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Det kan vara svårt att ändra dina vanor när vardagsproblemen kommer i vägen. Vi har samlat ett antal böcker som hjälper dig att komma igång med din träning och du kan hitta olika program för det här. Det finns många sätt att träna, både dig själv, eller t.ex. ditt barn. Det är viktigt att hitta lugn och plats för dig själv, men om det är det nyfödda barnet det handlar om så har vi naturligtvis också böcker som kan instruera dig i det. Om du dessutom vill veta mer om hur du äter hälsosamt och vill komma i form så har vi specifika böcker om ämnet. Det är ett brett urval av segment inom styrketräning, löpträning eller kanske är det yoga du saknar. Träning är en väsentlig faktor i utvecklingen av dig själv, det handlar om vad du behöver just nu.
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  • av Bret Contreras

    Going far beyond standard pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy presents 156 unique exercises that work every muscle in the body. Detailed anatomical artwork accompanies step-by-step instructions for performing each exercise anytime, anywhere, without the need for equipment or machines.

  • - The Definitive Guide to Yoga in Everyday Life
    av B.K.S. Iyengar

    The definitive guide to yoga in everyday life from B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher.

  • av Deng Ming-Dao

    Place the word Tao Into your heart. Use no other words. The Tao is constantly moving, the path that all life and the whole universe takes. There is nothing that is not part of it?harmonious living is to know and to move with the Tao?it is a way of life, the natural order of things, a force that flows through all life.365 Tao is a contemporary book of meditations on what it means to be wholly a part of the Taoist way, and thus to be completely in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world.Deng Ming-Dao is the author of eight books, including The Living I Ching, Chronicles of Tao, Everyday Tao, and Scholar Warrior. His books have been translated into fifteen languages. He studied qigong, philosophy, meditation, and internal martial arts with Taoist master Kwan Saihung for thirteen years, and with two other masters before that.

  • - How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death
    av Gary R. Renard

    Teaches you how to integrate advanced spiritual principles into your everyday life. This book states that doing so leads beyond theory to an experience of the Divine and the undoing of the ego, and that your progress will accelerate to such a degree that, with continued practice, you can't help but stop the need to reincarnate once and for all.

  • - Tapping into the power of love
    av Dr. Brian Weiss

    An inspirational and gripping spiritual guide book that will change how you see the world for ever

  • av Ann Shulgin

    This book follows on from 'Pihkal' and provides a glimpse of altered states of consciousness and a unique opportunity to become acquainted with two fearless psychonauts. Will appeal to all with an interest in psychedelic literature.

  • - Exploring Our Hunger To Belong
    av John O'Donohue

    There is a divine restlessness in the human heart today, an eternal echo of longing that lives deep within us and never lets us settle for what we have or where we are.

  • - Seth Book - Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know
    av Jane Roberts

    The words of Seth, the personality channeled through Jane Roberts, show readers that they possess hidden powers within themselves that have the potential to transform their lives. By learning to control their own experiences, they can create a new, fulfilling reality.

  • - Path of Ecstasy
    av Georg Feuerstein

    Tantra-often associated with Kundalini Yoga-is a fundamental dimension of Hinduism, emphasizing the cultivation of "divine power" (shakti) as a path to infinite bliss. Tantra has been widely misunderstood in the West, however, where its practices are often confused with eroticism and licentious morality. Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy dispels many common misconceptions, providing an accessible introduction to the history, philosophy, and practice of this extraordinary spiritual tradition. The Tantric teachings are geared toward the attainment of enlightenment as well as spiritual power and are present not only in Hinduism but also Jainism and Vajrayana Buddhism. In this book, Georg Feuerstein offers readers a clear understanding of authentic Tantra, as well as appropriate guidance for spiritual practice and the attainment of higher consciousness.

  • av Dr Deepak Chopra

    This guide by Dr Deepak Chopra should appeal to all those in search of balance, harmony, and perfect health. This revised edition has a new introduction, questionnaires, and recent scientific and medical research studies.

  • av Keila Shaheen
    199 - 269,-

  • av Cortland Dahl

    "A Meditator's Guide to Buddhism is written for secular meditators who wish to learn more about the roots of contemporary mindfulness practices. The book will open readers' eyes to the full range of principles and practices in the Buddhist tradition, adding depth and inspiration to their meditation practice. The core message of the book is that the Buddha's teachings present a comprehensive path of awakening that involves much more than mindfulness and present-moment awareness, providing practical guidance on living a rich, meaningful life with awareness, compassion, and wisdom. The contents of the book will address the core principles and meditation practices found in the Buddhist tradition, centered on the "three yanas" model that first originated in ancient India and later took root in Tibet. The unique view, meditation, and application found in each of these three yanas (or vehicles) will be explored, with practical examples, stories that bring the tradition to life, and tips for integrating the teachings with daily life"--

  • av Mandy Morris

    Join manifestation coach Mandy Morris on an enlightening, soulful adventure where she will teach how to tap into the light and embrace your inner power. "Hello, beautiful soul. You are about to embark on a journey unlike one you've ever experienced, a powerful crash course in accessing your light, which is the source of your authentic self..."--from the Introduction. In The Promise, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and best-selling author Mandy Morris explores the importance of connecting the trials and tribulations of our everyday lives to the beautiful story that we, the infinite beings of this Universe, are all entitled to live. Unbind yourself from the fears and doubts that drag you down to the darkest trenches of your life and learn how to handle adversity in a new, more assured and confident way, just as the Universe intended you to do. Reconnecting with the Universe and discovering your inner strength has never been simpler as Mandy shares the seven pathways of the Universe that are designed to bring us out of the darkness of human conditioning and into the light. There is a path to follow for any circumstance you may be going through. By understanding how to harness the powers of Expansion, Self-Knowledge, Empathy, Clarity, Transmutation, Co-creation, and Coherence, you will be prepared for whatever challenges you may face. No longer do you have to wade in the darkness. Run into the light and feel the love, feel connected, and feel the Universe flowing through you as you embark on the divine story that you were born to live. The Universe made you a promise; it's time to believe it.

  • av Caroline Myss

    (Originally published as DEFY GRAVITY) New York Times best-selling author Caroline Myss investigates the mystical phenomenon of healing and the presence of grace in every life.

  • av John Thie

    50 Years of HealingThe Fundamental text of Energy Kinesiology for balancing muscles, posture, and “Chi” (Life Energy)With over a million copies in print since 1973, the “Touch for Health” phenomenon has flourished worldwide to help more than 10 million people in over 40 countries and 23 languages restore their natural healing energies and enjoy vibrant health through this unique treatment of posture and muscle balancing that combines simple aspects of acupressure touch and massage. From this book, you will learn the techniques that chiropractors, alternative health specialists, athletic trainers, and massage therapists have found invaluable in preventive healthcare and treatment for over 50 years.   All new full color illustrations and photographs of all 42 muscle tests, in lying and standing positionsColor-coded reference tabsReference section includes a 2-page spread for each muscle including testing, origin/insertion, spinal reflexes, neurolymphatics, neurovasculars, and meridianAcupressure holding points for the 12 major MeridiansThe Complete Edition includes an extensive introduction to simple self-help energizers, Emotional Stress Release & application of muscle testing and reflex points. Following the 42 muscle reference section, Chinese Five Element energy patterns are explained, as well as additional advanced applications such as Gait Balancing, Posture Analysis and Balancing, Reactive Muscle Reset, and pain control, and more!

  • av Michael O'Neill

    In Liverpool F.C. - Legends we've collected stories on dozens of Liverpool FC's most celebrated players managers and games. With expert commentary and lavish photography, you'll explore and rediscover the attributes that made these players, managers and teams iconic, as well as the moments that propelled them to greatness. From past greats like Kevin Keegan and Kenny Dalglish to modern giants such as Mo Salah there's something for every Liverpool fan here. Over a century, Liverpool has provided fans with hundreds of unique personalities, countless unforgettable moments and some of the greatest feats of sporting brilliance ever seen. From its humble beginnings in the northwest of England to the global phenomenon it has become today, the club has evolved and changed almost beyond recognition. But the exploits of the soccer heroes of years past continue to stand the test of time.

  • av Sara Landon

    Mike Dooley engages in conversation with Sara Landon as she channels The Council. He explores the wisdom of The Council to understand the very reason for life as we know it, how to wisely navigate everything we experience between life and death, how all of this fits within the context of reality, and our intimate relationship to Source.

  • av Clark Strand

    Hidden in the darkness is an ancient secret suppressed by every aspect of our light-drunk modern worldthere is a Great Mother from the bottom of time who has always guided us through perils and calamities. Now is the hour of Her return.An exigent, affecting summons to rediscover the night.Kirkus ReviewsIs darkness synonymous with ignorance and evil? Or is it the original matrix from which all life emerges, and the Mother to whom it returns? Higher and higher levels of artificial illumination have suppressed our contact with the numinous since the Industrial Revolution, with dire consequences for society, our planetary ecology, and our souls. This mystical testament weaves together paleobiology, memoir, history, science, and spiritual archaeology to lead readers back into the lost mysteries of the dark. Not sinceThe Teachings of Don JuanorIshmaelhas a book diagnosed with such urgency and cultural coherence the problems at the heart of modern life.InWaking Up to the Dark, Clark Strand offers penetrating insight into the spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pull the plug on our billion-watt culture. He argues that the insomnia so many of us experience as the Hour of the Wolf is really the Hour of Goda wellspring of rest and renewal, and an ancient reservoir of ancestral wisdom and inspiration. And in a powerful yet surprising turn, he shares with us an urgent message for the world, received through a mysterious young woman he calls Our Lady of Climate Change (aka THE VIRGIN MARY), about the challenges we all know are coming.

  • av Thich Nhat Hanh

    'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' Time In this enlightening series world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the essential foundations of mindful practice and meditation.

  • av Jenny Billingham

    From the best-selling Creative...and Beyond series, Creative Embroidery & Beyond presents beautiful embroidery projects and instruction for all skill levels from three trending artists with large online audiences.

  • av Rudolf Steiner

  • av Marion Deuchars

    A bestselling and award-winning artist presents a fun, illustrated approach to yoga to help you loosen up with a smile on your face! Marion Deuchars has practiced yoga for many years and knows well the benefits it brings. Now she invites you to join her stiff bird in a selection of classic poses, stretches, and breathing exercises that are guaranteed to revive and energize.Yoga for Stiff Birds rejects the clichés of studio photography in favor of a friendlier illustrated look. With a few strokes of her brush, Deuchars helps Bob into every position from downward-facing dog to tree—and you’ll want to follow suit. With 60 poses and sequences (all carefully checked by yoga professionals) presented in a lay-flat binding, the book is both practical and inspiring. The full-color art will raise a smile, whether you’re a regular practitioner or a yoga novice, and will encourage even the creakiest beginner to breathe, stretch, and bend like they never have before. Already a bestseller in the UK and internationally, Yoga for Stiff Birds is a truly unique book: once seen, never forgotten.

  • av Sarah Blondin

    A treasury of meditations for living from your heart-from a top teacher at the #1 online meditation service InsightTimer. In our noisy, noisy world, it can seem nearly impossible to find ways to turn off our busy minds, which so often flood us with worry and unending lists of tasks. So how do you find your way off the negativity treadmill? When you feel overwhelmed and afraid, how can you return to a place of groundedness and connection? "When we turn toward our hearts, we arrive like a bolt of lightning in the present moment, and all our arguments against ourselves and life go quiet," teaches Sarah Blondin. "No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, you can touch this place in yourself to feel free and alive." With poetic brilliance and skillful instruction, this renowned teacher brings you a treasury of meditations and spiritual teachings to help you detach from your busy mind and tune into your feeling heart. As the students of her popular online trainings can attest, these simple and powerful practices can instantly bring you into a deeper connection with yourself and others. And you can go back to these meditations whenever you feel overwhelmed, disconnected, or afraid. Read Heart Minded from front to back for a full course in living a life guided by the wise heart-or open to any page for a reminder that, beneath your burdens and troubles, you are fundamentally whole and free. This book includes links to free guided meditations on audio, presented by Sarah Blondin.

  • av Yung Pueblo

    "A radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world, from the New York Times bestselling author of Clarity & Connection"--

  • av Wong Kiew Kit

    An introduction to a martial art recognized as an effective stress reliever and its beneficial effects for health and fitness

  • - Awakening the New Human Story
    av Gregg Braden

    New York Times bestselling author Gregg Braden crosses the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to answer the timeless question at the core of our existence: who are we? Gregg offers concrete solutions to the social issues that are destroying our families and dividing us as people, incl. bullying, hate crimes and religious extremism.

  • av Jeshua

    The Way of Transformation, a collection of Jeshua's teachings, faithfully transcribed from the original audio recordings. It forms the fourth volume of the five essential 'Way of Mastery' texts. Jeshua shares: "The Way of Transformation... is that pathway that begins with a commitment to healing and awakening, and is founded on the premise that you are perfectly free at all times. And everything that is experienced has been by your choice. And at no time has there been any other cause." His invitation to us is to wake up from every illusion that we have ever been separate from God, and to remember the deepest Truth of who we are: Christ. This is the only authorized version, precisely it was first given and including the original question and answer sections. Nothing has been added in the transition from audio to text: no chapter titles appear, nor themes given to sub-sections - for He gave none.

  • av Selena Moon

    Keep this gorgeous journal alongside your collection of tarot and oracle card decks to unlock the secrets of your readings and awaken your psychic abilities.

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