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Graviditet & föräldraskap

Graviditet och föräldraskap kan vara svårt, samtidigt som det är ett mirakel. Om du är i de tidiga stadierna av din graviditet är det extra viktigt att veta hur din kropp kommer att bete sig. Kanske vill du följa fostrets utveckling vecka för vecka och veta vad som kan vara bra att tänka på. Då har vi en kategori med precis vad du behöver. Det finns en variation av kunskap inom ämnet som rör allt från potträning till matro när man sitter tillsammans. Det handlar om att lära ditt barn de viktiga redskapen för att bättre kunna hantera de utmaningar som de möter senare i livet. Det kan vara svårt att vara konsekvent i sin uppfostran och det är något som vi alla går runt och bär på. Böckerna innehåller kunskap som förhoppningsvis kan hjälpa dig med just det. Graviditet och föräldraskap är en gåva, och liksom många andra saker i livet måste vi vårda miraklet.
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  • av Martina Fiore

    Ti sei mai chiesto come aiutare il tuo bimbo nella formazione del suo carattere? Sai che, come genitore, puoi aiutarlo applicando un metodo riconosciuto e applicato in tutto il mondo? Guida la crescita e lo sviluppo del tuo bambino con il Metodo Montessori. Il metodo Montessori è un sistema educativo pensato per i bambini e i ragazzi, oggi applicato in oltre 60.000 scuole del mondo. Il metodo fu ideato dalla pedagogista, educatrice e neuropsichiatra infantile Maria Montessori agli inizi del '900. Il bambino ha la possibilità di sviluppare già dai primi anni vita importanti capacità: nell'apprendimento e nell'ascolto oltre che sviluppare la capacità di scegliere autonomamente, il pensiero critico e il senso di responsabilità. Evidenze dimostrano, altresì, migliori capacità nelle relazioni e nello studio.Tutti questi aspetti sono fondamentali per il tuo bambino che cresce in un mondo pieno di stimoli e di dinamiche sociali. Saper riconoscere cos'è giusto e cos'è sbagliato è uno dei tanti vantaggi che porterà con sé negli anni avvenire. Un'importanza rilevante è data dall'aspetto ludico, le attività proposte nel libro sono varie, divertenti e spiegate in maniera puntale. Il libro "Metodo Montessori" contiene tutte le informazioni necessarie per imparare i principi di un insegnamento che permette ad una mamma ed un papà di seguire e agevolare i processi di crescita e sviluppo del bambino. Il testo, scritto in maniera chiara e semplice, riporta: i principi montessoriani, come applicare il metodo Montessori e perché sceglierlo. Ma anche:I pro e i contro del metodoPerché iscrivere il bambino ad una scuola MontessoriOltre 100 attività Montessori da fare all'aperto e in casaTecniche di comunicazione avanzate da utilizzare con i propri piccoli... e molto altro ancora!Il Metodo Montessori è da molti definito come un sistema per educare il bambino alla libertà. Significa insegnargli il valore della fiducia, fargli conoscere la natura e permettergli di far emergere il proprio talento. Il metodo ha oltre un secolo di storia è collaudato e considerato un caposaldo della psicologia moderna.

  • av William Harding

    Deshazte de tus dudas y miedos- ¡descubre cómo cuidar a tu bebé en sus primeros 12 meses para que crezca sano y fuerte!¿Estás ilusionada con la llegada de tu bebé, pero no confías en poder cuidar de un mini ser humano?Puede que tengas temor de lo que va a ocurrir cuando traigas a casa a tu bebé.Desde cambiarle el pañal hasta bañarle y alimentarle, quieres asegurarte de que lo haces todo bien desde el principio.Navegar por el primer año de paternidad puede ser abrumador, y pedir ayuda te hará la vida lo más fácil posible.Además de satisfacer las necesidades básicas de tu bebé, crear un apego sano con tu hijo puede marcar la diferencia a la hora de afianzar vuestro vínculo.Pero puede que sientas ansiedad y no sepas ni por dónde empezar - y ahí es donde Trucos Para el Nuevo Papá con Bebé resulta útil.Es hora de acabar con tus miedos. Si quieres tener tranquilidad y confianza cuando llegue tu recién nacido, deja que Trucos Para el Nuevo Papá con Bebé te ayude a conseguirlo. En este libro descubrirás:Cómo poner tu casa a prueba de bebés para mantener a salvo a tu bebé sin importar lo que toque.Cómo cuidar a tu bebé en las primeras 24 horas sin descuidar a tu cónyuge.8 posibles razones por las que llora tu bebé - y qué hacer cuando no deja de llorar.El horario de alimentación del bebé- qué y cuánto darle de comer.11 problemas de sueño que puede tener tu bebé- y cómo resolverlos para que todos puedan disfrutar de un buen descanso nocturno.Cómo calmar a tu bebé y crear un vínculo afectivo seguro con él.Lo que NO debes dar de comer a tu bebé (pista: pueden provocar peligro de asfixia).Cómo afrontar los problemas de relación tras el nacimiento de tu bebé- ¡mantén fuerte su vínculo!.Cómo ayudar a tu bebé a desarrollar su salud mental y emocional en los primeros 12 meses y más adelanteY mucho más.Los métodos que se ofrecen en esta guía tienen base científica y son prácticos, y te darán la confianza que necesitas para criar a tu bebé como el súper papá que estás destinado a ser.Si crees que te resultará difícil ayudar a tu pareja a realizar los cuidados básicos y las tareas domésticas, en el interior encontrarás una hoja de trabajo que te ayudará a organizar las tareas con tu pareja.Los comienzos pueden ser duros al principio, pero todo lo que tienes que hacer es dar el primer paso para equiparte con los conocimientos adecuados. Hoy es el día de empezar a prepararte para la llegada de tu bebé, para que por fin puedas sentirte seguro, preocuparte menos y disfrutar del viaje de la paternidad.

  • av William Harding

    Descifra el código del niño pequeño: Cómo criar a un niño feliz y bien adaptado sin volverte locoMantener el equilibrio entre la paternidad y otras responsabilidades y obligaciones puede sentirse como caminar por la cuerda floja.No te quieres perder los momentos importantes en la vida de tu pequeño, pero tienes que trabajar para mantener a la familia.No tienes tiempo para ir al gimnasio, tener una cita nocturna con tu pareja o simplemente pasar un domingo perezoso durmiendo hasta el mediodía.Y mientras tú pasas más tiempo en la oficina y menos haciendo las cosas que te gustan, a tu hijo pequeño parece que nunca se le acaba la energía, hace berrinches con regularidad y se niega a comer otra cosa que no sean dulces.Amas a tu hijo pequeño más que a tu propia vida, pero sus exigencias son infinitas. Es abrumador y cansado.Pero, ¿tiene que ser tan difícil? ¿Hay alguna forma de ser un padre increíble y al mismo tiempo tener tiempo para ir a pescar o llevar a tu pareja al cine?Por suerte, la hay.No tienes que sacrificar todo tu tiempo por tu hijo y renunciar a las cosas que disfrutas hacer.Por supuesto, aún tienes que encontrar un equilibrio- tu hijo pequeño necesita un padre presente e involucrado.Pero si cuentas con una guía práctica que te ofrezca herramientas y estrategias de crianza realistas, podrás conseguir que tu hijo pequeño, tu pareja y tú mismo estén más tranquilos y sean más felices, con tiempo de calidad suficiente para todos.En el interior de este libro, descubrirás:Cómo disciplinar a tu hijo pequeño con amor y respeto para ayudarle a convertirse en un adulto responsable y empático.Cómo manejar las rabietas de tu hijo pequeño, fomentando al mismo tiempo su independencia y confianza.9 citas de juego divertidas y sorprendentes que desatarán la creatividad y la imaginación de tu hijo pequeño, y desarrollarán sus habilidades socialesDescubre cómo equilibrar el autocuidado con las exigencias de ser padre primerizo con el método T.I.M.E.Cómo dejar de sentirte abrumado y poco preparado con algunas estrategias sencillas que aumentarán tu confianza y te convertirán en el mejor padre que puedas serCómo eliminar el mal olor de enseñar a tu hijo a usar el baño con el sencillo método de las 3 Ps.Y mucho más.Aunque tengas otros hijos y hayas criado a un niño pequeño antes, esta guía te dará nuevas ideas sobre cómo hacerlo más fácil esta vez.Nadie nace preparado para ser un padre de forma natural-es una curva de aprendizaje empinada que te toma por sorpresa.Pero siempre es una experiencia gratificante y feliz, sobre todo si tienes las herramientas y los recursos necesarios para que las cosas tediosas se hagan en poco tiempo y puedas centrarte en el lado divertido de criar a un niño asombroso y fascinante.Si quieres ser un padre seguro de sí mismo y construir una relación fuerte y sana con tu hijo pequeño, desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón "Añadir al carrito" ahora mismo.

  • av Maureen Perry-Jenkins
    275 - 309,-

    How new parents in low-wage jobs juggle the demands of work and childcare, and the easy ways employers can helpLow-wage workers make up the largest group of employed parents in the United States, yet scant attention has been given to their experiences as new mothers and fathers. Work Matters brings the unique stories of these diverse individuals to light. Drawing on years of research and more than fifteen hundred family interviews, Maureen Perry-Jenkins describes how new parents cope with the demands of infant care while holding down low-wage, full-time jobs, and she considers how managing all of these responsibilities has long-term implications for child development. She examines why some parents and children thrive while others struggle, demonstrates how specific job conditions impact parental engagement and child well-being, and discusses common-sense and affordable ways that employers can provide support.In the United States, federal parental leave policy is unfunded. As a result, many new parents, particularly hourly workers, return to their jobs just weeks after the birth because they cannot afford not to. Not surprisingly, workplace policies that offer parents flexibility and leave time are crucial. But Perry-Jenkins shows that the time parents spend at work also matters. Their day-to-day experiences on the job, such as relationships with supervisors and coworkers, job autonomy, and time pressures, have long-term consequences for parents' mental health, the quality of their parenting, and, ultimately, the health of their children.An overdue look at an important segment of the parenting population, Work Matters proposes ways to reimagine low-wage work to sustain new families and the development of future generations.

  • av Angela Bell
    279 - 339,-

  • av Samar Asamoah

    The Prophet Muhammad ¿ said that Paradise is at the feet of the mother. So what about single mothers?If we can look past the stigmas that often exist in some of our communities we can and should embrace our roles as single mothers as another means or opportunity to draw closer to our Creator and truly become the best version of ourselves. Speaking from 12 years plus of single motherhood, Samar delves into this multi faceted role that seems to be increasingly common in the Muslim community. This book is a culmination of her experience and insights from her journey which she hopes will serve as a reminder and encouragement to other single Muslim mothers to find their unique purpose and fulfil it as best they can insha Allah

  • av Madonna lgah-Okoro

    This book includes an effective and comprehensive prenatal care teaching/learning script, along with supportive presentation slides for each lesson, in order to yield utmost guidance for anyone who identifies themselves as a teacher, educator, facilitator, instructor, caregiver, parent, or parent-to-be. The course offers relevant prenatal topics and uniquely interactive sessions. As well, the course is ultramodern in that it can be utilized for both in-person and online sessions. Three powerful sessions are included, with each session being approximately 2 hours long. Expectant persons and/or couples are encouraged to personally use this material to gain knowledge that will allow them to cultivate a healthy and successful pregnancy, as well as a best start for their unborn child. Educational institutions are encouraged to reach out to the author and inquire about using this life-changing material to educate prenatal families everywhere.

  • av Sheldon Thomas
    269 - 375,-

  • av Kenn Stobbe

    Written by a loving grandfather for his two grandsons, Things I Wanted My Grandsons to Know Before I Leave presents a collection of quotes, sayings, snippets, and observations that author Kenn Stobbe believes helped him to live a successful God-centered life.Ken's grandsons were born to his only child, an adopted daughter. The boys became the sons the older man never had; both were born when he was already in his sixties. Today, a combination of school, distance, sporting events limits his one-on-one time to share those things that comprised his moral compass with the boys. Now in his 70s and the winter of his life, Kenn-thinking he would not love long enough to pass any words of wisdom along to his grandsons as they were growing up-decided to write them out instead. His primary objective is to help his grandsons live the same type of life he has himself. As part of this collection, Kenn addresses life, love, commonsense, manners, morals, values, and beliefs, with a sprinkling of his own thoughts and opinions. Some of the entries are humorous, while others are more serious and thought-provoking.Things I Wanted My Grandsons to Know Before I Leave offers a heartwarming glimpse into the character and integrity of one man and into the depth of his love for his grandsons.

  • av Danielle Magionni

    Baby car seats can help your youngster avoid catastrophic injury in the event of an accident. It is the law that all children under the age of twelve sit in the rear seat. This is especially true if your vehicle is equipped with front airbags. Baby gates keep babies and toddlers safe. Remember, they will not be the only ones using the baby gate. Both older youngsters and parents in the house will eventually need to pass through these gates. That is why it is critical that you purchase a gate that is easy to open and close securely. Do your best not to step over the gate, especially if the child being safeguarded is observing. Nothing is more important in this world than your child's safety. It is natural to worry about your newborn at night when you are away, even if he or she is at home with a babysitter or another family member. But don't panic, there is a simple, economical answer to your dilemma. Use a baby monitor. This is a wonderful device that comes in a variety of settings, allowing you to keep track of all of your baby's activities. So, what precisely constitutes a baby monitor? GET A COPY TODAY!

  • av V T Sreekumar

    "Raising Mindful Kids: Techniques for Empathy and Resilience" is a comprehensive guide for parents who want to cultivate mindfulness, empathy, and resilience in their children. This book offers practical strategies and techniques that parents can use to help their children develop these crucial skills, which are essential for navigating the complexities of the modern world.Through engaging storytelling, insightful research, and actionable advice, "Raising Mindful Kids" explores the importance of nurturing children's inner lives and imaginations, fostering strong and supportive relationships, and promoting mindfulness in education. The book also delves into the role of mindful discipline, setting limits with compassion, and teaching problem-solving skills in raising empathetic and resilient children.Each chapter of the book is filled with practical tips, exercises, and real-life examples to help parents apply these techniques in their own families. From encouraging creative expression and storytelling to cultivating empathy and resilience through imagination, "Raising Mindful Kids" provides parents with the tools they need to raise emotionally intelligent and resilient children.Ultimately, "Raising Mindful Kids" is not just a book about parenting-it is a guide for creating a mindful and intentional approach to parenting that fosters empathy, resilience, and overall well-being in children. By embracing mindful parenting as a lifelong journey, parents can create a supportive and nurturing environment that helps their children thrive emotionally, socially, and academically.

  • av Karen Lee Rich-Franklin

    "Cappuccino with Grandma" is a narrative carefully and stylistically presented to reflect beautiful and memorable moments spent with her Grandma. It portrays love shared between Grandma and the Grandchild.It sets a reader on a plane of wanting to experience and feel such loving moments. Interestingly, in the narrator's artistic nature, she employs nice pictorial representations such as Rialto Bridge, City of Venice, San Marco Piazza etc. These memorable pictures make the story appealing, enjoyable, interesting and permanent.The choice of language also is simple and understandable, spiced with figure of speech evidently seen in her unique use of repetition; 'sip, sip' in almost all the tables. This piece will be enjoyed by children.Make available this short story to your child to enjoy the beauty ofstorytelling and feel Grandma's love.

  • av Victor Burke

    You will delve deeper into more than a decade's worth of psychological and sociological research throughout these chapters, as well as your own personal thoughts, experiences, and tales that may help you find the colorful version of you that the world is missing.Just getting people to like you is the first step. Others will be envious of your ability to establish connections with anyone in any circumstance and keep those connections strong while remaining composed under pressure. You'll discover how to:Cultivate a positive mindset that attracts wealth and successDevelop transformative habits that lay the foundation for financial freedomLeverage strategic networking and mentorship to accelerate your journey towards financial successOvercome obstacles and setbacks with resilience and adaptabilitySustain your financial success through long-term planning and continuous growthThe makings of a system for your business's sustainability and growth you can rely on. It is introduced to you in this important and timely book. You have made a wise decision obtaining it. Bolt the door, put away the device and dig in!

  • av Steven Donaldson
    135 - 315,-

  • av Nina Young

    Stop settling and discover your true potential to rise up and shine!Does it feel like your life is dictated by others and different situations that crop up in life? Do you think you are living up to your full potential? Do you want to be successful, but it feels like something is preventing you from achieving the success you desire? Do you want to feel more confident and let go of self-doubt? Do you want to discover your full potential while living a happy, successful, and satisfying life? If yes, then read on and learn more. Girls and young women are often told they need to be everything instead of being told they can achieve anything they want. From fairy tales that glamorize and romanticize the idea of a damsel in distress being saved by a knight in shining armor, to the constant gender stereotypes they are subjected to-women face several challenges. Overcoming them and rising to challenges that life throws your way is important. Finding a balance between work and life is important. Unfortunately, it is more challenging for women than men for different reasons. Whether it's increasing responsibilities or the constant competition with your male counterparts for assuming leadership roles, there are different challenges you need to face. When your ambition is viewed as intimidation instead of inspiration, facing those challenges becomes even more difficult. If you are tired of not living the life you desire, this book will help you discover your potential!In this book, you will learn about¿ Discovering a way out of tough spots¿ Dreaming big and chasing your dreams¿ Not letting people and circumstances define your life¿ Turning the impossible into the possible¿ Practicing positive self-talk¿ Facing failure and overcoming it by turning it into success¿ Understanding your true value and potential¿ Practicing self-love¿ Facing your inner fears and overcoming them¿ The secrets to becoming extraordinary, and much more!Are you excited to regain control of your life and work toward creating a future you always desired? If yes, what are you waiting for? Why don't you take the first step toward this goal today? Grab your copy and get started.

  • av Ashley Blaker

    The heartwarming and hilarious part-memoir, part-guide from comedian and father-of-six Ashley Blaker, tackling parenting, adoption and raising children with special needs.

  • av Ella Bradley
    169 - 305,-

  • av Walter the Educator

    Celebrating the Name Charles belongs to the Poetry of First Names Book Series by Walter the Educator. Collect them all and more poetry books at This book is dedicated to everyone with the first name of Charles.

  • av Angelica Rockford

    YOU ARE.It feels good being close to you, It feels like home, my darling, you are my home You are my Valentine, my darling.You are...You are what I call Home,You are the reason why I come back home,You are the reason I come home,You are my "home," my darling,You are my Valentine 's home,Today I love you, and always will.Thank you for being my Valentine's gift.As a first-time mom or soon-to-be mother, your heart is filled with anticipation for the precious moments to come. "My First Valentine's Day with You" invites you and your little one on a heartwarming journey of love and discovery.Imagine cozying up with your toddler, sharing giggles and snuggles as you explore the wonders of Valentine's Day together. Through charming rhymes and enchanting illustrations, this Valentine's baby book creates a magical world where love knows no bounds.As you turn each page, you'll witness the joy in your child's eyes, the wonder in their smiles, and the love that fills the air. From cuddles to kisses, "Our First Valentine's Day with You" captures the essence of the special bond between mother and child.With each reading, you'll create treasured memories that will last a lifetime. This Valentine rhyming book isn't just a story; it's a journey of love, connection, and the magic of early parenthood.So, snuggle up, dear mom, and let the enchanting words of "My First Valentine's Day with You" fill your hearts with warmth and joy. Together, you'll celebrate the beauty of love, one rhyme at a time.Perfect as a Valentine's Day gift for him, this Valentine's baby book is also ideal for toddlers, making it a wonderful addition to any family library. Whether it's a Valentine's gift baby book from an aunt or a toddler's Valentine's book, this heartwarming tale is sure to become a cherished favorite for years to come.

  • - Delicious and Nutrient-Rich Recipes for PCOS Wellness: A 2024 Edition Diet Cookbook for Improved Fertility and Health
    av Lily Rivers

    Introducing the highly anticipated 2024 Edition of the PCOS Diet Cookbook! Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey toward overcoming Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? Look no further - this comprehensive and cutting-edge edition is here to guide you every step of the way!In this updated version, renowned nutritionist and PCOS specialist, Lily Rivers, dives even deeper into the world of PCOS, harnessing the latest research and insights to develop an easy-to-follow diet plan specifically tailored to conquer this condition. With over 60 tantalizing recipes, this cookbook is a delicious roadmap to take control of your health and regain your vitality.Lily Rivers begins by unraveling the mysteries behind PCOS, debunking misconceptions, and shedding light on its impact on women's lives. Armed with this invaluable knowledge, she then reveals a meticulously designed meal plan, aimed at rebalancing your hormones, boosting fertility, and reducing the symptoms associated with PCOS. From breakfast to dinner, snacks to desserts, each recipe is carefully crafted with nutrient-rich ingredients to nourish your body and delight your taste buds simultaneously.Get ready to savor the mouthwatering flavors and aromatic smells that will fill your kitchen as you whip up delightful dishes like Zesty Lemon Salmon with Asparagus, Creamy Cauliflower Soup, or sensational Blueberry Chia Seed Muffins. Discover how to create delectable meals that are both PCOS-friendly and incredibly satisfying!But the 2024 Edition of the PCOS Diet Cookbook isn't just about delicious recipes. Lily Rivers recognizes the importance of holistic well-being and provides valuable tips for managing stress, incorporating exercise, and achieving hormonal balance. With her compassionate guidance, you will develop a profound understanding of your body's needs and learn strategies to nourish your mind, body, and soul.What sets this edition apart is its innovative approach to meal planning. Lily Rivers introduces the concept of batch cooking and meal prepping, teaching you how to save time and effort while ensuring you always have nourishing meals readily available. Say goodbye to the stress of last-minute meal decisions and discover the joy of planning ahead!Whether you're new to the world of PCOS or have been battling its symptoms for years, this cookbook is an indispensable companion on your journey to reclaiming your health. Lily Rivers expertise, peppered with personal anecdotes and uplifting success stories, will empower you to make meaningful changes and embrace a new, vibrant way of living.Don't let PCOS control your life any longer. Take charge of your health and embark on a delicious adventure with the 2024 Edition of the PCOS Diet Cookbook. Embrace a diet that is not only nutritious but also truly enjoyable. Say goodbye to restrictions and hello to a world of tantalizing flavors and endless possibilities. Grab your copy today and join the thriving community of women who have transformed their lives with the power of food!

  • - Exploring the intricacies of pregnancy-related anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and its impact on you and your baby.
    av Robert Williamson

    Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, a time of joy, anticipation, and dreams for the future. It's a period filled with wonder and the promise of new life. However, for many expectant mothers, pregnancy can also bring forth feelings of anxiety and stress. These emotions are not uncommon, and it's important to recognize that you are not alone. This manual is a compassionate and informative guide designed to accompany you on your unique pregnancy experience. In the pages that follow, we will explore the intricacies of pregnancy-related anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and its impact on both you and your growing baby. But more importantly, we will embark on a journey together to discover natural remedies, self-care practices, and support systems that can help you manage anxiety while safeguarding your well-being and that of your unborn child. Pregnancy anxiety can manifest in various ways, from nagging worries about the health of your baby to general feelings of unease about the impending responsibilities of motherhood. These feelings are entirely valid, but they need not overshadow the beauty of this transformative time in your life. This book is here to empower you with knowledge, strategies, and resources to regain a sense of calm and confidence as you navigate the path to motherhood. While conventional medical treatments exist, we will primarily focus on natural remedies and self-care practices. We believe in the power of holistic approaches that honor both your physical and emotional well-being. From mind-body techniques and dietary adjustments to lifestyle modifications and building a robust support system, you will find a range of options to suit your unique needs and preferences. Additionally, we will explore the critical role of community and partner support during this transformative period. Pregnancy is not a solitary journey but a shared experience with the potential to strengthen bonds and create lasting connections. This book is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns about your pregnancy. However, it is our hope that by the end of this journey together, you will feel better equipped to manage anxiety naturally, embrace the joys of pregnancy, and look forward to the incredible adventure of motherhood with confidence and optimism. Remember, you have the strength within you to nurture both your own well-being and that of your unborn child. You are embarking on a journey filled with love, resilience, and the promise of new beginnings. Let's take the first steps toward nurturing calm within, for you and your baby.

  • av Sara Elizabeth Hall Cajar

    "Embarazo 1.0: Todo lo que necesitas saber como mamá primeriza" es una guía completa y esencial para las futuras madres que se aventuran en la emocionante etapa del embarazo por primera vez. Escrito con un enfoque claro y accesible, este libro abarca desde la concepción hasta el parto, proporcionando información valiosa y práctica para cada fase del embarazo. - El libro aborda temas clave, desde la planificación para la concepción y el desarrollo fetal hasta la nutrición adecuada durante el embarazo y la preparación para el parto. Con un enfoque amigable y tranquilizador, la autora guía a las futuras mamás a través de los cambios físicos y emocionales, ofreciendo consejos sobre cómo mantener un estilo de vida saludable y cómo abordar las posibles preocupaciones. - Además, "Embarazo 1.0" no solo se aborda en los aspectos médicos del embarazo, sino que también aborda temas emocionales y psicológicos, proporcionando apoyo y consejos para enfrentar las ansiedades comunes y las expectativas emocionales que pueden surgir durante este periodo. - Con testimonios reales, consejos de expertos y recursos útiles, este libro se presenta como una guía integral y amigable que empodera a las futuras mamás primerizas para vivir una experiencia de embarazo saludable y positiva. Es una lectura esencial para aquellas que desean navegar por el emocionante viaje hacia la maternidad con confianza y conocimiento.

  • - The importance Of valentine for children and parents
    av Michael J Hays

    Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic love; it's also a perfect opportunity to strengthen the bonds within your family. As parents, nurturing these connections with your children is invaluable. Here's why Valentine's Day holds special significance for children and parents alike: 1. **Celebrating Love in All Forms: ** Valentine's Day teaches children that love comes in various forms, including the love shared between family members. It's a chance to celebrate the unconditional love and support that parents provide to their children, as well as the bonds of siblinghood.2. **Fostering Communication and Understanding: ** Valentine's Day prompts meaningful conversations about love, kindness, and empathy. Parents can use this time to discuss the importance of expressing love and appreciation for one another, as well as the significance of treating others with respect and compassion.3. **Creating Lasting Memories: ** Family activities planned for Valentine's Day create cherished memories that children will carry with them throughout their lives. Whether it's baking heart-shaped cookies together, crafting homemade valentines, or having a family movie night, these shared experiences strengthen the family bond and provide opportunities for laughter and connection.4. **Teaching Valuable Life Lessons: ** Valentine's Day offers parents a platform to impart important life lessons to their children. From demonstrating the importance of showing affection and appreciation to teaching the value of empathy and kindness towards others, these lessons help shape children into caring and compassionate individuals.5. **Reaffirming Love and Support: ** For parents, Valentine's Day is a chance to reaffirm their love and support for their children. It's an opportunity to express gratitude for the joy and fulfillment that children bring into their lives and to show them that they are cherished and valued members of the family.In essence, Valentine's Day provides families with a meaningful occasion to come together, celebrate love, and strengthen the bonds that unite them. By prioritizing quality time, open communication, and acts of kindness, parents can foster a loving and supportive family environment that nurtures growth, happiness, and resilience in children. This Valentine's Day, take the opportunity to bond with your family and create memories that will last a lifetim

  • av Jen Quintana

    A white mother of three, Jen shares her journey toward becoming anti-racist. Believing not being racist was enough, she was shocked when an incident at her child's school showed her it wasn't. She shares the lessons she learned along the way as she moved from a white suburb of Los Angeles with her children enrolled in a mostly white private school to a historically black neighborhood and a racially diverse preschool. In a quick read, she opens up about her experience and enlightement about what it means to parent shoulder to shoulder with people of color.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Postnatal Vitamins, Remedies and Recipes
    av Steven O Forte

    Enter a universe where becoming a mother is a deep, life-changing event rather than only a passing phase. Steven O. Forte's "Nourishing Motherhood" is more than just a manual; it's an ode to holistic health that goes beyond the confines of conventional postnatal care, a symphony of knowledge.An authority on health and wellness, Steven O. Forte leads you in this enlightening book through the complex tango of caring for your physical, mental, and spiritual selves. Entitled "Nourishing Motherhood," this book promises to dive deep into the meaning of "thriving" as a mother and uncover the mysteries of postnatal health in a manner that isn't superficial.Envision a book that helps you navigate your individual path by sharing insights gleaned from real-life experiences rather than merely providing a list of recommendations. In the postpartum period, "Nourishing Motherhood" is there for you every step of the way, sharing in both the joys and the sorrows.This book is really about celebrating nourishment, both in terms of food and lifestyle. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of postnatal nutrition, the poetry of mindful living, or the art of self-care. By urging you to adopt a holistic strategy that tends to your physical, mental, and spiritual needs, Steven O. Forte challenges you to reconsider the traditional ideas of postnatal care."Nourishing Motherhood" has more than simply useful information in its pages; it also exudes compassion and understanding. As a seasoned specialist in nutrition and holistic wellbeing, Steven O. Forte brings a wealth of expertise to the table, offering you with practical insights, evidence-based recommendations, and a touch of inspiration that goes beyond the ordinary.This book stands out because of how much it stresses empowerment. "Nourishing Motherhood" is not about bouncing back; it's about rising, prospering, and blossoming into the woman you were destined to be. It's about reclaiming your well-being as an intrinsic part of your motherhood journey, realizing that your health is not a luxury but a need.As you immerse yourself in the pages of "Nourishing Motherhood," you'll uncover a treasure mine of information - from nutrient-rich meals that not only fuel your body but thrill your taste buds to meditative techniques that bring calm to your soul. It's a comprehensive approach that respects the interdependence of your physical and mental well-being, reminding you that self-care is not selfish; it's a necessary for being the best mother you can be.This book is an invitation - an invitation to move into a new era of postnatal wellness, where each chapter is a stepping stone toward a more vibrant, resilient, and empowered you. "Nourishing Motherhood" is more than a book; it's a guide, a friend, and a beacon of light for every woman navigating the difficult and beautiful road of motherhood. Welcome to a world where feeding is not just a discipline; it's a way of life.Ready to awaken your postnatal radiance? Dive into "Nourishing Motherhood" for compelling resilience, delectable sustenance, and overall empowerment. Seize the glow-Click to order your transformation now!

  • - Libro Con 4 Storie Fantastiche
    av Bamby Bymby

    Il libro contiene 4 storie spettacolari per bambini, storie di magia, fantasticherie di castelli fantasmosi edi robot costruiti da un bambinoMolto carino e educativo

  • - Navigating the journey of becoming a parent
    av Nora C Karg

    This book's subject matter dives into the complex experience of being a parent, including the excitement of having a kid, dealing with the rewards and difficulties of raising them, and acknowledging the special relationship that exists between a parent and their offspring. The reader is led through all the important factors in each chapter, from planning for pregnancy and delivery to supporting their child's growth and building a solid parent-child bond. Reflection on the pleasures and significant anniversaries of parenthood is encouraged, as is the significance of self-care for parents. Ultimately, the book is a helpful tool that encourages and guides both first-time and seasoned parents as they set out on the life-changing journey that is raising a kid.

  • - Essential Tips for Expecting Mothers: Empowering Expectant Moms with Evidence-Based Guidance for a Safe and Confident Pregnancy Journey
    av Peggy P Rexford

    Discover the ultimate guide to a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy journey with 'How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy 101: Essential Tips for Expecting Mothers.' Packed with evidence-based advice and expert insights.This comprehensive book equips you with Essential tips to optimize your health and well-being during pregnancy. From Nutrition and Exercise Prenatal CareStress ManagementLearn how to Reduce RisksFoster healthy habits, and prepare for the joys of parenthood. Empower yourself with the knowledge and confidence needed to navigate this transformative experience with grace and assurance. Whether you're a first-time mom or adding to your family, this invaluable book is your trusted companion every step of the way. Embrace the journey to motherhood with vitality, vitality, and peace of mind."

  • - 7-Day Meal Plan Nutritious Recipes to Support Your Fertility Journey with Hormonal Balance, Pregnancy Nutrition, and Fertility-Boosting Foods"
    av Julie D Colburn

    LEARN HOW TO COOK A 7 DAYS NUTRITIOUS MEAL PLAN RECIPES, TO SUPPORT YOUR FERTILITY JOURNEY Are you on a fertility journey and looking for a comprehensive guide to nutrition that can support your IVF treatment? "My IVF Diet Cookbook: Nutritious Recipes to Support Your Fertility Journey" is your go-to asset for delightful and nourishing recipes intended to improve your chances of coming out on top. Targeted explicitly for people going through IVF treatment and fertility imbalance, this cookbook offers a cautiously organized assortment of recipes that emphasis on giving fundamental supplements, supporting hormonal balance, and advancing generally speaking prosperity. Whether you're getting ready for IVF, going through treatment, or recuperating post-strategy, this book is customized to meet your nourishing requirements at each phase of your fruitfulness journey.What separates this cookbook is its comprehensive way to deal with fertility nourishment. Beyond recipes, you'll track down significant experiences into the role of nourishment in IVF achievement, including the significance of explicit supplements, dinner arranging tips, and way of life suggestions. Every recipe is insightfully made to taste perfect as well as offer the wholesome help your body needs during this crucial time.Inside, you'll discover: Nutrient-dense breakfast ideas to start your day with energy and balance.Wholesome lunch recipes that sustain you through the day.Satisfying dinners that provide essential nutrients for optimal fertility.Healthy snacks and treats to satisfy your cravings without compromising your nutrition.Hydrating drinks and beverages to keep you well-hydrated and nourished.Special dietary considerations for those with gluten-free, dairy-free, or other dietary restrictions.Weekly meal plans to help you prepare and stay on track with your nutritional goals.With its practical approach and delicious recipes, "My IVF Diet Cookbook" helps you take control of your fertility journey through nutrition. Whether you're looking to increase your chances of conception, support your body during IVF treatment, or enhance your overall well-being, this cookbook is your go-to companion. Don't let your diet be a barrier to your fertility goals. Embrace the power of nutrition with "My IVF Diet Cookbook" and take the first step towards a healthier you. Your journey to parenthood starts here.

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