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Det kan vara svårt att ändra dina vanor när vardagsproblemen kommer i vägen. Vi har samlat ett antal böcker som hjälper dig att komma igång med din träning och du kan hitta olika program för det här. Det finns många sätt att träna, både dig själv, eller t.ex. ditt barn. Det är viktigt att hitta lugn och plats för dig själv, men om det är det nyfödda barnet det handlar om så har vi naturligtvis också böcker som kan instruera dig i det. Om du dessutom vill veta mer om hur du äter hälsosamt och vill komma i form så har vi specifika böcker om ämnet. Det är ett brett urval av segment inom styrketräning, löpträning eller kanske är det yoga du saknar. Träning är en väsentlig faktor i utvecklingen av dig själv, det handlar om vad du behöver just nu.
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  • - A handbook for students and teachers
    av Melanie Cooper

    With a wealth of information, clear writing, and fresh, detailed photography, this is an invaluable resource for qualified yoga teachers, student teachers, and yoga students who want to take their practice to the next level.

  • - Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness
    av don Miguel Ruiz

    In The Circle of Fire, bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz, inspires us to enter into a new and loving relationship with ourselves, with our fellow humans, and with all of creation. Through a selection of beautiful essays, prayers, and guided meditations, Ruiz prepares our minds for a new way of seeing life, and opens our hearts to find our way back to our birthright: heaven on earth. The result is a life lived in joy, harmony, and contentment.In my teachings, “The Circle of Fire” ceremony celebrates the most important day of our lives: the day when we merge with the fire of our spirit, and return to our own divinity. This is the day when we recover the awareness of what we really are, and make the choice to live in communion with that force of creation we call “Life” or “God.”  From that day forward, we live with unconditional love in our hearts for ourselves, for life, for everything in creation.This book, first published in 2001 as “Prayers: A Communion with Our Creator,” will remind you of what you really are. It has always been my favorite book, and now in honor of my favorite prayer, it has been appropriately renamed “The Circle of Fire.”    — don Miguel Ruiz

  • - A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked
    av Meggan Watterson

    After a revelation at a sacred site of the Black Madonna in Europe, the author realized that being spiritual for her was intricately tied to her view of her body. Rather than transcending the body, denying or ignoring it, she found that she must accept her body as sacred. This title deals with religion.

  • - Meridian Theory in Nei Gong
    av Damo Mitchell

    The art of connecting with, feeling and adjusting the energy body using the consciousness is often overlooked in Nei Gong and Qi Gong practice. Damo Mitchell provides step-by-step instructions on how to experience and adjust the various elements which make up the energy body in order to diagnose imbalances and restore harmony.

  • - Integration of Personality into Being, an Object Relations Approach
    av A. H. Almaas

    In this book Almaas demonstrates that healthy ego development is part of the continuum of spiritual development. He also establishes the possibility of attaining inner realization and developing our essential being-"the pearl beyond price"-in the context of living a normal human life.

  • - The Sentient Embryo, Tissue Intelligence, and Trauma Resolution
    av Franklyn Sills

    Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics presents a comprehensive grounding in the clinical skills needed in a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy. Author Franklyn Sills places particular emphasis on developing what he terms "perceptual skills," diagnostic skills that enable the practitioner to perceive the subtle sensations and intuitive insights that are the groundwork of most forms of holistic somatic therapy.The biodynamic approach has its origins in the clinical exploration of W. G. Sutherland, DO, (1873-1954), the founder of osteopathy in the cranial field and "forefather of craniosacral therapy." In the last ten years of his life, his work changed from a biomechanical approach to a fully holistic orientation toward the ordering and enlivening forces present in the human system. Sutherland described his experiences of a mysterious presence, the "Breath of Life," from which ordering forces and healing intentions arose. His work then shifted from biomechanics to biodynamics; from analysis and motion-testing to an appreciation of the unfolding of the "inherent treatment plan." Sutherland encouraged practitioners to use no outside force whatsoever, but to allow the inherent ordering forces, which he called "potency," to make the decisions and do the work.Franklyn Sills pioneered the biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy outside the osteopathic profession. This approach has now spread around the world in various forms. Sills wrote the early books in this field, and this new book now brings the text up to date. Foundations in Craniosacral Therapy, Volume Two expands on the work described in the previous volume, starting with an overview of a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy, which emphasizes the suspensory nature of the human system. Here we review and deepen our understanding of the "three bodies"-the physical, fluid, and tidal bodies. We also review and expand upon the suspensory nature of the holistic shift-the physical body suspended in the fluid body, in turn suspended in the tidal body-within the context of the inherent treatment plan.The following chapters of the book orient to our earliest life experiences-the embryonic period and the pre- and perinatal experience-with chapters devoted to birth, birth dynamics, and craniosacral approaches oriented both to birth trauma and to the tissue patterns it generates. Here we orient to the prenate and birthing infant as a sentient being having and responding to life experience. Further chapters orient to the primal/notochord midline and the tissue structures that form around it. We explore the dynamics of the pelvis, vertebral axis, cranial base, face and hard palate. Volume Two finishes with four important chapters on the neurophysiology of stress and trauma and related craniosacral and verbal skills. All chapters include appropriate biodynamic approaches to traumatization and CNS activation.

  • - 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart, and Sharp Mind
    av Peter Wayne

    Conventional medical science on the Chinese art of Tai Chi now shows what Tai Chi masters have known for centuries: regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research from Harvard Medical School also supports the long-standing claims that Tai Chi also has a beneficial impact on the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind. This research provides fascinating insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms that explain how Tai Chi actually works. Dr. Peter M. Wayne, a longtime Tai Chi teacher and a researcher at Harvard Medical School, developed and tested protocols similar to the simplified program he includes in this book, which is suited to people of all ages, and can be done in just a few minutes a day. This book includes: • The basic program, illustrated by more than 50 photographs • Practical tips for integrating Tai Chi into everyday activities • An introduction to the traditional principles of Tai Chi • Up-to-date summaries of the research literature on the health benefits of Tai Chi • How Tai Chi can enhance work productivity, creativity, and sports performance • And much more

  • - Trade Secrets of a Personal Trainer
    av Steve Barrett

    The ultimate 'one stop' guide to training with kettlebells. Practical and easily accessible, The Total Kettlebell Training Workout is perfect for the fitness enthusiast or fitness professional who wants to lightly improve their knowledge and heavily improve the range of exercises they can use in their training. Tried and tested exercises are accompanied by clear photos and illustrations presented in a modern and logical way.The Total Kettlebell Workout is brimming with ideas for using this piece of fitness equipment not just in the gym, but at home too. Packed with clear and easy to use exercises, this how-to reference book also provides adaptations of basic and advanced exercises making it ideal for anyone who wants to get the most out of their fitness gear.- Each exercise idea is organised by fitness level and includes follow-up and extension ideas.- Written in a jargon-free and concise style, this book is light on the science and background, heavy on practicality.

  • - Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity and Freedom
    av Rod Stryker

    According to ancient Yogic tradition, your soul has four distinct desires: the desire for purpose, the drive to become who you are meant to be; the desire for the means to prosper in this world; the desire for pleasures like intimacy, beauty and love; and the desire for spiritual fulfillment and lasting freedom. This book deals with this topic.

  • av Mira Mehta

    A practical yoga course, with step-by-step photographic guidance, written by one of the leading exponents of the Iyengar method of yoga. The book also includes a section on postures helpful for common problems, such as headaches, stiffness, pain in the shoulders and backache.

  • - the Perfect Introduction to Using Massage, Yoga and Accupressure to Balance the Body's Natural Energies, with Easy-to-follow Techniques Shown in 400 Photographs
    av Nicky Smith

    Updated in 2017. An introduction to using massage, yoga and acupressure to balance the body's natural energies, with easy-to-follow techniques shown in 400 photographs. It begins by outlining this ancient healing therapy, its origins and objectives, and then explains and demonstrates the elements and requirements of a typical session.

  • av Dolores (Dolores Cannon) Cannon

    This is the fourth volume in the wildly successful "Convoluted Universe" series. Premier hypnotherapist and psychic researcher Dolores Cannon does it again. Using deep hypnosis and past life regression techniques, she presents mind-blowing theories and concepts originating from other dimensions.In this new volume you'll find more information about the spirit side--where we go after we "die"--plus new information on life reviews and preparing contracts and your life plan of what you hope to accomplish on your return to Earth.Cannon uncovers forgotten ancient knowledge widely used by secret mystery schools and ancient civilizations, including Atlantis, Lemuria, and the original Stonehenge. She even explores the creation of life on Earth and presents unknown information about DNA.

  • - Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life
    av Judith Hanson Lasater

  • - Strengthen and Sculpt Your Arms, Shoulders, Back, and Abs by Training to Do 50 Consecutive Pull-Ups
    av Brett Stewart

  • av Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming
    253 - 409

    "Tai chi chuan is an internal martial art that uses soft/round movements to redirect an opponent's incoming force. Qigong exercises are an internal method of increasing and circulating your body's energy. This book teaches tai chi qigong exercises that are useful for improving your tai chi skills and overall health. This revised edition includes a new, easy-to-folllow layout. Every qigong movement is presented in 2-4 large photographs with clear instructions, and a discussion of how the movements aid in improving tai chi.--]cProvided by publisher.

  • - When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters
    av Robert Augustus Masters

    Spiritual bypassing—the use of spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs—is so pervasive that it goes largely unnoticed. The spiritual ideals of any tradition, whether Christian commandments or Buddhist precepts, can provide easy justification for practitioners to duck uncomfortable feelings in favor of more seemingly enlightened activity. When split off from fundamental psychological needs, such actions often do much more harm than good.While other authors have touched on the subject, this is the first book fully devoted to spiritual bypassing. In the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa’s landmark Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Spiritual Bypassing provides an in-depth look at the unresolved or ignored psychological issues often masked as spirituality, including self-judgment, excessive niceness, and emotional dissociation. A  longtime psychotherapist with an engaging writing style, Masters furthers the body of psychological insight into how we use (and abuse) religion in often unconscious ways. This book will hold particular appeal for those who grew up with an unstructured new-age spirituality now looking for a more mature spiritual practice, and for anyone seeking increased self-awareness and a more robust relationship with themselves and others.

  • av Elizabeth Cronkhite

    Presents the paragraph-by-paragraph translation of the text of "A Course in Miracles" into plain, everyday language and brings its message to the surface so that you can attain a deeper understanding of it. This title is suitable for those seeking inner peace.

  • - 10th Anniversary Edition
    av Michal Snunit

    Deep within us lies a soul, and in the soul lives a special bird . . .

  • av Til Luchau

    Advanced Myofascial Techniques, Volume 2 is the second of two beautiful, information-packed guides to highly effective manual therapy techniques. Focusing on conditions of the neck, head, spine and ribs Volume 2 provides a variety of tools for addressing some of the most commonly encountered complaints. With clear step-by-step instructions and spectacular illustrations, each volume is a valuable collection of hands-on approaches for restoring function, refining proprioception, and decreasing pain.

  • - Selections Arranged and Annotated
    av Rudolf Steiner

    Eternal becoming in thinkingEvery step a deepeningOvercoming the surfacePenetrating the depths." --Rudolf SteinerMuch has been written by students of spiritual science on The Philosophy of Freedom, but the advantage of discovering what the author himself had to say about this most important and seminal work should be obvious. Not only were the words of the text chosen most carefully, but also its very structure was intended to become a powerful inner experience for the careful reader. In a sense, all of the works that flowed from Rudolf Steiner in the following years were to elaborate on this great work.At the age of twenty-seven, Rudolf Steiner "was beset by questions" related to outer human life, whereas inner human nature had been revealing itself to him with increasing clarity as a world of reality. In all his works, Steiner had relied on contemplation of that inner world, which led to writing The Philosophy of Freedom. His intention was to join inner and outer so that true inner work would lead to fully incarnating as human beings. The book that resulted became a pillar of anthroposophic practice and essential study for every student of inner development.Otto Palmer has provided an invaluable service by extracting numerous references from the words of Rudolf Steiner, providing keys to the deeper meanings behind the words of The Philosophy of Freedom, making it more accessible and meaningful to readers.

  • - A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening
    av Ken Wilber

    Over the last thirty-five years, Ken Wilber has developed an Integral "theory of everything" that makes sense of how all the world''s knowledge systems—East and West; ancient, modern, and postmodern—fit together and can elevate our awareness. Drawing on science, psychology, human development, spirituality, religion, and dozens of other fields, Integral Theory is a revolutionary framework for understanding ourselves and the world we live in. Now there is a way to not just think Integrally, but to embody an Integral worldview in your everyday life. Integral Life Practice is not just a new approach to self-development and higher awareness, but a way of making sense of—and making best use of—the existing treasure trove of insights, methods, and practices for cultivating a more enlightened life. It offers a uniquely adaptive approach to awakened living that''s suitable for everyone: people with busy careers and families, college students, retirees, even hardcore athletes and yogis. It''s geared for devout—and irreverent—people of any religion, or no religion! This highly flexible system will help you develop your physical health, spiritual awareness, emotional balance, mental clarity, relational joy, and energy level, within a framework that integrates all aspects of your life. Combining original exercises, vivid examples, cutting-edge theory, and illustrative graphics, Integral Life Practice is the ultimate handbook for realizing freedom and fullness in the 21st century. For more information, visit

  • - The Lifetime Plan for Strength, Power & Peak Performance
    av Daniel Lyon

    Offers an inspiring self-guided program that adapts to all experience levels and requires nothing more than floor space, an exercise mat, and the desire to look and feel your best. This book walks you through forty "traditional mat" and sixty-plus "reformer on the mat" exercises, each one illustrated and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions.

  • - Science, Intuition and Gaia
    av Stephan Harding

    This book argues that we need to establish a relationship with the planet as a living entity in which we are indissolubly embedded - and to which we are all accountable.

  • av Rueckert, Elkins & McCarty

    Book Three of the Law of One builds on the information presented in Books One and Two, continuing the exploration of the nature and balancing of the energy centers or chakras, sexual energy transfers, healing, reincarnation, meditation, and Wanderers. The nature of psychic prophecy is explored in Book Three, as are the nature and ramifications of what are usually called psychic attacks. A good deal of information is given on the principles of ritual magic in general and white magic in particular, and a beginning is made in the study of the archetypical mind, which is the mind of the Logos and serves as a kind of blueprint for our evolutionary process and which serves as the foundation concept for each of our individual minds.

  • av Alistair Brotchie

    This delightful collection allows everyone to enjoy firsthand the provocative methods used by the artists and poets of the Surrealist school to break through conventional thought and behavior to a deeper truth. Invented and played by such artists as André Breton, Rene Magritte, and Max Ernst, these gems still produce results ranging from the hilarious to the mysterious and profound.

  • av Carl R. Rogers

    A Way of Being was written in the early 1980s, near the end of Rogers' career, and serves as a coda to his classic On Becoming a Person. More philosophical than his earlier writings, it traces his professional and personal development. Rogers concludes by predicting a more humane future.

  • - Voice Dialogue Manual
    av Hal Stone

    Drawing on years of clinical experience, the authors take readers on a remarkable journey of self-discovery. The "sub personalities" that live with the self are explained, allowing readers to pursue their individual destinies. (Holism/Psychology)

  • - Being Your Higher Self
    av Sanaya Roman

    This new book focuses on acquiring the skills for handling everyday life withmore joy, harmony, peace, and light. Here are more of the shared teachings ofSanaya Roman and her spirit guide, Orin, for whom she acts as a channel.

  • av Marianne Williamson

    Drawing on her own experiences and reflections, as well as her interactions with thousands of women across the USA and Europe, A WOMAN'S WORTH gives us Marianne Williamson's unique and very personal view of the feminine spirit.

  • av Dr Wayne W Dyer

    'Our thoughts are a magic part of us, and they carry us to places that have no boundaries, and no limitations' In this bestselling thought-provoking book, Dr. Wayne Dyer stretches beyond self-help to self-realisation.

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