Milkshake, this cookbook will inspire you to experiment with tea in new, exciting ways. These recipes are not just for tea-time - Bird & Blend have something for every occasion and every moment of your day, with recipes designed for wellness, wind-downs, pick-me-ups and celebrations. So, whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting your journey, let the tea-licious fun begin!

  • av Sam Caporn

    Do you love to have good wine, but feel unsure of how to tell a Pinot from a Merlot? Do you every find yourself wondering which option will suit your meal best? The Wine Flavour Guide will teach you how to pick the best bottle for every occasion.Internationally recognised wine expert Sam Caporn is here to demystify wine once and for all.- Discover how different wine-making processes create flavour- Find out how where a grows wine shapes its taste- Decode labels to identify how a wine will taste before you try it- Learn how to taste wine like a pro- Easily pair and food using intuitive adviceFrom Proseccos to Sauvignons, orange wines to rosés, there''s an endlessly fascinating world of wines for you to explore, and The Wine Flavour Guide is your chic and simple map to understanding your palate and discovering delightful new favourites. Whether you''re new to wine or a devoted connoisseur, this book will help you elevate your wine knowledge and think about flavour in a brand new way with helpful infographics and tips for picking an excellent bottle for every occasion at any price point.

  • av Bruno Mocciati

    Entra nell'affascinante mondo della kombucha con la Guida Pratica per Principianti - Produzione della Kombucha - La Magia della Fermentazione. Il compagno perfetto per chiunque voglia esplorare i segreti della creazione di questa bevanda probiotica rinfrescante e benefica a casa propria. Cosa Troverai in questo libro:Storia e Origini: Da dove viene la kombucha? Scopri le radici storiche e culturali di questa bevanda millenaria, una guida avvincente che ti immerge nel suo percorso affascinante.Introduzione alla Kombucha: Un capitolo introduttivo spiega i fondamenti della kombucha, rendendo il libro perfetto anche per i principiantiFasi della Fermentazione: Un'approfondita esplorazione delle fasi chiave del processo di fermentazione, dalla preparazione del tè zuccherato all'imbottigliamento, alla conservazioneRicette Uniche: Oltre a istruzioni dettagliate, troverai ricette esclusive per creare varianti gustose e personalizzate di kombuchaFAQ e Soluzioni: Affronta tutte le domande più frequenti sulla preparazione della kombucha, qui troverai le soluzioni pratiche e tanti consigli utili Perché Dovresti Leggerlo:Guida Pratica: Sia che tu sia un principiante o un appassionato, la guida fornisce istruzioni passo dopo passo per la produzione di kombuchaSalute e Benessere: Scopri i benefici per la salute legati al consumo di kombucha e impara come questa bevanda probiotica può contribuire al tuo benessere generaleCreatività in Cucina: Oltre alle ricette di base, sarai ispirato a sperimentare con sapori unici e combinazioni innovative per personalizzare la tua kombucha La Guida Pratica per Principianti - Produzione della Kombucha - La Magia della Fermentazione è la compagna ideale per avvicinarsi a questa antica arte con passione e creatività. Scopri il fascino di creare la tua kombucha e goditi i suoi numerosi vantaggi per la salute. Un libro imperdibile per gli amanti della bevanda fermentata e gli aspiranti fermentatori domestici.

  • av Natan Zalewski

    Witamy w Sztuka gotowania z koktajlami, kulinarnej podró¿y, podczas której odkrywamy fuzj¿ miksologii i gastronomii. W tej ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej pokäemy Ci, jak zamieni¿ swoj¿ kuchni¿ w scen¿ niezwyk¿ej zabawy smaków, gdzie koktajle to nie tylko napoje, ale sekretne sk¿adniki, które zmieniaj¿ zwyk¿e posi¿ki w niezwyk¿e doznania kulinarne.¿wiat koktajli to kraina kreatywnöci, wyrafinowania i przyjemnöci. Nie chodzi tylko o wypicie drinka? chodzi o delektowanie si¿ smakami, aromatami i historiami stoj¿cymi za käd¿ libacj¿. W¿¿czaj¿c te wspaniäe mikstury do swojej kuchni, masz zamiar rozpocz¿¿ epick¿ przygod¿, która pobudzi Twoje kubki smakowe i rozpali Twoj¿ pasj¿ zarówno do jedzenia, jak i koktajli.Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska przedstawia wyselekcjonowan¿ kolekcj¿ 100 przepisów, z których kädy zostä starannie opracowany, aby harmonizowä z t¿tni¿cym ¿yciem i ró¿norodnym ¿wiatem koktajli. Od pikantnych dä, które zawieraj¿ g¿¿bi¿ whisky i nut¿ cytrusów, po s¿odkie przysmaki wzmocnione subtelnymi niuansami ginu i zió¿ - omówili¿my wszystko. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ döwiadczonym szefem kuchni, czy pocz¿tkuj¿cym kucharzem domowym, te przepisy zainspiruj¿ Twoj¿ kulinarn¿ kreatywnö¿ i wynios¿ Twoje posi¿ki na nowy poziom.Wejd¿my wi¿c do kuchni, zäó¿my fartuchy i wznie¿my toast za wspaniä¿ podró¿, która nas czeka. Nadszed¿ czas, aby dodä do swojej kuchni szyku i finezji barowej.

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